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Advertisements & Notices

... - na1k TIO BoUITY AVINGS BANK ; ?? at ili. CBRtANCHt of this BN ?? be OPENED3 n 18g siOAIDNS STwEiT bsoslte the ity- O RtY.oad, on .18ATURDA the D D2rE ER. TobeOpen )ayl Ij- 10 to 3;- Moflday ;evtns B to a; Wedae day Ev-eniuf *5umĀ° BaturtYla' 6 to8. . ,, -to8; oisgo, *5th Novembr 17. c . ~ tl,Y9 ._:7 Actary nflTTANG OB ~ TS O THE WORLD. asid 3F AX or LETTERS of OEEDI'P, available In ~'gpy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALosrIARtLE-STREET, Nov., 1973. MR. MURRAY'S LIST.I The Lees svui an , trill be ready axtl week. ME. SgAW'S NARRATIVE OF HIS JOURNEY TO HIGH TARTARY, TARRAND, AND KASHGAR. With Illustrations. 8vo, i6s. We may feel assured that the work Mr. Shaw is preparing on the subject of his journey will attract jn the most lively manne the British public.-r Roderick jMurcitisona. * MR. SMILES' NEW WORK- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN PARLIAMENT-SESsION 1872. THE SEVERN BRIDGE RAILWAY. r (Incorporation of Company; Construction of Railway 1 from the South Wales Railway near Chepstow Bridge to the Bristol and South Wales Union Rail- way, and of Railways to connect intended Railway with the W$'e Valley Railway, and the Midland Railway Working arrangements with Great Western t and Midland Railway Companies Amendment of 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARY GOODWIN, DECEASED. T)URSUANT to the Statute 22 and 23 Victoria, cap. 3 85, NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, that all Creditors of, or persons having any Claims against the Estate of G XARY GOODWIN, late of Pictor, in the Township of Mid Fairfield, in the Parish of Hope, in the County of Derby,. Widow, Deceased (who died on or about the 24th June, 1869, and whose Will, with a Codicil thereto, was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i4EOPP(513 W'P~tJE- VAUIX9, ?? II M1lt, A ..I) COhtlfIiA. di,,, ~l e U. lndko~cle intlondtl oepatuttin ..RtFirvi. l'.l~t'at~lip it suoontlly itnteretnls lot N. ?? 3, attrtar - tOA70TIMO dirtcot, IMENIIY 1A U iii, ' ?? ttoti. Al 13 VititO, ENRDAYV ]Alt'' Y'1k Fe tl rot:trs of inksa of f(tot l tutu p1155k9o0, sptltC' Its BEONnY EA THI A BON, taitt uiad 62, tlreshltoa IleaSe, Lottdeit, ED. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItOVAL, J~I~lM TO NI~h ~WEDNDAY), * I11M3 IG1T A5Vsory. D311v alA sel A I FOEND 01 N' rile' 'To 'til ?? W3luo Tvipr, 2 ?? 0 LIVE LW T F Jo--, To Irlltt'l II I ?,rgT ~ DAlto 11 lt.RM REEVES. Jowl11M5V '~0'PI ( V,5b' 3,ICI.3.(eley 0, 1,101 ~ ~~1 I II -. ?? Up'0 Fit00 000 l 1AoII. 1.r ITr'oY ~ ,1 .V. (Ill I 'l~ro's ILO rej,, .0 NUBOIMOI0 le NV A L ES T A IR ~~ IM01I~~frth C:ATVUE -III )w WEEK Mo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARTRIDGE AND COOPER, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, .92, FLEET-STREZET (Corner of Chancery-lane). The Public supplied at Wholesale Prices, and carriage paid to the country on orders exceeding 2os. Aul I LLUSTRATED CATALOGUE with prices of Paper, Envelopes, Account Books. Inlistands, stationery Cabinets, Postage Scales, Writing Cases, lespatch Boxes, Engraving, Stamping, &c.,postfree. Stationery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN~ PARILIAMEfINT.-SESSION 1872. Q~TTOX HARBOUR IMPROVEMENT COMPANY t,2Y (Powers9 to Button Har'bour Improvement Company to lay down Traroways along the Quays of Sutton Pool, and in serAiL R sits of Plymouth; Powers ?? Tramways on the road and Narrow Gnuge Construction of Viaduct over portion of Sutton Pool; Widening of Streets ; Power to malto Turn- ta~bles in Streets; Corn ?? of Lauds;TosAre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W-- AUCTIONS. jjT > QAPEL-STIIEST| THIS DAY (Wene 7y, . - A Sclect and very superio ElRD1W^IBI k rifrom Office of Mr..M'Lowry, 2 ST. ANDREW-STRUT. isg aaselect assortment of -men's and women apparel, fashionable coats, vest3, and'torsr vards of fancy cloths and te valuable vebee 0ar -'isles: Pasly Dndwl scarfs; several ?? ia fnbinek velvet and cashmere, ll y i1 silk, and calco gowns ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUSE TO LET, 37, Trinity-terrace, London-road. -l-Apply to Mrs. MURPHY. DERBY SHIRE.-BARROW-UPON-TRENT. p TO be LET, Unfurnished, with possession, at Michael- V was, either on Lease or from year to year, the modern, well-arranged, and most substantially-built SO MANSION, called BARROW HALL, now in the occupa tion of Joseph Nadin, Esq. The House comprises r spacious Entrance Hall, Dining Room, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N2Tottfus of .1ap~licftfoll to vJ3dvailini~t, In 1'arllamnent.-Segsson 1379. bL A ND R AlIL W A Y ADDITIONAL POWNVERB-) Uailways, Alteration of Ralwatey and other Works and AdditoltOl Lands anod torping-up of ilootPatha lin the Conotles of Derby Nottingham, Gloucesteir, Lancaster, Lainoster, andl thle Weost itidog of the ooeanty of York ; P'owers to Company and the London andl Narih'Western ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL Commnunications, and articles of intolligence, intended for s publication, require to be authenticatedl by the name and addrcss of the writer. Unless this is Pttondod to Corres- e pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid t to their communications. s 1,' As It. E. appears to know tho projector of tho sebome on Nvhich heo wvrites, weo should reconumond him to com-( municate ...