Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM MURDOCH B EGS to intimate that he has re- turned from London with the Largest Assortment of the NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE SILK MERCERY, DRAPERY, AND MILLINERY GOODS He has ever showvn and respectfully solicits InspectioD of them. 149, UNION STREET, (TIRanD Sno' EAST OF UNION BRInDG). TUST RECEIVED, a fresh and elegant Assort- t mont of ELECTRO-SILVER-PLATED GOODS of the best quality, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PlJBL10 NOTIOES. soq- I HAMPTON WARD. MIUNICIPAL ELCBTION. z Publio [Meeting of the Burgesaes of the above A ' Ward, iueld lad nigh. at the Bo ld-i-Hand. Great King Street, Mr. Aldennan 33rinudy and other Gentleman adde the leeting, the Friends of Mr. Whateloy having full Ilborty to nepak In favonx of their Candidate. it war decided by an overwhelming majority that Mr. NAISE1 wrd the moot Fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr. E E i ~T R E Y A L. iT HjgIS has the honour to annoance the engage- grg l o;ig'3ts orloth rj~~-Av, Of the M~erZt f 0r Famov0xa Tragic Actor, BAtiAGY SULLIVANX THIS EVENINVt The performance will cmrmence with the Farce of the SECREr. To be followed by (at a quarter to S o Clock) Shakes- yts~rs Tragedl - RICHARD IlL. Ekad III Mr. Barry Sullivan. lfeaxy ., .. ., MrJ. F. Catheact On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRST W~A R -U. * THE ELECTORS OF THEl FIRST WARD. J he numerously Signed Requleltlon presented St aektlr Mo e to become a Candidate for the tatioaltheardibave much pleasure in placing- ceat Your dsposal, zaud, if returned to the tounici ?? eindeavour to promote the interest of the Piret 7 rdodthe city In genertal. wilkt the opportunity of expressig m view fullyTo, bI~bt(Vnsdal. ?? ohurch~z, C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSES. C. DEVAUX and CO. are authorized to RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTION3 for 25,000 A SHARES in THE CESENA SULPHUR COMPANY (LIMITED). registered under the Companies Acts of 1862 and 1867. the Capital of the Company is 350,000, divided into two classes of Shares, viZ,:- 25,000 A (Preferred) Shares of 10 each 10,000 B (Deferred) Shares of 10 each. The B Shares are to be considered as fully paid up, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CFALLENG OR oot. ?? 11 ?? r Iest,2Xt. erlO0 fthY ola Amtatenn, 25, 2 ei 100. Golden Ewle Priees~dos pe~t e 100 e 0 1 e Mnss . ?? lOO. e, hemb Dnt lO. Aiid evervother bte a~t eqiraly lovw Drn'ee; alo WOOO ?? oI on Plus IUltra ]ncipes lO8. Wer 100. 18,OOboxesoS ~ontana, Ia Plato 1te~a~la, 18 per 1,00 16,000 boxee eY LalIontnan IE. Platew Conohos, 14a per 100. }0,000 borse Ia Pepita Queens. 7r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED ESTATES. FHB LAND LOAN and ElNFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) T ADVANCES MONEY- lat.-To the owners of Settled and other Estates, for the erection of FARM BUILDINGS and COTTAGES, and for the DRAINAGE, IRRIGATION, ENCLOSING, CLEARING, and general IMPROVEMENT of b LANDED PROPERTY, in any part of the United Kingdom. 2nd.-To the Owners of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARTRIDGE AND COOPER, A.MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, 192, FLEET-STREET SCorner of Chancery-lane). The Public supplied at Wholesale Prices, and carriage paid to the country on orders exceeding zos. An ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE with prices of Paper, Envelopes, Account Books, Inkssands, Stationery Cabinets, Postage Scales, Writing Cases, Despatch Boxes, Engoaving, Stamping, &c., postfree. Stationery for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :1OIL CARTE S.-ameo PorIra ita, Bnargemoah~nte o.~i~MW Ouple. and all ~lh-c VANDYKE & BROWSN O. RIOt.D4ITMII ; S1%4.TTI EThT; 57, OR- YUBL1C AMNDSETS, &c. Roya Alexmmdsn Theatre,-Panl Pry;* Iei on Parle 1y ?? of Trebizonde. PdtaceOfWnlea Theatre.-Dalay Vorm; .ia-lie. 1et0 AddlpM Thetre.-Auramanta vor ej . I ?? Clifford; Bove in ?? el. Jameesa Hall.-.iave Troupe Minstrels. 'Queen's H U. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The impressed Stamp for Newapapers, and the Pkvilege of re-tran.wmisson over Great Britain and rehd, is nwU abolished. DU postage has been aeduced to id. for newopape size, but moe 0 mhan one copy cannot be sent under one stanVp. Zh sargefor the AMJPSHIRE TELEGRAPH Sent free bypost is now asfoallows:- PrepaiZ .. . ?? 4s. 4. per quarter. On redit ?? .. 46d , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON.I -sTABLISHED 1810. Copies of Revenue Account and Balance Sheet ot Midsummer last can now be obtained of the Agents. Mr. J. la. PRIESTLEY, j Actuary. AGENTS: d Derby-HENRY H. BEMROSE. I - JAS. VALLACK, Esq. S WM. C. WATSON. E - t DH(ENIX FIRE OFFICE, Lombard Street and Y r Charing Cross, London. p Established 1782. ti Prompt and Liberal Loss Settlements. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 22- ri'iHE FIOC ORIAL SCltREO E os ST. J.OHN'S, TYEPISCopA oMTJEOH ]BAZAAR LsO IW fco a, Short Thoe aS s85w. IL &OIJ LOCHREAIYS. I }VENIN(It WITHZ SHELLK'' R L .J. PAGEiU0.' PSwillDelver his This (Wednerday) Evetningf NOoober I Sohe aboveh AdmiuiOne acte Collection at thb e calfot tb e oll ibrary. MISS1ONS.~~TO 8YR1. A. The YtCil5o thbe Reored PronbBlBaTurch, willI ADDRg the Mte JETIe In the ...