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Advertisements & Notices

... D ELLAR'S CORN and BUNION PLASTERS Boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. The Corn Plasters are a certain cure for hard or soft sorns, which they comnpletely dry up and eradicate; the Bunion Plasters, a proved remedy for bunions and enlarged toe-joints. Sold by all Chemists. Be careful Dells r's Plssteri M q spplied. a-u.30 BILE,WI ND, INDIGESTION. DR. KING'S PILLS. Only two Medicines really act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION SAVrS___'_ ' TO PARTIES'FURNISHllNG. V. JAMES TALL respectfully nnuounces in- ±VJ.l structions from D. C. LUMSDEN, Esq., who is Wplng the town, to SELL by .'AUCTION, 'at the WIlberforce Sale-roonis, 38, WbhiWef&*argate, Hull, on ?j(ONDAY, Octoher 6uh, 1873, at Eleven'o'clock the Whole of his very superior HouseholdT CJRNITlVRE' Whiah has been supplied by'bessro. Richardson ani bon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VESSELS FOR ?? - ' ESSRS. VIVIAN & TOOZES Lj have received instructions from the Executors of the late -Mr. RoBERT Coox, Shipowner, of Hull, to SE' LL' wat~i iLkBY AUcTION, onMONDAY, Decem- ber 4, 1871, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions as shall be then produced), on the Quay, at the north-west side of the Prince's Dock, at Hull, near the Wilberforce Monument, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIEND OF ALL. O L O, W W A Y ' S P I I L S. )'-'PURIT1ES OF THE BLOOD. These wtnderful Pills ate valued at the humblest sa heaiths a i All i in the houses of comfort and wealth. I They work a thorough purification throughout the si whole sysiem, without disordering the natural action u, of any orauo, eid eradicate those germs of complaints A which consqgm tens of tbouiands to an early grave. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ELBOURNE HOUSE, NEW WALK, YORK A School for the Board and.Education of Young (Gentlemen.; Principal-F. M. AsueThoN - (Son of M~rs. Armstrongjslford Field House). TermeS-6 and 7 Guineas per quarter, according to age; paym~enlt to commence from the date of entrance. Beys prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Exa minations. . 47 OUGAND DAVY (From Collard and Collard's), PIANOFORTE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?JEL HUILL AND I~jNCoLKSHIBjlE TIMES TAND EAST RIDING GAZETTE Is now sent every SATURDAY (poet free to ?? address) at thle ?? rates:-*t HIALe Ynan.I (preinid . ' Diret fom te had-offices, 22, Whtfiagt, -ol Tr 'Of 'Messrs. TOtJLIXSONq andl Cr.o'a'1DER, i~lartoll-or ilsmenier. LIce TIMES is also eunpjod, by thefloi, gns L IN CC LINS H IE'. Applebyvl-'mt iepl Iel Aly-E.Ken jal.' -Allcbc''-uir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -j S.ARETRIEVEB nod~ .rather smA.11-; VVVY. p o b . A n y ~ c r s o n i n d i n g t h e a t u e , a t t i d >p l y i n g oNG EVILL'A,, Eidon Grove, flnviley road, Hull, bto tsz- -..with possession on Q6l 25th insltant. Lasecl~i V'~jia steeds hn its ovq prilvate groilU ds;. garl ,, l cl i, Cii co nitai nsl dra wvin , dining n has te ms, 2 kitchens, 6 lsedrooias, w c l t Itdother rooms, larder ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8 -IlVLPPEVS MASCVTRN SELTZER. S(,VV'EPPE'S SODA WAiTlER.I S 'HWEPPE'S LEMONADE,. SOAWEPPE'S POTASS WATER. Counsuers are particularly requested to ask for soClwEPE'S, and observe Trade Mark' on Labels {a Fountain), as many imitations are offeredt to the Public. To be obtained from the leading Chemists, Wine Mer- thants, and Grocers. 68 K E A TI N G'S PERSIAN INSECT DESTROYING POWDER. lIiS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UILFORD- FIELD*-E1 ON; .Eo0.L F couducted by Zlrs.-sAou3iiNG, Hs great reputatior for its superior Educational Advantage5 and Comafortable Accommodaltion. Tornis for Board, Instruction in English, LIaundreee, and Booke, Seven Gucusas per quarter. Ternms for. accom- ishiement5 With view of the Hoeuse and Cbrg~unds, may beseen in a P~rospectus, which will be senkt;on applirs. tion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-DAY AT ELEVE. FINE ARTS. fHE FEW remaining LOTS of 'ENGRAkVINGS3, T CHRlOMOS, OLEU;GRAPHS,.s. will be cleayedk out at the W1ilberforce Sale-roomns, SS, Whitefriarga~e, Hull. JAMES TALL, Auctioneer. JARRATT-STREET & SILVESTER-STREET, HULL. f0B E S O LD BY AUCTION, b Oy Mr. JAMES TALL, a -the Queen's Hotel, Charlotte-street, Hull, on WEDNESDAY, the 23rd of February, 1876. at Two o'clock for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOOL BOARD. .NTED, haitnlediately, Twvo Cei tifleated Assistant \!/sCHOOLM1llSTlIESS&S; salary, £55 per year. Fo rms of applicaitioll m'sy be had fuon D. JNO. O'OONoOHUE, Clerk of the School Board. 70tahljal, Hull, 10th February, 1876. 77 STSTED. tor the Royal -Navy, stout, ?? noYS of good chamtater, from 15 to 16.L years r Ne They naist be ablt to read and write and1 must written consent eF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W- _ R T H IJ R' B U It S T A L- A ALE AND PORTER MERCHANT, 160, Higa-street, HuU (opposite the Corn Market), SOLE AGENT in HaU for RAGGETT'S (late Blockey's, Nourish' ig LONDON STOUT, and for Messrs. GEORGE RGGET';T & SoNs' Golden Hop BURTON PALE ALE, both of which have been analysed and very favourably reported on by Dr. HASSELL, at the Analytical Sanitary Institutit n, London. A great ...