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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... A : DRESS. ?? ~ ?? SD E W ' 6SH I R T S. his plain Dress Shirts ff t s .l Fit anud urstiblity g'uratitee ;Itd ;{oisr, lover, atd ilitary Outlitter. t,,,AFT~lN-Si±'.T. an~ 1 CHATHAS- a S' TlLREi, ['UiLIN. --a_:tfits for Aciny and Navy execute3 on the n 5:igs; Dotice- 408.9 ALLEN begs to announce her return orallon. lt'r 1'6nis A-eat has consigned Mit ' 2PARISIAN NOVETZIRE In Cstiimes, Pasasols, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMuEMENTS. T\N i ?? i - ?? T .. ..E- -A-i T- . Rri. & A~u Sole ?? 3. and M. GuMW. ?IS5~ oe uzg&emeflt of fl)ERED, DraTatic and Burlesque Company. ,THIS EVE2NING. ToVc~mmenceat 7.30with LOVE'S DOCTOR. i(the ufM P n Mr Joseph Oin dcr ( Feshionbe hsii uiD,. Mar C Harrington; Jack Onion, Miss Kngs- I ?? ir O Jones , Alice Ord- Pla yn; a Lvndr.-A, To conclude with ,,jaz& ?? Act, by A.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1 EDUCATION. St PETERS SCHOOL, BARNET, HERTS tonducted hy the 11ev. f; l-t lEAA PP FLID, BA., Late Schrl'rf L11-.111 * ile-, Oxford, Asr~tct' ),y C..nspetent llsstcrs. The ol? ect of thi' 9 chooil b to *-ffr to the aons of gen- tlemen a thorntgh Cla!-si Erlhucation, at as low a pre- nijium as ;,ih. Fuisio. £1) per annuiii. quarterly in advance. En- trance Fee £1 No extras, except Medical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'UBLIC NOTICES. fE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEAh, ?? the Managenient of Mr. GEORGE OWEN. Laast App-arance of Miss R ROMER. THTJ EVENl.NU the entelrtainments will ?? with ?? . GPAST TO THE MILL. After which the celebrated French Dancers ?? PANdRCHETTE will the great Parisian Danlce, the CAN-CAN. To conclude with the Burlesque ot CONRAD AND MEDURA. Dregs circle, 2s. - Pit, js, , Galleries, 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOU aSo. we ..wx\ssennsvmb.Wfl Si l D 5 Uljgctcty ?? by' £1 ENUINETaOu, and Cigars in every yart ?? ~~~Davis. pi~7TEMANUACTORY. __ IURC 3obSmyth and Sims 16 Wickeiw-street. Dubin. Il79 A1XIvnP ero rcbael~th& should vti~ 1 izeuino Di. s-b RA EWOOD and CO. Principal Agents for (v Collard. Broadwood, lrard 'Kirkinan. &,keptha Fetinl est Stock of 1uixa1 Instrurnent ii Irtluds4 sd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNcLicEtrl 72 Ifkcfl Msnoseeanen8 [re fsaetlo l an tn Zolino is Sipaaoe for TMl uneas. B' gt5cistn Liwne i charged Tteeyese lik a513 OM6 hs isno~'S WWItI must bt Pro-prt) FR;ESH WATER EEL COLLARED. At O'BEILLI'S. 7 NORETH EARL-STREET. S ENVIEr Tobaccos and Cigars eve variet by Bowen and Co.'s. 1S College-gen EURi- PLATE MANSFACTORY, RAWINGS, Photos, Chromes, and other Work ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PULCAMUSEMENTS. 1;EA THE' ROYAL, DUBLINh o~ r.anaM DI ON BOGUWIAULTfoa ;vhnwil '.-o1eio.ho il be assisted by Mr. SFTIEL Igiyand Mr. F. LOVER. of the Prince of Wales' TtrosSe. On THIS EVENING. And eovery, Evening during the Week. su,,rnie will commence with the Farce entitled T'eI QURtE FOR THE FIDGETS. wl ,5i foloed' Nvth antirely no5w Scenery, by Mr. W! Ttisnn. Mr. We'ir. sod Mr Chat. Parker, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORT ANNOUNCEMENTS. GMva 2 r% Ia l a lon maninsw. u mgst bs PLr& ) RS r FrenchStay ad CorsetWarerooms, 34 T r XTDublin. 6 othose who buy their own Cloth, a Suit ?of Clothes perfect de for Ms., at 12 Lower Abbey-street. mS,56 G ENUINE Tobaoes and Cigas In every variety by G DBowen and ?? 15 Oollege-ge nICTURE Frnmes of every descrption Manufactured Pi onthe Premis Thomas H. Ref, 24 Grafton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I VLLIANEOUS. ADULTERATED BRANDY. 1ThON bI'MANTS, No, 47 AM? ENSSTRE. 5Department of Science and Art, '-tuseum of Irish Indusry. er,,h's-tre'ien, Dublin. , 515-The French Brdy you sent me for examina- I tad tobe Perfectly Pure. I jtais 54 per cent. of Alcohol, which is about CIt-s e tT. ABOVE the average quality. ltolliElT GALLOWAY, FPC.S PTife ,-,sr of Practical Chemistry. AU the BraIry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBXATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 0Cu 1MIS BEV}!TG The performance will commence with the Faree of A sro0M IN A TEA CUP I After vwhch a Grand Christmas Pantomime, by H 3 Byron, osq, entitled HARLEQUIN ROBIN'SON CRUSOE, FRIDAY ANTD THE FAIRIES. New and splendid Sceners by Mr Telbtn and Mr Wmi Telbin, Joar. Grand Fatry Ballet. Principal Danecrsl-Mi3 Christine Healey and 3i1ss Agnes Fealey, heom the Opera, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. &TRE ROYA, DUBLLN. TlHTRE Five Nights of the Season. Lest Four Nights of MR. SHIEL BARRY. On THIS EVENING. May 1lth, 1870, the performance will commence witirthe popular Drama ectitled. KATHLEEN YIAVOURNEEN. Tererce O'More ?? ?? Mr. Shiel Barry. To conclde with thre Comedietta of HiS LAST LEGS. OCalqgh.n ?? ?? ?? 3Mr. Shiel Barry. 'Tr ?? Offcc open daily from 11 till 4 o'Clock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IM (FNY LIBEP..LlY ADV NcED DIA310NDS, PLATE, NWAI'CIRES, JEWELLERtYI &C., ATY JAMES RISPIN, PAWNI-iOKER, XP, CHAi2LEMRAT-SHIr-EET, DURELEN DL Q (bear Iiaxcowbt-areor Ol:lwsy Terminus). 47 USAm Four to Eight Sinhl jus an Ounce and l' pwar I' advanced on Plate, accordingz to ouanufsao tre. Oesscs ArracasDn. (iount-: oinu;nuis,,tisns attond& ?? DlU-BLIN LOAN COMNPANY (LI- MIE), 24 GREAT ...