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... lrama. THE NEW EFFINGHAM THEATRE. NOw theatres are now the order of the day, and however stagvalit all other branches of trading enterprise May be, the providers of public amusements show no ,yptoms of fatigne and faintheartedness. Whitechapel has long boasted of one large and elegant theatre-the pavilion-and it nose has another, the Effinghain. known for soeme years as a saloon, and for ...


... THE P.T>IS3 EXTIBITiO. [.I're 01'. oiveS UaonespdOtgPldlt.] PARIs, October 9. Two catas'roplhec have occn red atoungst the gioxt refresluiot s all-keeperS of th Iexhibltiton, The English lou c ?? Kirlaiid and C*o. having failed in both Englanid and l rouco their bi ?? ia the outer uirclo of the Pa'V;cV was closed on Saturday last. The French ''.gtetauOrt'irT, Al. Gosset, has failed for one ...


... i ~ FAAMXN AND VAITIS. l I Ff I. TXX VI3R3GAL COURT. MUleeCfecY Ite Lelid Lientesint and ste win leavo ti m ssixg by the .80 taipn kront the Ainien-ustret sialoenblrom , to MAU some stay ther We ae han to s% ?? i n 6bg O wall. The MrqIl mad Marohionen of Headort baye left the Biltos Betel toy Haeadort Castl, Keals The Rght on. the Earl of Dunravon hu asid at Dunraven Caitle, Blidgeensd, WAles. ...