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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... idERCANTILE SALES. AUCTION OF ORANGES. nO BE SOLD BY AUCTION (d IL AbheOUSTOI HOUl1JSDOCRS,DUBLIN, t On THIS DA (1ruesday). the 4th ist, a At ?? ?? S30 cues Oranges. Aveiro, ex Alexandra, from Op' rt WILLIAM FOXALL4 Broker. JsOsTWHI'Eraud ?? lcutace-treet, Dubli. 1077] AUCTION OF ORANGES. _ O BEP SOL9 BY AUCTION, t Att'Abte CUSTOX iHOISE VOoK.S. DUBLIN, On THIS DBA (Tuesdav). the ith iroBt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XMXCA1TE SALES. Auotione of Whiskey, without Reserve. BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Brokera.Saleroons. COMWMEROIAL BUILDINGS, DUlBLIN. On WEDNESOAY, the 15th January, 1873, At One delock. 30 Butts W. J. and Co. Stored January, 1871 25 Ebde. do. do. 1871 i Qe. Caka do. do. 18n 1K lRds. do. , Febluary, 1871 25 do. do .. April. 1871 10 do. do. , do. 1871 13 do. do. . do. 1871V 4 do. do. , do. 1871 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRESS AND FASHION. 15 STEPHEN'S GREEN, NORTH. C iURT MILLINERY and DRESS WARBROOM9. [ ISS H ARRIS begs to announce the ArrIval NEW GO(DS, ,Soitable forthe approachibng Drawvirproom, of which I she founts an early inspection. 727 SR . S I M S L (By Special Appoiitment). COURT DREtSSMAKER To her Excellency THE COUNTESS SPENCER, Begs to announce h~r returm from Paria, And the Arrival of All the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IAUCTION& 0onsistiux of- P~ico Cu Ols st Chie, Blcsk and WPjlia eria Bst, tanete, ties. I MaoiaWrvaes. , do.,d. 'rOH BUK18 espctfuly nnouoasthat ha asrecivd iatuednafroi arn. Jane On TOEOB~tW (Tcada~) the 8th Mrch, 1873. At te ad ctablshr Cli .. an Glss arehousei know as ua and 2 NASSAU-STREE~fT. The entire o h large and ?? Stock in Trade, .which Include the neest and most ?? doeigus ~n dinner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Our Money EAxtde wl be foa bthe guh Psge. It iogggaly requate Uht leM relating to bter e r edtt igt * IdlILotiS Owmo bo~ddneadtinditiduae.34* Badnemi ?? shold: l46 ad&adr.ed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, ¶T1 kEAT1E ROYAL, DUBLIN. IMol Three Niglata of Mr. EAREly SULLIVAN, ,aTICle anlegitirm;tC Areof nlao13itiala Stgc.-'lanee. Mr. Silivanwill be ?? lay 1i4r ADELAIDE GOlEl lIra. JANE LlNGlAM Ma. J. P. CATHCAiLT. 40n TIllS i bharallay) EVENINiG, ta't aber30th, 1873, fhea pcr-rlaacae will commence with the P'lay, in five aCt, entitled THE STRANGER (Last Thae.) The Strdnsger .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPAOIAL PIAN 08 ear O k berg ?? 3 eB te1 CRAMER & CO. 3 YEARS' SYSTEM stay ated, are- at the new -ediced tarp ?? of eime ald money; e ertalntl of a fine InefromeI M~tyof C~tratiend ths greatest ?? as '?el as tvariety from wbieh to eiect. GREAT MUSICAL DEPOT, 4 a 5 WESTERELAND. STREET. DUBI1N. InBr7rnEcaver&, ~ ~JS. nw WEB ?? 3sidB : And 00., ; n.n fsl'':a& ?? fla I ' d f PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. CIVIL SERVICE AND MILITARY EXAMINATIONS. Apply ?? (containing full details of all Im- portant Ooipetldtlon5, both Open and Limited) of QueoWs SrieAcadey 04 dOWER GARDINER-STREET, DUBLIN. A CAEMY,29 GARDINER'S-PLACE ,& ' ~~DUBLIN. B. JOHNSTON Principal and Examiner. J. BATES, Vice-Principal. 57 SUCSSFUSEVu CANDIDATES IN 1872-(See Prospectus). SVOSESSFUL CANDIDATES IN 173l:- (1) Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE 1,00 SPECIAL PIANOS Aftanagesf~ealngwiH larmonrnms &eto select from Adsantuges of Dealing wit> §for SWde or Hire, or on the CRAMER & Co.) 3 YEARS' SYSTEM briefy staled, are- t Eeononly of time and money; certainb 'f a fine In tr.ent facility of contrast; and the greatest number, a 'well as the greatest variety from which to se~ect. GREAT MUSICAL DEPOT. 4 & 5 YIESTMDfiLAND STBTE, DUBLIN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILAILWA 'ON OF THE SRAEOI 'THE HX1lBrllTo; Ist NOVEMfBER, 1673, .e Fares for the Double Jourlney Iro:dstono station, Dubliu, oted belowv, and including M0nday, 1st Decem- ,y can be exrcuded on payment of cry day, if ?? be made at *ne, on or before Monday, let Decein. ?? 11.3 n.m. Train from Gal- 'tonm, By Train leavng Athione at f S a~m, e oy ?? P.m. Train Boyle, BylO. 45aImn. Train from Slgo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. , SALE THIS DAY (WidneSda'y) SS AT No. I RATXHGAgl ROAD. L, AD CO- LA% , jj,1 ISE, ALN ' :At arbove Besidorice 'On :q2 P TH rARR 183, Togc On THIS ?? h19bo, l 37' The Rd SMILW FIIN :And other Vffects ia) (As 'already ex s.q5lvely advertcd). As'tb Salc at 12 o'lock. Bsone Five per Ceit. CemOMMI9iefl tonc, Ln LAWLOR, HILL, and COAuteees an 158 6 LVcNs.and 12nd12Baehelor's-wAlk. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIANOS A I I my an make The Choicest etock in Me vbdom AT G U N N'S, 61 GRrFTON-STEET, DUBLIN. LOWEST EATES ON THREE YEAS' SYSTML ...