Advertisements & Notices

... 'thZSI9d e0 Dozen Gt. 's HeaUless Mlttes at extrermely low 1'micee llanultaetsass~a Stok of Ledles'. Gesxt.e. ?? Clildrem'. Boots. Shoes. nd, Slissnere. alo Dress Slippers, at 35 per Cent. ?? ?? Market Pritces. HOLIDA.Y ARRANGEI ENT. Fe prevesit 'Overcrowrding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Laodon-bridge, City. P IANOFORTES for HIRE and for SALE from 25 guineas ?? Broadwood and Sons. aS, Great Pultenoy-ctreet, Golden-square, W.; Manufactory, 40, Honreferry- road, Westmint.ter. IANOS and HARMONIUMS for HEl,-No hire c charged if purchasedin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... enormous dividends, the Shotover1 having returned to Its shgarholders no less than £9!,000; theI Long Drive £78,000: the Golden Crown £121,00 (or up Id of S5 per share), and the Caledonsan. the richest of allric godld mine, paid, in the short space ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Agents :-Goodall, B Thhouse, & CO.; BDlst, BrLoko, & Hirst, Leeds; BoggitO, Thirac (A 24219 a NRIN DISEASES.-AKHURST' 13 GOLDEN ks LOTION, a Sofa, Positive, and Effectual Cure for Sourvy, Ring. worm, itch, Itednens, Pimples, Eruptions, and every form ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ VASES, LUSTRES STATUETTE-SaRa other Ornamcs-H. BANNISTER. 1, BOOTH-STREET, PICCADI~lA. ENETIAN'BLINDS,go ua ityd. a foot; boot quality, ncade of best materiel, 6d. a foot.-G. TAYLOR, V WTdow Blid Mnutory, &5Met s., lbcert Bidgachester. Old blinds rcaientedl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... euralgia u..e instantly removed by ties Golden I Miin. -'he relief is instaucareeous. Trhe Rev. Dr. Tisdall, Chanlellor of Chc'~St Church Citheor i, h-as plea'rn' in Iwaring teetlmonl' to the efficesor of thle 'Golden vlxi,'wich'he found to give relief the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Monrlay and Wednessday for the Advanced Learners; Saturday publi Asembly. Militarybandinattendance. EST CLIFF SCHOOL, Ramisgate, Kent.-Prin- WV cipal, A. P. SOUTHEE, A C.P.- asslstodby effieientlResi- dentandViBitingllastere, Themostsatisfectoryrefereneestoparents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bed rosms; near to 'bus and ra.- 21, 6ldhsm Road. OURNITURE RE ;OVED in Covered Vans, or Jt Stored in First-class Rooms.JOS. BOOTE, Bath-st., Hnlme. 20-gUR nsIT PUROE R EM£OvED, ia covered vans, or F Stored.-SAdU.h NORTON, 9 ?? 11, Esotnor-etreat Cornbrook ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tailor. g 0-P ( TJNSURPASSED for _. 'R strength and beauty of S] -ETU-__T KSttb.gepeciallriooesoanodling T TTUIL\ them ior the Boot and Shoo _ zMaker. T TERE CTION of . 111~hBeir sowing, combined u OF ith their raidity Bud durabl.i ?? lity, plocethermasfar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Corsmor the troade p9IANOtitRTES for HIRE1 and f~or SALE, from 26 1L guinens ?? Broadwood and I ons 83 Great Pultensy-strest, Golden.equare. W.-Manufactory24, kiorcicerry. road._Westmninster, 1W°TOtjfNOS entlrely RliNOVATED in tone asii touch, and the aummers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trade.-Wanted, at once, experienced Clickers 5-.P for Lale's Kid Work.-Apply to Messrs Vernon and Folly. renre. Stone, c6729 BOOT Trade,-Machialst go Howe) Wanted Constant em B ploynoent. -Apply, 61. e Joh S reet, Aston Road. of 149 OO Sd ~oellermsna- aned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I E S. i : PerBDozo Quarts. J zEREZ WINES (Pate or Golden), ?? 201 to 261 FINE ZEREZ WINER(PacraOIldeo).., 28leto33 _ OLD ZLREZ WINES (Pale or Goiden), .. - 40/ to 481 SUPERIOR OLD Do, (Pale or Golden)., 501 to 841 MONTIL A, .. 30/ to 601 VINO DE PASTO ...