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... a?eif-IIeljs: scitle flftietatione of Character rend C'ondecl. ar 1% ,3'tnuel milesAuthor oIf. Th e Life of. George Ste- heL 70 P Yi. e' Ed4ition, revised andelcrd-JMu-t rosy, Albemarle-street, London. In _bi this work the author 61 the popular biography of George at Stephenson has produced one of tihe best books of its kind in t thle language, illustrating tbe'difficulties of onward progress ...


... CLING TO THY MOTHER. Cling to thy mother; for she was first To know thy bidding, and to feel thy life; lhoe hope of thee through manya pang she unrsed; And, when 'midst anguish like the parting strife, Her babe was in her nrms, the agony Was all forgot, for bliss of loving thee. BIe gentle to thy mother; Iong she bore Thine infant fretfulness and silly youth; Nor rudely scorn the faithful voio ...


... DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. AT TtE . FINE ARTS' ACADEMY. Notwithstanding the unpropitious character of the weatlier on -Thursday there was a : very numerous attendance to witness the Tdistribution of prizes; at the Fine Arts' Academ5, more especially of the fair 'sex. As the advertisement stated the drawing -would take place in the rooms of the life model.department, thither the holders of tickets ...


... vairg. TO GARIBALDI. ON with thy heroes, thou brave Garibaldi, Italia's champion for freedom and right, The great God of battles, Ills justice'shall guard thee, Though few be thy numbers and fierce be the fight. What though the hordes of a despot oppose ye, They arc slaves, and they fight for the e hains which they wear; They will fly when they see thy true patriots approaching, With Liberty's ...


... - * oftrg. WHY SO SAD?-A SoXG Wny so sad? Does sunshine never Warm your heart and light your way? Do the clouds of winter ever Darken all life's passing day? Times of gloom must sometimes hover; Rains must fall, and tempests rave; Nliht must earth and heaven cover; Wild must be the wintry wave. Why so sad? Thel sun is living Still behind yon cloudy raek Stars their glittering llgnt are ...


... ONE BY ONE. Onu by one the sands are floming, One by one the momenta fall Some rwo eouming, some are goilg; Do not strive to grnsp theo ali. One by one thy duties wait thee, Lot thy whole strength go to each; Let no future dreams olate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach. One by one (bright gifts from Heaven) Joys are sent thee here below; Take them readily when given, Ready, too; to ...


... Ia, xlfql[afqt. 4 Sett The Cornhsill Mlagazine. No. 7.-Snmith, Elder, & Co., 65, seet Cornhill, London. afte Tinu excellent geueralship with which Mr. Thackeray rallies A his forces, enables the Cornhill publishers to be ready betimes nonr with their large impression, and the July number-the first of win, den] the second volume-is already in our Iands. A great feature of wseh thecontents is ...


... -vatra. LIGHT FOR ALL. You cannot pay with money The million sons of toil- The sailor on the ocean, The peasant on the soil, The labourer in the quarry, 'The hewer of the coal; Your money pays the band, But it cannot pay the soul. You gaze on the eathedral, Whose turrets meet the sky; Remember the foundations, That in earth and darkness lie: For, were not these foundations So darkly resting ...


... TEIE WIFE'S SONG. Forget not ' Thou didet breatbh a vow, Tint aye witlth tbe0wY evening star Thv heart would seek its home,-and thou Wouldsl love and bless us from afar. Behold-the ovening star doth shino,- Thy flower, the rose, is dewy wet I and thy childron (thbne and mineS Forgoet thee not:-doat tlon forget? 'Forget not, husband of my heart! The words thou left'st have been a oharm: 'They ...


... HOLSWORTHY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETYI - - . . I ?? -I -- VPAA t The sixth annual exhibition of stock wshl ?? The attendance, notwithstanding the very unsettled state 0 ia the weather, was good, but the show of animals deficient both' Noi in quantity and quality. The Judges ?? Sheep, Catfle,.I adSht3I3eqpi.5hearng-Messrs~ rotter (IThorverton), Bodley yea (StockleighPonieroy). nd Snow (Baunton) ...


... TH' Two Grx& Co;AMNiENTs. By Dr. Candlish. L6ndoo: Nelson. It I' eeldom our fortune to meet with a' work, on. the dutes 'of 'religlon, which brings them home so powerfully to u meus business and bosoms I as the Two Great Command- ments:` T he twelfth chapter of the Romano, which foroe the groundworkc of 'the volume, and which, from its piece Immediately after the profound toachings of the ...


... ig (Front, Le Folfet.) is, Summertoiletisno longcramatterlof prophlecy. Thebright I and genial weather with which we have lately been favoured has enabled the fashionables of Paris to display their tastc to the best advantage, in adopting the light and clegant materials prepared for the present season. At present, for out-of-doors' dress, silks of a light shade have been mostly wore, and ...