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Literary Selections

... diffusion of thought, and intLietlaouble; where anxiety seeks to remain in suspenes;.it hurls the mind down headlong. A knell speaks to ealh ow min the sense of his own grief or his own trouble.' Tragib bell! your voice sounds warning to all alike. x a I ...


... Princess Louise the opera-glass of fasshion uow, because she intends to make a Lorn-ette of herself. Mamma, can a door speak I Certainly not, my dear. Then why did you etll Anue this morning to answer the door 7 It is time for you to go to school ...


... c test monarch In the world. Hle ba8 'b hosest man' writton upon his faoe, said a friend to the late Douglas Jerrold, speaking of ii persoa in whom Jerroldu's faith was liot great. IBunipl, replied Jerrold, then tin' pen must have been a vorv bad ...

Literary Selections

... however much your eyes may covet it. Have the cotrage to speak your mind, when it is necessary you should do so, and to hold your tongue when it is prudent you should do so. Have the courage to.speak to a friend m a seedy coat, even though you are in ...


... todinburgh paer states that an American has invented a Amach whic disto be p driven by the force of circumstances. A cuntrypaper, speaking of the funeral of a suicide, says ?? contry. isy buried the weoman like a dog, with ill hor ?? on a o cl atyes hav lai th ...


... out of joint, and they will not last long without a terrible storm bursting over them; (Applause.) Now, in this I am not speaking as a prophet s but with history in my hand, and knowing what hat taken ce, and knowing what the promises of Chris are, I ...

Literary Selections

... not shadows, but mus- cular, material, and at the same time spiritually gifte .en. One greatpower of Christianity, humanly speaking, wmm-s--ndeed, more- than is generally allowed or taught- the fact that' its great teachers were, in every sense of the word ...

Literary Selections

... I how shall I ever get L through with it ? Now the door opens. What a bloodless a' look they have I-how dictionaryish they speak I-how carefully they lower themselves into their chairs, as if the b, cushions were stuffed with live kittens I-how smooth ...

Literary Selections

... familiar -Dr. Beddoe calls conjugal selection. It should be noted, too, that Dr. Beddoe's figures establish not only that, speaking generally, a dark-haired woman has (at least in the west of England) a much better chance of get- ting married than a fair-haired ...


... hear great fuss about dese words, ine and into; and folks wants us to believe dat dey mens under; and dat when the scriptur' speaks of an idc- widual going down into the water, de bible mean to say dat ho went under de water. S'pow some day I go over to ...


... thlwoh Are esteemed t 'old Aelir e ry Bravely tskeou te f tory In the page To R. KEIMP PHrMt. TRUTH. (By THE LTE DEAN ALFO'Ot Speak thou the truth. Let others fence And trima their words for pay; In pleasant sunshine of SreteueO, Let others bask their ay ...


... late to let you iu.-Husband: Oh no, my love, I'll rap you up well before you come down. The editor of a French paper, in speaking of a cemetery near Lvon%, says that M. Gascoigne had the plesunre of being the fist individual who was buried. in this ...