... COURT OF QUIEEN'S BENCH. -FRIDAY. GORDON V. THE NOET3 STAFFORDSHIBE HnlLWAY COMPANY. This was a special case for the opinion of this Court, and whichr aised the question whether the plaintliff was entitled to recover in the action which he had brought against the North Staffordshire Railway Company for damage done to bis trucks by the alleged negligence of' the company. It was stated in the ...


... THE POLIO COURTS. WORSHIP-STRME. Charles Douglas, 25, a cabinet-maker, was charged before Mr. Knox with stealiuga box contain ing 891. in gold, together with a quantity of wearingj appael, the money and ?? Lewis Gibh ,aca elr h icmthatc acionnce with this cms are am~uer Itappe a maed Cook, living at No. 1, Welon -treets road, has several lodgers, amon# whom were the propaputor and the prisoner ...


... POLICA IJTELLIGBNCE-YESTERDAY. MANSION-HOUSE, JOn Hart was brought up on remand, on a charge of stealing a chest of tea from a van in Crutched-friars, the property of Mr. West, carman, Savage-gardens. It appeared from the evidence given on a former occasion, that a man named Trower, while in Crutched-friars, cn the 20th inst., beard an alarm that a chest of tea had been stolen, and on looking ...


... - E W - 7N -TELL E . LW INTELLIGENCE. ,a of AT NOTICES.THIS DAY. iter, ~ROLLS COURT, CEANCERY-LANE. ster N) ATO-For judgmienit: Hamiltonv,'.1ills. blotions. Causes, in C. : Stansfield B- Iatsford- Cordery v. Young-Cooper ?? cith Maconal-Rloales v' Blrd-suxniss v. Stepr-Wilkinseon v-. orn- ?? v. Tetrrel-Jones v-. Evans-Chsetrrypst v. Biar- four clay. Mr. VICE-CHA'NCELLORSS' coFIITS, LtNvCOLN's, ...


... PO;ICE ]YTELLICE-YiDAE !occcr- BOW-STREET. j was rough cupinedseiy, ?? keenreaddfel k 1l-5th instant, and Lo?/s i,:& sopeareti in discharge of bail i (front the same da.). ton a o ha:se o lf poe et-pihc:1,tg in an om~nibus. Ab man named Fre eric Beayv,n, statedrto be the brother of Ruth fluycxn, was charg ed in the titst Ntance, but being adm itted to the. saute h all wth his ?? had not ...


... I FLAW ,COURTS-SSATURDAY. 1 the' ' ?? ' .CURT OF. 0ANCER'Y, I ai The Lord Cbaniceilor eat for a short time, and dis- of posed of, poue petitions under the 15th section, and a gna few duiwiporettlx otlos. ich Dve ; ROLS COURT. Ing O'lel v. X/onueidn.-ThIs cease arose on the con- 27, Btrucon 'Of a claase In' the will of a Mir. O'Neill made rm, ii the year 1842, by which he bequeatheo a sum of ...


... II PETTY SESSIONS.-~WEDNESDAY LAST. (Before Mr. B. Parker acid Mr. W. H. WOOd.) ALLEOHI) TRESPASS IN PljRSUIT. OF GAME. IMPORTANT CASE. LMESE OF GAME It. TENA5T FAR.MER. James Halstead, farmer, of Dobson Syke, was summoned for trespassing In pursuit of game, on the 5th January, on 1ands the game right of which ist claimed by Mr. W. Finder, of Marsden Rall Retreat. Mr. A. Baldwin, of Burnley, ...


... DISTRESS I13 THE IETROPOLIS. At the Mansion-hiouse Police-court yesterday the follow- Eut- log donations wore received fur the poor-box :-C. M., se. k-Messrs. Robert end Christopher Milbum, £10 10s. ; Messrs. Chaplin and Horne, £5; lien in the Employment of Messrs. iws, SneWton and Brother, £1 2o.; Young, Mo1n at Welch and l7, Jeffreys', l0s. ; Assistants at Mossrs. Hamilton, Adams, and vaei ...

Law Intelligence

... MLat_ intelfigenlt ?? NOTIOES-THIs DAY. t COURT OF QEANCERY, LINCOL'S.1 'IN. t AT 10).-BEIFOflE THE LORD CHANCELLOR AD LORD) JUFTICE a1 TURuNE.-Appeal : xennerv. M1crrls. BEFORE THE LoaD C9AI~cELLoE.-Appeal: Wade v. Jenis pu er.ROLLS COURT, CHEANCERY-LANAE. . AT lo.-Causes, &c.: Attorney-General v. Jesus College, Ox.t ford, part ?? v. Wiikinson-Mariball v. Marshall- I Whitford v. ...


... XIDDLESEX SESSIONS. TUESDAY. -e A MoDBRN JACE SHEPPARD.-Tho7Zs Andrews, de- _Y scribed in the calendar as a cabinet-maker, was indicted for unlawfully attempting burgeariously to break and enter e the dwelling-house of Wm. Graves, with intent to steal S goods, &a. Mr. Metcalfe, instructed by Mr. Beard, pre P seouted. This prisoner was known as a kind of modern Jack Sheppard, having broken ...


... POLICE INTELUGNCE. MANSION.HOUSE. DSOIDEBILY GDAEDS.-John Edgar, a private in ibe grenadier guards, was charge,] with the followiag outrageous conduct :-It appeared from the evidence of Mary Ann Dean and her husband, that while they 'were passing along Hoaundsditch on their Way from capel, the prisoner, who was very drunk, threw a piece of glues at Mrs. Dean, and when she remon. atrated with ...


... THEE RISS OIIRYOSON nItOM OuR OWN B1ORTE R.J0 , di it; - * ;; RISCA, THUaSnAY` )r. The inquiry was continued yesterday' after my despatohl di Le left. ' 3 ''JamesThomas, a4clerkin theservice of the Risca Coal; - r and Iron Company, deposed that the daj'ifter the explosion 3f he was 'at thK Nbw Bridge End Inn, and heard the wiiless 'P 'ohn Thomas (who in his evidence had said his stall wss in n ...