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... TII ART JOURNAL for March. London: .1alns S. Virtuse; Belfast: J. ahrton, Warilg Street. Ix this month's number we lhave three very superior line engravings- The Misers, fr;om Quentin Matsys' painting, now in the Windsor Castle collection, en- graved by 11. Bourne; 1 Thu Cow Doctor, engraved in Cousen's best style, from the picture frons the peteil of Tscheggany now in the Osborne House ...

Court and Fashion

... court? A? ,ftstiou ??i. 'oONmE, Marc n and Prince Con-.. sort wailked out this-inorning. The Queen and Princess 'Leiningen wvill arrive to- day on a visit to her Majesty. THE XDINBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MAIRCH 14, 1860. TO CORRElSPONIDEXTS. No notice can be taken of anonymous communications. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the Writer; eot ...


... XLIITARY BOOKS. Six closely printed columns of the Times were occupied on Thursday with the names of peaceful gentlemen and men of business who attended her Majesty's Levee as newly-created officers of Volunteers. The determination to be at once forewarned and forearmed against the chance of war appears as distinctly in our current literature as in the incidents of daily life. There is a ...


... MA~RCH. (Fre. a he Poetoy of S~priig by, Goody'a Ba-aby.) Thy ~~'oMarc lis ringing loud and clear; TyhiIa te UOs tones of wrath, I hear; Drivjngthrough heaven, thouwlyogchrte! ThyoJfi Slashes en, and naught impedes its circling course, through the sky's aure meads, iairi wheeled, cloud compassed and with aery steeds. Fred upon wind, in winged strength they fly; Their proud necks archingZ, ...


... i arid The annual meeting of the members of this society Dav was held on Saturday afternoon at the Public Sales- liabl rooml Liverpoeol andI London-chambers, Higzh-street. tha Mr. .eL~cester, who pre~sided, called upon Mr. Joseph be Boult, the seoreta-y, to reat the mintites of the pro- arM ce~edings of tihe society, and also the following £16 report:- des, Tho council of the Liverplool ...


... I All that can be urged against the profanation of religion in re- sorting to theatres for the offices and propagation of faith, with the iocongruity of ideas and feelings engendered in the mind by such practices, with what the upholders of religious expediency advance in maintaining the employment of airy place ande any ?? for the good work, has been already said and tediously repeated; we ...

Published: Sunday 11 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 953 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... £I2'EJtA TURE. Ilon or, eke Romance of Monte Beni. Li , nolts.iTw'iOim, author of 1The ~ tr Londtton Smith and Elder, I hoar ccqutainted with Mr. liaw-i ?? must be anxious to hear teew onle which hag recently been ts t the sarne timie, the pectuliar charm j L ~ ?? writings consists so little either I 1t u~nidenit, or Iincharacter, that it i,3 diffi- i~ A ?? n wods ay a-curate implresision of ...


... LITBRA TURE. I Hunting Songs and Nfiscellaneotis Ferses. By I.E. EGEBR'ON WARBURTON. Longman. This book is full to the covers of verse which is indisputably good. It is good as verse, and its spirit is of that sound, hearty character that nobody can mistake, std that very few will object to. The author's hope, expressed in a preface, that the songs may be the mneans of encouraging, in some ...


... gavidoniatthe: NID mARW WNAXTH. bftpedig; Mr. Joho c 50cawtA Jowl, &op, Cilcr. ait, ar vnadsu to WO, xr. ,hJ , r Nid marc wnaeth owl newid byd, A newid dull o r; Imfudiaeth ydyw anten 'r maint AcnidmarwolGUyA u : Tros Raetor tonog angeiL aetb, I arall fyd, nid marw wr;4eft. Nid marw wnaeth ond rhoi ffarwel, I ofid, riom, a gwne; Ing a gortbhrmder. trolled dw, Ni ddaw i'r wla lie Data; I wynfyd ...


... THE SCRAP-BOOK COLUMN A PARISEAN FA tm INE 1590.-The soup caldr which in some of the streets were yet maintained donations from the authorities, were filled with loath some substances such as the exuvoe of animals mice rats, leather; even human blood mingled in te horrible compound. Little cakes were exposed for sale, made of rye mingled with powdered slate; whit, bread sold for a gold crown a ...


... F A D I N G A W A Y ! [Lines written in Canada by a brother, on hearing of the death of a boloved sister in Ireland, January, 1859.] FADING away, like a fair rosc of Summer, Whose fragrance remains the' its beauty bc gone: No star in Life's future, and Death the fortheomier Will sunulon theo swiftly, my sweet cherished one. Fading away, ere the snows of December Hlave vanishled to call forth ...


... . k Tlki f 018 F, - - -0- Colonel Repton's Daughters. A Tale of Eveqryday Lifei. By CAROLINS lcaxris, Author of Under t the Lime-trees, rc. London: Booth. The wisdom of close and concise writing which we have in these colunins so often urged upon authors of fiction, in opposition to that miserable fashion which requires the most prenreditated dilu- tion to obtarin notice for their ...