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... {a .PUBLIC AM9USEMENTS, &0a. 'va'lnandnS eave.-lt.llan Opera ulnot.. 1'uiaer of Wales Theat-e'nfe ,Points of the Law, ?? The ATU4 1Dodge., Theatre RoyaL- :,The a -aried e ad .The RendszvOU%. 3oAJ AmPh~thOSAi15:Th6 Spectre Brdegroom, and The Gireat Cip., eye 3 o- sum ?? in the Pirate's Lair, 'The lron Casket. and other lEntertenmentL , Sew Btal Xusc flal. v-Cozilcrt, Avolo, ...


... Vi KID o Mauit Ter,, ind oe oree'apeioy ' litar; an4 aclni,,%e, 'but ~wi'usgi to eaient. London, Grlsgowe,, and Edllnburgh: Dluskie -.and o.I3D . , ?? _ ThiS bueful lvoiume, compiled' br'tbe late Adullral ?? W.tE Snth, mee ?? etlsl1og'deiloency hn nauthl literature., Marine' ditionriiies have .previously been pu~l~ishql, but pmost of -hem are now imperfect! b1y raon of the ?? y abagee ...


... ROYAL ALEXANDRA TH ATRE A striking transition was made in the perform- anep at this house last night, from the quiet beauty of Le Nozze di Figaro, with its plots and counter-plotH of love-making,, to the fire and massiveness of Les Huguenots fuU of the heat and fury of religious warfare. J'udging from the attendance last night, war would seem to be more powerful than love, and the ...


... PuBLIC AMU RMEBTS, &a. I - I~:. . . BIoyslAIennd&The&t-atItaIlau Opera ItTrovatore. 'rinee of Wales T.4xatre.-landy kAndy, IXIon, and The Artfu dtAodge. Theatre oyal- The Married Rake, Leab, and The nlendeAVous. Royal Amp ?? Spectre Bridegroom,' lad .The City. BoYal 0,ewC Theatre.-Alone in the Pirate's Lair, oe Iron Casket, and other Entertainmeuta. ?? &o. eow Star ...


... a The ill which flesh is heir to sometimes exhibit themselves In the most strange and painful forms. There are oases which seem as if they wereintended to show the maximum of suffering that the human frame i capable of enduring before this mertal coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill o of the physician, and pitilessly work their ravages on the sufferer uncontrollable and ...


... |PUBIsC -AMUBJJMENTS I m I . I .. ' . I ~ . PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. The burlesque of Ixion was last night pre- i ceded by. BEandy Andy, with Mr. Frank Drew il In the character from whom the piece takes its tb name. Handy Andy is not a piece, nor is Sp Mr. Drew an actor, to please fastidous testes; tie but those who delight in very broad and oocc- it sionally rather coarse humour will ...


... I I i : T I . VOLUNTEER ARMOURIES AND j ' ;. . MAGAZINES. . V The following official notice hashbeen ihsued to commanding officers of volunteers:- War Offlce,;Oot. 9, 1867. ?? am direoted by Secretary Sir J. Pakingbla to inform you that, in consequence of the frequei:t representations which have been made to him xsepecting.the insecure state of the' armotrles and magtzlnes of the volunteer ...


... ITET REVIEW [ISEFTON PARK. I I *; . ,. ?? o .- :, f . The followingis a 'opy of the report addressed .b the' Duke of' CaMridge to the Searetary for lyatr:- - Knowsley, Presoot, Oct. S. :SirI have great satisfaction in informing you .that 1inspected on Saturday, at Sefton Park,'near Ltverjool, betwre'en 10,000 and 12,000. volunteers, belonging chiefly to ~Lancashire and.the adjacent counties, ...


... necce : e fifth The We which flesh'fs heir to Sometimes exhibit themselves in the most strange anrd paf l forms. ql~~1e There are cases whioh seem as if they were intended .o rels- to show the maximum of suffering that the human So far, 'frame Is capable of enduring befoxe this mertal tended coil is shuffled off-diseases whioh baffle the skill of the of the physician, and pitilessly work ...


... TTHE FARMER'S HARVEST SONG. The rosy morn with gleesome smile , Comes o'er the pastern bill The calm lake gleams a sheet of gold, And sparkles every rill; The crystal dow-drops, flashing bright, Hang glittering on each spray; The feathered choirs with tuneful throats Now greet the opening day. Then hurrah ! hurrah I for the farmer's life, There's none so happy as he, As he drives a-field with ...


... TBE PANTOMXMDST.-SO long as the season lasts, be en- joys comparative affluence, but at its close he is again cast adrift in the world, and wanders from town to town, hoping against hope, and generally in a state of abject destitution. In process of time he may reap distinction. But the while he must be resigned to contempt, toil, and starvation, protracted neglect, and the hazard of a pau- ...


... : I V A PAINFtTL STORY. I , I ; ' I _ ts fl' ,1I The'lla whlo flO h f Is heir to omestimes exhibit themselves in the moat strange and painful forms. There are caees whis h eoem as if they were intended to Show the maximum of suffering that the huaman frameis bcapable of enduring before this mortal coil is shpfflied;off-diseases which baffle the skill of the physician, and pitilessly work ...