Advertisements & Notices

... Xjpalltoo to i B~2 THE NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION TH COMPANY (Limnited). JLoadilg berth west ride Bramldey.Mooro Dock, ThoeurodefllOted or ot het lrt-cirO ~tieanshipe aro intended c LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK ALTERNATElS 'UESDAY, a.iisng at QUEENSTOWN on the day following to embark Paruengere:- Tons, a LOUISIANA . 219 ?? Capt. SX LLIE. VIRGINIA ?? CaPt. GRACE. PENNSYLVANIA ?? ?? Capt. UItLLilURN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThIS DAY. This Diyy Idonde (y), the 1s Fbrura t olok, at the CottOn Srleroom, e 1M0 Balce Eas olaWO lat Apply to PEIRKINS &ruttlrO o'clBock, at ThGi fr-y IMO'(lay), the lt Fobruao5tT at Four o'loek, at Thi 16 'At~dthe Cotton Sateroom., 7C0 Bales Fast India WOOL. Anrd on itureday, the 6th of Febriur'2 . at Two. co0 yales Turkey. Eo ptaO Gleorgian. &o., WOOL. Alply to EDMUND BIUCKLEY. Wood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... URTVFIDAY Y7NING CONETS S011CERTHALL, JOal)E LON-S)THREE. 10?4 ONE NIIHT ONLY. THIS DAY),,,.EVE3~r~NING, FlB. L FE D. F ENNA il ;AnD mU8i1'AL SITERTA'tNKENT LNTITLrD piBDIN AND HIS SONGS. D1 8 *ven onrlosti,l HM.N8 Britannlas), IRecitaton, DIB1N aes Poet, ?? ,,itl tiĀ°trer of I tlsnsrd Vioterlour Na d y. Mg Ii'Ailu-.UIt;E -- MadausePENNA. Bod, Id, fii.e OSleallerfes, 6d.; Reserved Seats, Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE of REMOVAL-SELLING OFF.- I N 210. Regent-strtet, W.A'A. I8%DLEY and Co.. ?? di. gled of the lesse of thelr ?? to Wbeter ktdOin., of the nult will remove in larch to the Bulhinton 1u0i1t020 Galle es, 88, Cowdult-street, which Am Inch mmWIKSmIvI Iin the mantie the whole eft th alnabili and saly gaOC f pURNiTUR mantd he DRAPOSID OF. ama it will be offend to sapitb varteety ofsnalase= razl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REGISTRATION OF piRTIIS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. NOTICE. AVING RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS FOR tbo farnislling of Engraved Brass and Zinc Platesg with legistlars' llname, houra3of attendance, &e., parties can be supplied, at tho shortest no- leel'Y Q GEORGE L. HILL, Ex:on WrEl, &A., 9, CASTLE STREET, BELFAST. eattY orders from Registrars will please have tbe bours of attendance written distinotly, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O -VD.By NORMAANTMACLEOD, D.p. one of 11cr Mitilety's Chseplains. ,- tj~lt3B11 or,' Sntretly confecsee that he has. 'oil a ecolem for 111s Reid as tiss led him once, in ,1ver l5' tto0to a throuo of grace, socking Salve-. Y1115ldE Obe Scripture evidence of being II' h~P0 ome to nho~ls of the Scripture evidenco ne 50 'soreer, that lie knowe and feels his I ~ of vil endof (langer: then I ask Such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S AVINGS BA NK. Ay T us ANNI4TJAL MtEETING of TRUSTEES A sA M-)ANAGEjRlS, held at tole Dank, in Qatunor Street this S2tI Jjssnsry, 1004. iprecenit MSit. D. LUCAS s1e ?? Cusins; Tilst lor'. P. AT7. Sniwthe, the licv. 11. IT. Rose; Messrs. J. A. Camp ,,lI. 'I 'A Piro, It. 1i. Cadbisry, J. ?? Huirton, W. M. Lighitfoot .lehU ?? l'srry, J84. Holton, P. H0. letnlaoa, John Manly, jun ,_bast .relh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OnEoNS, MUEMETS &. IfoNDAY, February 1. jleetill, of Mferchant Company- Hall, Hunter Square Iletig f cotih rae Protection Society-Cham- ber f conimrce3 o'clock. ~eeis ofRoal ocety-Royal Institution-S o'clock. ;Ietiit~fArhiecural Institute-117 George Street P. 50. TurSnAY, February 2. eeigOf Town Coutncil-Council Chlanib;r-noon, ofei~ tile U. 1' P'rebytery -Upper Roomn, Queen ~retio f lthTon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Frol SALE,, IY 1?ItIVATI. BlARGAIN, TIOP RTY bclhind (iorporatioi 6halle)iite, ~~el~trr ?? Three, Feuw', flud 1iole nioosarn K~lctrO wih al Ietlnt aovliitieiO.Ta irnpean is eub-vin 1-01 ~ALEl Ar LANUIIANK. P1LYifE VILLA co .:nsistime ?? Prinrlicipl RevRooms, Fire lie IZootni, Ij;ath Roons, Ktlclerl, Wasir &lot.W c.. he -c. Also, ViYFtl~ IlLIA, ronslst'tig of Two PrlniP~ on 'Fivo lied l~oonts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE SALE PRICE of the.DAILY NE WS ALL TOVER ENGLAND) and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs5. W. H. SMITH1 and SON now BELL the DAILY NEWS ?? Stations at TIIITRYXXPENCE per SINGLE COPY, iid will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and N`EWS- AGEN,.TS on such terms as will enable them also to SELL the IDAILY NEWS at the marked price of TB EEPENCE per BINGLE COPY. 11,6, Strand. Ew ZEALAND (Free Grants) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1tuilrIl., EXAMINT ON - lA I Z, in 0 I. CI I. , i *\ I 'uNos E, I' -N I V SITY. JoZN SNI\I'lIt S jN. 0 St. V ilic-ot StIect. (:i g .&IA Vom1 13l (SQP\(t. ESD[STIIAITS :; 1 II t lLA T11 ?? uLyElNATJUN It, LiXHlttl . I , . Ic olpllletA. ?? SXI.i. IMayb 1?1'NN --1JT. AX B ANK 1V L-j.1 tI Wi. W . !t hf t' ?? 1c: o'y t i S t *) l : 1)k it l st'rciak., I;1 , Ir;l. IZAl FunTBEE 2I iLT rl[ 1 3it imit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sui4 ygamfoer waaftg4 ..~MlTD a SOP inParkerstree, Dal-street, or lv gasessreetAddre~~~.M~s~rli-ffice. 29jalo4 ~,4~.D~aOUSL5I5G Gon ?? B AE ' 10S.or Promises Atl'for thc &~iee.AdfO F900, Mercury- AIVO ?? Sfce . ull 1ANTFED a good FIOUSE in the neighbourhood of A1Ljoer10l (LaneasliirO side), with Goadonuanl(rounds Addreps F 85,r Mexcryol'.liCe. 29jafel hdoress -stitig ptil.XF8 eruyof-fice. ...