... Better than Gold. Better than gold is the sweet repose Of the sons of toil when their labours close; Better than gold is the poor man's sleep, And the balm that drops on his slumbers deep. Bring sleeping draughts to the downy bed, Where luxury pillows his aching head: His simple opiate labour deems A shorter road to thle land of dreams. Better than gold is a thinking mind, That in the realms ...

Published: Sunday 13 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1718 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Mr. Levy's Benefit Concert

... Or. Levy's Benefit Concert. 1\ - I. On Monday evening last Mir. Levy, the lead cod chief of English cornet players, appealed to his fricnds and admirers for the first time. The concert was given in St. James's 1-JLilI and the names of Messrs. F. Kingsbury, G. B. Alien, and Guglieline, figured ie the programme as conductors. With the so-calleid ?? Mr. Levy is, perhaps. the most popular soloist ...

Published: Sunday 13 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1126 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Somebody says that at wife should bh like a roasted lamb -tender and nicely dressed. A bachelor adds And without any sauce. A short-time before Judge Foster's death, he went the Oxford Circait ill one of tire hottest summers that had been remuem bered, wvhel his charge to the Grand Jury was as follows - Gentlemen, the wleather is extremely hot, I am very old, and you are well acquainted ...


... ~LTRAT-URE -~ .L AXD OTHR FoLs. By Robert ?? London: Bennett. 1867. tbook is not without special inte. trt tS ders. The author is the son of a dir ngaisbed In~ rmissionary and well-known writer bn philology, thetSev. Dr Caldwell, and was himself a student at Glasgow LUnivertity, where, in 1863, he gained the Poetry Prize, by the unanimous award of the judges. The verses of university prizemen ...


... NORTH TYNE AND REDESDALE AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY. The twenty-eighth annual show of the North Tyne and Redesdale Agricultural and Pastoral Society was held on Friday in a field at the high end of the town of Bellingham. The exhibition was an improvement both as regards the quality of the produce and the number of the entries compared with that of any former year. The sheep embraced some splendid ...


... : PUBLIO ADUSEINNTS DRUIW-LA(? The first Shlaksperian revival of the season was. brought out here ,on ,onda ynih.- T he tragedy of Kinf Jon wfan the pieoe'seiaoted; the oast being very siilar t'o that of lent eaton. ' Mr. Phelps ls now, confi sedlythainest interpreterbf the cbaiacterof the king, aadheplayed on Monday withlhisu ntaleareand disorinination. Mr. BarrySullivan :nde a vigorous and ...


... [Th,'e fbloiciny appearcd in 0ou7 T'Ivo Enlus lo:> u1F ?? I Although Mrs. Swanborough's talented company renewed their mirttl-moving exertions in their own charming little Theatre a ereek ago, their real grand start for the present season is to be reckoned from last Saturday night. The announcement of the first repro- sentation in London of a new burlesque from the facile and spark- ling pan ...

Published: Sunday 13 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6095 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... * ' ABA~Y RAl'iNQ. KOhECLING lowly. saying 810vvly1 6hort, and simple infaut's prnyer, *In words broken, and searce spoken, Angels bending closely there; And our great God, toroneud in splendour, l(ing of hingv, and Lord of lords, Rearing 'mid thse mighity thouder Fvery one ot baby's words: Thunder of the niations' making As thep poor their loud acell iu, Thunder of thc hleavens tshaking ...


... LITER AT U RE. Part miusic ford Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bmse. Edited 2 by JOHN HULLAU. No. 11. London :Longinans, Green, Reader, & Dyer. THco is an excellent Number of this valuable publication, It consists of two Glees, two Madrigals, and a Part Song, Of the first, it is enough to montion their names, to satisfy *our readers who cultivate thle choral art that they are genuine. One is by ...


... FASBIONS FOR OCTOBER. Accordiog to the great preparations being made in the Paris teases, it appears that ohe coming winter season will abound in nevelties. hdany new patterns for the make of bodies have been shown by the mterlistes. Satisfied as they are that the gored skirts will still be preferred, they think that the bodies might still be rendered a little more varied and graceful. They ...

Published: Sunday 13 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1238 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... WORCESTERSHI2RE AGRICULTURAL SOOU!TY. The exhibition of Stock, roota, vc., in connection with the above Society, which took pla-e b Worcester, yester. day, was poi solray noteworthy, and had krtioular interos a attached to it, Inasmuch as since the year -1l64 the Showa have necessarily lapsed, chiefly owing to the pr-alence of the cattle pllagne, and the great danger of infection rmlaing from ...


... 1 1'ASHON AND VARIETI |S. THE HEALTHI OF MARL RUSSLLr BgAT, MORDAt'T NronH -ThetS are no grounds for sayglg Earl REnsell le seriously ill, His lordship, who has been ateyieg on a voit with tord Dufforln, at 0lsndeboye tince Teoaday 1eat, caught a alight cold while present at the rifle mastch Jasi week, bnt nothing more. ERrl taisoll loft Ciandeboye on Saturday last for his Heglisl seat. His ...