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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. CATAOLIC PRRIABATORY BOARD ING SCIHOOL, lt OtASTL!EvxLA HOUSE, CASTLEKNOCK, Three Mile. from Dublina thrugh.1he. Phceni Park. Evory attention to given to the health, happines, and In- structien of tbe Plup~ls. They are~under tte espetial cra at oa iht etilusat Frofee- aor of SIt.-Vinreets' Colge ea are ?? by khe monat, the quarter, by the year, or the half year. Terms very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- Last Night of MRt. WALTER MONTGOMERY. THIS P1Et8ENT SATURDAY, October loth, 1864, Stakapeare's Tragedy of RICHARD Il I Rtichard, Dulo of Gloster ?? Mr. Walter lontgomory, llery, Earl of Richmen ?? Mr. W. Rotlgold. ke ot Buckingham ?? Air. C. Vandenboff. quleen Elinobeth ?? Mrs. E. FS eaville. Landy AL .,n. ?? Miss Katherine Ilogors. To conclude with GOOD FOR NOTHING. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... irIrEATRE I ROYAL, DUBLINS.- EnsgafCecnt of MR. BOTJER;Nljor Six Niphts only On TIllS EVENING (Menday), and TOMORIWOW (TiCeiday), Octeber 17th ard 18th, tho performanco will commence wth TIIE L&UGRii G liYENA. Alter which, at Eight o'Clock, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. Lerd Dundreary ?? ?? Mr Sothern, (As acted by him in London upwards of 50i Nights), Tb concludet with tiha Farce of A REGULARI FIX. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Barbadoes Sugar. WC ENRY BOYD Will offer by AUCTION, at ths Broker'a Offco, COf tIERCIAL BUILDINGS, On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the l9th lest, At One ?? precisely, 80 Ulds Barbaldoos Sugar, QJ 10 Tlercos do do, QI 10 Barrels do do. eol JAMES FOXALL, Broke, tab C, C1e6-Btreat, Dublin, 12th Octobar, 1804. &a. VXTENSIVE SALE oiFW661) GOOI}3S bb F .z JOHN MlARTIN AND SON and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrliEATE ~ ROYAL, DUBLIN.- I Tng101cefeantOft MRB OTfliRN ?? Nights only, Ce TIllS VEEING (Taefday), October 18t', tho perform- er ce will ?? swith TIU I IUGliHtG HYRNA. A tter which, at Eloht o'Oirlc; % OUit AiERtICN COUSIN. - Lord Dundreary . . Mr Sotbern, ?? actcsi by him In London upwards of 1.00 Nights). To corcludu wirh the Farce of A REGULAR.i PIX. I~Ls Is lir lai K.r. lothiarn. On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EE PONIES AND PHAETON I ! I T A GRAND DRAWING O PRIZEfS, On the Plae of the Art Union, Will taI lo ais, In the ROTUNDO, On THIS DAY (Tuesday), loth Instant, for el An Oil Painting, value 100 Gaes iuVI PrODicelod by D. Lee, Esq, J.P, Yanchester, 41 A Killarney Arbutus Table, m The Gift of the Lord Mayor of Dublin I P4 La Poe&la. An Oil Pointing value 200 guineas; A Pair (il beantiful Groy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAKER, SIMPSON, AND CO., B STEAM BISCUIT MANUFACTUIE[R9, COR1K, Awarded Ireneurablo Mention for Goodnees of Quality, by the Council aned Janror of Cla5a a, Iuternatlonal Exhibition, 1282. Dbdlin Dopot-9B, CAPEL-STIREET. Warehonce and Swrea-l2 and 1i, ozEgN-STREET. Will, GiAHAM, Manofacturra' Agenlt. Wbolcealo of IT. BlOleE nnd CO., 51, APFL STRRiET. U NADNlTEAXTkfD f R5RANDY.- U TO JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI1FATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- Lnet NIght but Three of the Engagement of MR. SOTilERN. THIiS PRESENT WEDNESDAY. October 19th, 1884, THE LAUGIH0G HYENA. Afrar which, at Ebic o'Clock, DAVID GARRICK. ravid Garrick h , ?? Mr. Sathern, To be follo Rod by LOLD DYNDRP.ARY MARSIED AND DONE5 FOr. Lord Dordreary ?? ?? Mr. Sotbora. To conclude with GOOD FOIL NOTIING, ios 011fco open daily, under thodirection ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S SERMONS. 1 OHN-STItT FEMALE O;UUL$.- ?? A.D.. 1777, by theltev. Dr. Wm Gihan, 05 A To tbee Is tho poor man loft; thou wilt be A helper to the Orphan-P.Sx, 14. On SUNDAY Nyxr, 23rd Octoher, 1894, immediately after Last Mass, the ANNUAL CIIARirY SEBItON will be Preached in JOHNiSTiHEET CHAPEL. by the 31ev. ROBERT DELANEY, MA., for Eduoating Tero Ifundred Female Children, who are received ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEiA-RE, ROYAL, DUBLIN. - T Larst Nlght but Two of thn Engagemeont of MR. SOTHIEIN. 71115 PRESENT THURSDAY, October 20th, 1804, THE LAUGIING OHYENA. To bo followed, at a Qaarter-past Eight o'Clock, by DAVID GARI5IOE. ravid Garrick ?? ?? Mr. Sotherit. After which LORD DUNDREARY MAIRIED AND DONE FOR. Lord Dur dreary .. Mr. Sotheru. To conclude with A DAY AFTER TiB WEDDING. Tho BENEFIT of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Solid Sliver Tea Service, or £O. A Plate Chest, completa, or £2s. An Eloctro-pIatedi Ntekei-6Ilvar Toa Bervice, or I13 Galinas;I And many Hundred other Valuable Prines, will be dlur,- hulled, On tho Art Union principle, at the GAND DRAWLG OF PU=SE, G In Aid oft he Fund for Building tbo NEW CHiURCH, DONJNYBROOK, to be held in the ROTUNDO, on tho 215* %401EMlflR, 1804. TICKETS-SIXPpENCE EACH. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 'IlEAThR ROYAL, DTrBINi .- Last Night but Twe of tie Jngagernent of MR. SOTHlERN. TxIS PREsENr FfIDAY, October 2lsta, 1804, THE LAUGHIlNG HYENA. To be followed, at a Quarter-pamt Eight o'Clock, by DAVID GARtICK. ravid Carrick ?? ?? Mr. 3S3hern. After which Loil) DUNDREARY MARRIED AND DONE FOR. Lord Dundreary ?? ?? Mr. Sotbioru. To conclude with A DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. The BENEFIT of Mr. ...