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TO-MORROW EVENING at 6 80. REV R STAINTON will (D.V.i Preach a lUKFKAL BI.KMON in Garden street Chapei. bubject 1

... Gutta-percha- bottomed Boots, respectfully request the attention of the Publio, and especially the Working Classes, to their BOOTS, which are perfectly Waterproof, and, tor economy, comfort, and dura- bility, far surpass Leather bottomed Boots at the same prices ...

Published: Saturday 29 April 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 47152 | Page: 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Personal Security, on the 7 Bhorteot N otice. through the Medium of the NBW OLUBS, now forming at Mr. J. Kayi-ob'i, SB. SheAtM BOOt, AVftteattoi-t to be made from 9 a.m. to 8 t .ta.. KB.— Bo Qhntge tot Uouor or Fearti. THE DIRECTORS of the SHEFFIELD and SOUTH ...

Published: Thursday 20 April 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14519 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THIS DAY. A PUBLIC LECTURE will be delivered by Dr. BEXTON, of London, In the Tbmt i kanci Haix, on

... attention of the Public, and especially the Working Classes, to their BOOTS, whioh aro perfectly Waterproof, and, tor economy, comfort, and dura- bility, far surpass Leather- bottomed Boots at the same prioes. The Tops and Inner Soles are made of tho best ...

Published: Tuesday 13 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 30225 | Page: 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

pOPCLAB L ECTURES. The followlßP critlqns by a contemporary wffl show what a J»i tbe bearers of Mr. Jones may

... Gutta-percha- bottomed Boots, ?? request the attention ofthe PubUo. and especially tho Working Classes, to tbeir BOOTS, which aro perfectly Waterproof, and, tor economy, oomtort. and drrv billtyjMM surpasa Leather bottomed Boots at the same prices. The ...

Published: Tuesday 11 July 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 30994 | Page: 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

THIS DAY. TO THOMAS MouRK, ESQ., MAYOR OF ?? FIELD. We tbe undersigned Inhabitant- of the Boronph of Shef- fied

... HARRISON. By desire, Verdi's 1L TRoVATORB. CORNET SOLO by Mb. CARLINQ. To conclude with the Screaking Farce of the GOOSE WITH TBE GOLDEN EGGS. FRIDAY EVENING, May Eth, Grand FASHION ;k BLR MORT, Posititely thu LAS l' MiiHf BUT uS_ ol tne BngUah Cirand Opera Oompany ...

TO-MORBOW. \I L the Owners of Cottage Property are ?? requeued to ATTEND a MEETING to holden it' tbe VxbTRV

... V/U. rough to the palate, aad ia good repute. When Teas at lower prices are required, we have them at Is. sd. aad Is. id. GOLDEN EAGLE, 14, FARGATB. 164, GIBRALTAR STRS3T. BRANCHES- l«9i GLOSSOP ROAD. 156, ATTERCLIFFE BOAD. IyEWTON, CHAMBERS, AND CO.'S ...

Published: Wednesday 21 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9735 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO-MOBROW. HOWARD STREET CHAPEL. Tbe Eev. GEOBGE POTTEB, of Flansham, near Wakefield. Service at 10.80 and 6 30 ..

... Gutta-percha- bottomed Boots, respectfully request the attention of the PubUe, and especially the Working Classec to their 800 i 8, which ara Krfectly Waterproof, and, tor economy, comfort, and tax*, lity, tar surpass Leather bottomed Boots at the came prices ...

Published: Saturday 08 July 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 44074 | Page: 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

r*_W BAPTIST CHURCH, 1\ GLOSSOP ROAD. * last of ansa* SERVICES. orunswickTa^^ and I) FOREIGN f « 0 r _jSs-

... utta-percha- bottomed Boots, respectfully request the attention of the Public and especially the V> orking Classes, to their BOOTS, which are Eerfectly Waterproof, and, for economy, comfort auddura- ility, far surpass Leather bottomed Boots at the same prices ...

TO-MORROW. QUEEN STREET CHAPEL. Ibe htv. J. P. GLEDSTONE hsving observed with rrt tbat tie F^ki.y (lo^ibg ..

... oiith. ;?««« St2.&o, bj 'be Roy. GILES HRSXER. AM HE vi a. Plead 1 ben mycaase Hczvrt. Bie t etd li lb. v. Lord God of Israel Kent. torce all Jt- laiinful Aooe/io. tOIE OULLECTIONB. TO-MORROW. OXFORD PLACE VVESLEYAN CHAPEL, DONCASTER. a£BVICEB in connection ...

Published: Saturday 29 July 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 43944 | Page: 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

— THIS DAY. SHEFFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION.— TEA and GENERAL MEETINO of Teachers, Ac., on s»at June 27. Townhead ..

... Gutta-percha- bottomed Boots, respectfully request the attention of the Public, and especially the Working Classes, to tbeir BOOTS, which are perfectly Waterproof, and, lor economy, comfort, and dura* bility, far surpass Leather- bottomed Boots at the same prices ...

Published: Tuesday 27 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 30891 | Page: 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO MORROW. rrOWNHEAI) STREET CHAPEL.— The Rev. R. GREEK, ol Shipley, will Preacb-Moraing * Strangers Invuei. TO ..

... Gutta-percha- bottomed Boots, respectfully request the attention of the Public, and especially tho Warkiug Classes, to their FOOT 8, which aro perfectly Waterproof, and, tor economy, comfort, ami dura- bility, far surpass Leather bottomed Boots at the same prious ...

Published: Saturday 24 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 48914 | Page: 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO-MORROW, at 10.8

... attention ot the Public and especially the Working Classes, to their BOOTS, which are perfectly Waterproof, and, lor economy, comfort, and dura* bility, far surpass Leather bottomed Boots at the same prices. The Tops and Inner Soles axe made of the best ...

Published: Saturday 10 June 1871
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 49137 | Page: 8 | Tags: Classifieds