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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... BAZAAR ins aid of the Fund for the erection oof DONNYoROOK NEW CHURCH. At the Drawing of Prizes halt in the Rotundo on last evening the following numbers obtained prizes:- First Prize-A suite of Drasingroom Faroiotre or 610. Andrew Carberry, Esq, Bet NQonato, Quenstown, No, of ticket. 62508. Second PrIze-An eleotroplited Tom Srtco Tnorz or. Mr Doa, Portl Nomn. No. of ticket, 14804. Third ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION i AILY AND ECLNASE G S 9RE CI MONSIEUR VINAY, from Pari5, Frfteaor of Frenob Ills opened at bglii, ijci3EnET. No'. INORTHEILEASTET (One deer from scoerc. DIaly and Eyening F'rench Classes for Ladies and Gontle. rOoo. Alsoe Chep Daily? Fiaccb Clse for Chillron of both Sescr (under si0fln). ston) I Claus overy Monday, Wodnes- dlaY, tnd FridaY-in^:r re~ices French Jeurnsla from Paris, ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EAT99 ROYAL, DUBLIN. This (Ais Wednesday) Evening, the Theatre will be ciffloD.eT0 MiORROWf (Tlsriady), February 11, the perfor, rmrcels wtil comnmece with tho admired Dramo of TlbI MAID OF CROIssrY or. Theresa'. Vow.-Sergeant Aus- terilitr, Mr Hunirsly I WSlt4i bDicier, Mr Wllr2t t FraDCI;, Mlr S Beecroft; Theresa, Miss Katherine Rodgers * Nenette, Mrs BalknelbaW. Toconecldo with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Lant Night but Two of the) Pantomimem TIllS EVENING (Wednesday), February 17tb. the psrlor. Toances will commence with an entire new Drams, by 11 T. Craven, entitled MIRIAK'S CRIME.-iufnlu, Mr Odell; Ber- nard Roynoldo, Mr S Baneorft; Clarkson Bilea, Mr Willmot; acs nmlev, Mr Huntley- Daniel, Mr.O ynsiette; Miriam Weet, atlas Rodgero; tire Ithy, Mrs Uuutley. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. IL THIS EVENING ('Wodnesday), Feb. 24th, the perfor. onresi'sll- ?? time in this theatre), Toer Tayler'e celebrated DreltaincldTJE THICKET-OF.LBAVE MAN-Robert Brierlyi l' (Boancraft; James DaltoD, Mr L Winmot; Ilawbehaw, Ur F Bontley; Melter Mos, Mr Odell; Green Jones, Mr Owyonettie; Mr Gibson, Mr Bodgwick; Sam Willoughby, Mrs Burkhinbow; May Edwards, Miss IK Rodgers0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. A. WALKERE, Foreman and Manager for tilh lost fifteen years to tho late W M. THOMPSON, of DAME-STRE ET, CUTLER TO TIHE QUEEN, AND SUIIRICAL INSTRUMENr MAKER, Brga respectfully to Inform his friends, the cuntomers of th0e late W. Thomson, and the public, that he hls now opened tho eetablsbment,t Nto o.8 NASSAU STREET, with a new and weil-assorted Stock of General Cutlery and Electro plated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. L Uw MUION FIRE, AND LIFE U WL INSURAN'CE COMPANY. CiHIEF OFFrIcee-126, CHANCERY-LANE, WC. Subscribed Capital-One Million Storlig. The Fire and Lifo Departments are under one managoefnt, but with separate Fmuds end Accounts. CuHAsrsA-Sir WILLIAM FOSTER, Brt. r DIrtjTr CeisisRHAs-Mr. Sergeant MANNiNG, 4 L. LSEriAnslay-FRANK M'OEDY. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Capital £750,000, in ?? to teb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CA B .A N A4 a I G A R S- C We bave Just ?? flro Bonda few Case 0oftOs beautiful Clgare CABANA'S FIRST Bi0ND.i C They are rich In quality and ?? In flavotr, 55vol. asoan- soleotura GO much prize, yet Aind te dimeult to ?? Officers And other Gentlemen, who havo beon paying OX- travagaut peiees for Cigars, ac,. would do well to favour us viith a call. Alsoonbhands UForoignToaccoo bthe growth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS47CIREREMINI M811 AMlsEREsmiNIME[, 1IR WENTO MORL &li .LE 8,01110W Friay) Feruay 0 184, t I ?? In tho Afornlig. Tue Archbi~hop, attended by hii Canones la their Ilobaos will pirisido. _ _ _ _ _ _ rg~}jj~ DRAJR1(Gto defray the exponoeo of . the Gas F~itig iA I Rethaillnes Church is unavoidably 1'0ST2'ON4Ei till jitter Eat1t0r. H. COLLIERI, C,.C Fubroar 8,IT 10. ~rOTICE.-1n consequence of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irEBATBE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T SEVENTH GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT. For the convenalose of persona residilng at a distance and tac Juvorillo Briancho of Families, tiia performanews will CO0n- ereco at 3DVon o'CioCh, and be sO arranigod that the 'anto- mblui will toroilnate by Hait past Nine0 o lsork, and the por- for siaceL carclude by A Qnarter past Ten o'Clock. On THIlS EVENING (Tuesday), February 9, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Steam Dredge Boat. FOR SALE BY AOCTION without RH- F SERVE), on WEDNESDAY, March 2, 185t, 1got account of the Wicklow Copper Mining Company (after the Sale of V.essels On account Of the Iialloat Board), The STEAM DSBDOR BOAT, now lying In the Coatom Houlto Decks, Dubln., a mater; Condensdng BStam EngIne, 28 loch cyllader 2 9 t srxoie Two DoIlera, 4 0l dlameter, 14 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLYCERINE q0UGII MIXTURE is now acknowledged the best and safest Remedy ?? the Cure of every opocies of Cough, whether arising from bronchial, mucus Irritation, or actual disease In theg Lung itself. A few doses rolieving the most severe Cosgbl In Bottles, at Od. I, and 2s eacb.-W. LEDOtG EtSiON, 8s, IIENPY-STREET. LEGAL POSTINGS. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY AND INaO1Y6VECYr IN BANKRUPTCY. In the ...