Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3IRTH.'S. BFLLAMY.-sOn the 27th insT.. Dt. Ii , Lr~rker Street. Handirworth, thb ?? of P. J. Bellamy. of a daughter. FLprTCHI5.p.-On the 2£th inst., at Se1!Y Oak. the wife of Edwin ileteber, of a Ron. HILL -On the 27th tnst.. at 41l, Coventry Reoe, the wife of Arthutr K. hill. of adaughter. POoLE.-On the 8th inst.. at Pensax Terrace. Victoria Road, Aston P'ark, the wife of Alex. P.sole. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. VINCE. I MEMORIAL SERMONS, YESTERDAY. References to the death of Mr. Vince were made at various places of worship yesterday. Yesterday morning, at Graham Street Chapel, the E1ov. Mr. MtLaren, of Manchester, delivered ar d scourse in re- ference to the death of Mr. Vince to an immense congrega- tion, every available space in the building being occupied, and the worshippers ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tgarringes, a-ind Pathtf e H* go Note ot Birth Marriae, or Death cn be tusertod nat. nthentlba.o bthe am rodSietoftre seuder. inheuw0 r cars. or any similr adition* P to the simple nonoema=nnt o a masg Nr d , 1 ssbia1t bIIt Valmsnt ac for rc aivertisemeut. IRTHS. a BAEE-le0rch 21, at 5, Fazakerleyg treet, the wife of Mr. MatRe Barr, of a daughter. i zALay-Mfatch 30. at Ferbleigh, lhatol-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to a tt of ~ wDat Ih Rol, Affin b Wlt Tautevorits tho same'' Un 8m -o b t. a, whelafor an 1 IRTAK , l.,awe;th BI8Pirf^-lDbIMr 50, :t b9 .Holtrd fa wife of Roberb Bimpbamn. of oldughter,. BLAXR3Xarcb 28, the wilfe of the Eev, Wlia l3ke, ot Stoakpqrt, of a daughter,. bI I En83 tgh . It Un on street EBgre- EVAX8 fUhfi.a Hope6 Cottegef, 1 . reont, th wUe of Mr..Joseph Evans, ot o dauglter. elm(*1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , I= W~ M. MARC DE GOULARD, who was one of the chief ministers under the Y-gihne of M. Thiers, was born, at Versailles, in i8oS. lie came of a good family, and adopted the legal profession more for the sake of having something to do than as a means of livelihood. lie was not a brilliant advocate, and was never asked to defend great criminals or political offenders, but he acquired a solid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,d BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. re- re BIRTHS. ir ?? 7, at 7, Arlington-street. the wife arof W. Cattley C.atfer, of a daughter. to- Ross.-Feb. 26, at 14. Arlington-street, Hull, the tO' wife of Francis Eoss, of a daughter. MAZRRlAGES. Brighar-Stephenson.-March 5, at the Parish 'e Church, Market Weighton, by the Rev. Joseph Foxs is ley, M.A., vicar. John Brigham. of Leicester, to ie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... oit~r S ?? pfA4 ' ?? it ~ ~ ~ ~ i.d A b4, Sb. r 4t' .h T #dx Oo dapgilt(T 4~Th~. , TOW .A- o2,Th~ iffto a ~ a~a a *M 1 Le~~dgj, -,too 4buw t~e ?? .,S~ttjWJ ftbeb PfU(Ir2); 94oogbeof J. 8plSiooor 14oql~ T~b, * loeyW. zvhluold,Q ftdf2 i i1ezast~t roa ~~bte~~dX ig~~loatotdabrlge4% oa~k, ozot1tr. , zu If~~,o ~ etr w rftbhon 3ArSeatef b .lhlev. W woe~n~lw'.ovtshob; t, 2ud Mo, b ito Avoj ~Q1h7(b1t~ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 4IRST. -JanunTy 27, at Castle Bar House, raling, the wife of C. T. Amherst, of a daughter, stillborn. jLR.-tT. anutry 28, nt Suthesland House, Balham, tho wifo 0f Dr. Barrett. of a daughter. a ?? llurY :B1, at 'oburg-plnce, Bnyswvatcr-road, the if, g C.. Clo rla, of ?? (bnoy ,td girl). SLpRIsTSTOE.-JnuoriaY 27, at Tho Giange, W imbledon, tho ,ijf- of B. IV. Elphinstone, Esq., of t son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'A 0TW01 Xk41AG ?? to TI'MDITOA Or TEM DA)nT I-e idFl. SxII;-Iruyour artiole on othis oubjeot you write that the mnajority of marbse tae plaeo jugifor thg Passover and new.year. Why thes perioda are fixed upon it would be impessible to say, 'The reasnis th1s . Bdtweeii Passover and Peutecost is forty-mino day's, or sievec week4, aud the Jews are commanded to couit sqvesi )rqeles ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIATHS. AIRKLL. - December 22, at Locaseaveoad, .B zo NW., the mife of C. Arkell, oa an on stillborn. 0.SEW1N.-Decomber 22. at Bretfortbn eanor, a wilfeof W. R. A3h1win Esq.,,.o a dmughtcr. , , BEAUXONT.-Deeember 22, at Portnan-gq t, the AO, o Lieutenant-Colonel Beaumoit (late S. F. Gu), of, s e . BEVAN,-Deoenmber22, at lVatOn-o0ha-omn, hra. 8 scrl Linloln Bevan, of a daughter. ' BROAD. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At S7 F)oritl~nd Street, on the 13t' 15t., t4l wlfe of Mr W. C. WrtHERRAD; a son. At 135 Hil Street, East, on the 13th lint, Mrs JRN ALLAN * son. At 83 South Portland Street, on llthe 13th iati., Urs HUGH Es at; a daughter. , On l3thinstthewife of JAMES S ?? 3 feld Place, Pitt Street; a daughter. At 72 Bath Street on the 13th instant, Mrs l[eTTHEW JOHNSTON j a daughter. At 44 Shamrock Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 20 Acw~a4WG Stnei %iA)eton, on the 26th ?? 20 Blrside Street Oowcadden%, on the 27th Bro fEOEGB C ~eI AL* a o80D -n ?? Falu,81hettlestOn, On the 2th AiQusen Street Ki;jhnltffl;%, on the 26th insk, ' d0 ofJOuN DORSYTH; a DRughteT, Atoau ArgYIltre, On the 23d ios' , the wife of jgssvozs Sscrfl. Req., ci Calcutt; a fIughte?. At Treint, Snt;reo, en the 9th inst, the wife gs ItAsTn lte ?? ; a ...