Advertisements & Notices

... OlNR SHILLJG ADVEiRTIMgMEENTU hea s o AdverwmC~ents coming ?? the gonena1 head of 4'Watllt0 sOIS SH3 uIING for twenty-f our WorAs ant S8W i3 for every &W ln ton wordii. Tb aU x~oty o fiuied to such ?? * wre prep Retmi~ttloe may be =%de In Postage ffiiteaednbr9fia be DISOS an Old-established GOLD and SILVER BUSINES, withfirst-class sonnoutlon. .~uiain bout£000 Conbe rduce to 300Address by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13 RND & CO., as Agents ?? O lot oissnlald, LtmltAd are oPc: * T ?? OR o II~M sp~~ Drafts on the Colony., ie~ ~blethreTems aybeknown on tl~ retie ~ May.1883 ~~5dP OESTO AUSTRALIA, SMI~oytsRE on tiS nt MELBOURNE II ?? A~lANUUAWT RE oAN,& are leaneod ~~ At~B ~~trie trims by ~the R ALBANK of 1 ?? of theR Srectors, Londrhi n..B.C.o 5fede~ll i~1~~00LAOIAN PETROLEUM Copne c,1862, by which p 0il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Poling soddits. ATRIOTIC PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. Thomas U aT h, Et P Kitchen, Esq.;,Janie3 Cooban, ca slew, Esq. ?? e Shares. £10. EtaneI er o thshr e The Directors confidentl reomed tche Societot. persons who are seekigasfanprltblivemnt TXhe Monthly Maeetnsaehl ?? monthb, fren, Si ?? h eeiga h Officeef th.oMaager, 2 ot ?? may he taken daily n roonlSS raylfonaif obrafd2 JO WHITi~ Manager. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C- tr~1lxe Tby-sith Thousand, post So, price S~d read~v: 7r. 6d, .rSq MODERN HOUSEWIFE i leceipts for the Economic and Judiciou ?? . Meal of the day, and for the Nurser; i W rsoofr By th e late ALEXIS SOxER. With Illustra ;on 000 'i tile hoods of every keeper of a ikitelsen an lid alie -Lancet. it ?? koingdom_. olt sher I Also, by the same Author, - .0B' GASTRONMIIC REGENERATOR oe f co,' ery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3Y. HcER k JF: ST Y'S ROYAL LETTERS rATENT. C THE TEETH. OsteoEidon, Messrs. Gabriel's Specialite. HE numerous advantages, such as comfort, T purity of materials, economy and freedom from pail- obtainable hereby, ale explained ill Mcssrs. GABRIEL'S pamphlet on the Teeth, just published, free by post, or gratis q on application. Messrs. GABRIEL, THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, 27, HARLEY STREET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ArREAT SPRING CLEARING SALE 'A OF IRONMONGERY AND COTLERY. 1s0313ter Grates, So. Gd. Set l'aplor Macho Trays, 10a. 6d. Oven.Grato . e..13.6d New Plt torn ConlIVaSoo, 6o. GII, Pseler~nder, S~d. alvniO~ Fot Bths, 39. ATAME COVLS A d Nickel Silver. .N.B.-Tho Shizp~in soppliod at W~holosale Prices. IRE anid BURGLARY PREVENTED by J' PERRY & 8ONB' FIRE & THIEF-PROoF BAFES, wch saw equl In quamlty to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... buifc Notices. I5EEDpIS CAS LIGHIT COMPANY.- J 5O,1CI; is bereby given, that thle Ordtioaay GIENJRAL MILKT- thle jPre)prit0r, cc the Leedol Gas Lighct Cjompany will be held INC( he, j,~ej,,-,cvn lap cif Fcebruary instanti. cat twelvo 00. cdstt I ?? 01~licEI3,No. ll Boati-laneo, Leeds, I, i coco at Lire -c~ice i j~iserof 'faxisr will be closed On the Ith instant, a~~~ ~V. 0. RAPIER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICIL. lV ROLIT, the huitband of Sarah Rolf wbose maien nania vwa cab Wilden, sill netbe anewerbis ?? blat~ih C'am e arnestly requnested to write to H , ILramnedi tly. Yoa bare lost Ra near relative., Address,, tiP'allwitre~t, rtin. tMr, Lendsn ,-~*EEELANT, 7-Aioklfld Oles.andCanterbury, glit- gAES OF.QcbeadPois 65NRAN OV L5 tAmDS Poergola fCreSh, For the Pirnt Settlement of that Part of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR READERS. for the ijformation of readers and Advertisers, wo publigh the following figures, showing the cir- r3ulation 6f the Daily Post, and its rapid growth during the last few years Dafiv 161U. Twelve Months endlng Der,, 1859 ?? 14,977 ,, t, ,, 18i62 ?? 18,748 ,, ,, ,, 1863 ?? 21,1 51 Ihe great increase during tie past year is the, more remarkable, as it has occurred in the face of a; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RET URN TIOREDTSbetwoon Glasilowa digverpool, t Cabin 2fs., avaliable for a Mouth. STEAM COMMUNICATION BRZTWEYEN LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW, L. CALLING AT GRRZNOOK. Ualw preve5ted by any usforeseOU oceurrence, the under- aoted or other Steamers are intended to oail (with or without pilots) between LIVERPOOL Ond GLASGOW. with Goods end Psengers, asunder:- I These new oteasnshnves ien~ api.Bi ex., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RETURN ?? d l -l - IO 8 bl- CATION l BETWEEN LRPO GLASGOW, 0ALZING40ATGRJMOOK. Vale~epreveted b 6toSeitmtt,ihe zunder- aYufOU ssnded to sai1 (with or noted or other 8 Immem lERO0L and l GL aOw, without pilon)M b ae und&- Wit Goodsleand ' sssasvlnCap. BIIycr- did ?? p.D-ll-1E,. pNGUIN I g ° a. - 1BAGLE (coW buhdiglloz Ir OM LAR yg D *Tbmtd , f~eb.i 18, at 7 p m- OSTIH .. .. nday Feb. Ti, at 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1!7F, ~ITINE .-T he largest Stock, the tA TDVedDt Desigtns, 30,OCO to chooso from, at ' 3,a T, 1V. HALL'S, IT.ER AND BOOKSELLER. SjAT 37-DALTSTREET-37. Rfel3 ,AlE NTI N ES. T THOMPSON respectfully in- d%1 0~res his pntrofl and friends that his STOCK IvJ } T# Orthe f ,re30et season is no0w ready, and will fod tnrvoe'rn respect equal to that of any former year. Oivrmf3l5 15, 17, ELLIOT-STREET. ...