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London, London, England

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... SATLES BY AT -NN rr~su'~ it ~\l I)~, V~lU~JlAN nnI, ENXNN t ~t (I ,I~,2OtII''i 1. IX,02111 ti 2 N- I'L NI.,t Inl~t: t~onI~ait..I1' aI ?? ?? wo] r- Aiuto ot, tho, no.0,. LLLi to.-h r -A tih, IIL1, I 11 11 20 £21', )IIIOL 1111 ?? a~'o 2IQLOLI.'f. .4 ,LIb to ,I2I ll~,CLILT gatL'b.:14 11.2 1.. .I ii ?? OL ,IILL l~fL~o5 111 *a~re.-olL~t~t. lt~srt~ itolOLOLO.f~OtL,4121 IL'a l. . LOLI-.LO I r1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alt TE L -0 DRY 01TIO,. E P PS'S (BREAKYA JAMES EPPS A'ND CO., :H:. MElOD PATHIC o OA lbu ,m ' NO'TICKE. ECIU~A Z PE ISONM M XINO or 51UAVElibuLEs, ANY OTlRM EmnPLqvxEW MOLlEOIaSu. AUT'lCLUD PUPIL4, .:IfRS, An'RuRimst, and MOMVMIN'ES. DOXESTIC SERVANTs0f ora kintl, WANTING 8MltTATIONS or EIPLOYEtS RIQUURINNG leSewIviOICH of SUU UlON8, .4 I~na, Ofto SMIUoT 9lnsIrtil1i1X2S41.= $rA, Iiorlo 4,4 64 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E. MOSES & SON, WEROHANT TAILORS AND OU'ITTOBBS 'OR ALT, CLOSE& SUITS, 28s TO *94 4& A&LL CocOS lklalyffl It; ~IUUM ft2 8M-Ua.MgAB1UXs lA N 11 U uV|tter.N List Pl e Aryariell 03chongvzd,oertS doedr and 'ashin4iQ A tbe' mon! umturnd I Elosm fZee. A imjziINCT D1UAfrtTXW1 Foil noys, OrOTID E. XO 8 S AN D S&OIN, MIVOIt~iE: ndil ALflGATEV4 And iisadford, YorklsB NOTICIK PRE-rA]D ADVYLRTiSENTS FROM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7OUR CREST and MOrO.-Sencl name and county to OULLMON-N'd Heraldic OMMc. Plaja ecRch, iY.Oda,; an herldc cloos.Is Tho arms 01 mant and wite blended. Thus berulturooloilrd or SorTaitSi iAvory, 109. (jrst ?? onsuaih, rnls, bookolats, and letlis, rs. It. A nloat gold seal, )witloorest. Woe holi god rng.In-crat edongrmvcd with crest 4-28. 6Mo1d golo i~irIirdry, ootnr~aviluis. ?? CulLeton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ViYICAL PAXACE- 'TETSDAY. IHAXILTONS ! U LAI~tAALLXW~tET11ARW~ &e.One iljt or ed, hine boases ITIekilt. Open from 1 It till it.Orhsa . 80, Dioxana.s; Midge nlonalfl. N.5. Gra 10 .0 ]in Wi Woarts ansd Oullmdonijs- Deasban'VictoraOrm 0allwit TochnoloitoXO Guallei.-ibibiitiou of Oliolits ilhustst~iUD .stimTo56idlca.BP-Now Caret Dvddiflg, with novel battoxily bd] MAItyM AQUARIUM OPEN DAILY-8inMc. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWA.T InummoN.-The throat and windpipe are Am~deJIiabla to infammnaton, causing eoreheos an d vneidB tia tug end irritation, Inducin e cough ao .joebos t yerine ino these Byriptoms uso Eglcoino i'tthe fornie ubos. Gly. ue in ble confetions, being inpoxlmnitY to the glandB at ?? thmen ?? tb th aeb bu g ,bdoorleuelybolhDI boxlc; o ess r(b ltoorac~ ~t '50~im51 sdli540 Trea ?? al0Pieoa5ill, Iuon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE, No. 191, for SEPTEMBER, price ia. CONTENTS OF ThE NuMBtER. j. Richard Baster. By the Dean of WY~estminster. 2. The Curate is Charge. By Mrs. Oliphant. Chapters V-VII. d g.Torqoato Tasso: his Life anti Works. BY Catherine M. Phillimnore. 4. Sonnet Whithersoever. BY J. WV- Hales. S. The Convent of San Marco. VI. and Last. The Prophet's End. s, 6. Notes on Mr. Tennyson's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W B 0 o K S. THE AGE OF PERICLES: A History of the Arts and Politics of Greece, from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War. By W. WATKISS LLOYD. IMPRESSIONS OF LONDON SOCIAL LIFE, with other Papers suggested by an English Residence. By E. S. NADAL Crovn Svo, 7s. 6d. [ This day. SECOND EDITIION, WVITH1 NETW PREFAC E. THE UNSEEN UNIVERSE; or, Physical Specu- lations on a Future State. 8vo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRVAT WEBTERR2 SRAILWA't, 0912105S E~iuriona to the West of 5112g18.d. RR SATURDAY lint, %Saturda until hithrri IN'iaa Ezi n will leove Pad4dnFtM SAY-.0 oolde .28 ; and llammermltb 7yS Emr. . and Beding 11.m. for' WESTON-SIINRqAARIE, Ole70drdIV, gdoe , lmanter Chard, Watabot Wallin~t, vOr. tDawilob. Te'T~bmout..nTort Tetuem, 7DOrteOi~h, bestaoe, Ivysnri~rd ld 10O5b~ a retun tofte ?? weack ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRWAT WESITERN ltAM~WAWr. thT SATURDAir Aguet 14th, and Seah enereriing Satvfrdoay in A It, a chan excAA relen train for PortisHeaP LynnCTeb, ?? Lverporiotol a nd i wtermedatvill leave 2wddine ten at 7.45 10m.,Westhournc.park 7 60o Kcn;Vngton (Addieon.roatlt 7.25, Uxbridge-rood 7.25, andt Hammeeeinilth 7.53 alan.; retaprning en eertain sp~ecifed datc3 at per ?? bills. On the admrnedayarnRXOUit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, BIRTHS. SoSs, SHlooTLIFF, Mrs. William, at King-street, Wedc~ CtLnRK, Mrs. George, Jun., at Loughborough-rood, Hamersmith, Aug. e. Aug. 3. SMTHne, Mrs. Richard, at Gloucester-crescent, Ct.orou, Mrs. William, at St. Austell, Aug. 3. Regent's Park, Aug. 3. Ccoosts, Mrs. W. A., at Blenheim-crescent, Not- SFEVNSs, Wife Of tire Rev. Edward T., M.A., ait ring-hill, Aug ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : B t.[ S ?? ?? or ?? WORN By THE TO DHNRaAXZ i POtNTLEMIAN.'tBe lg d, G lqowrc ?? of Al Nowrit l. at all theo Lb ;urinict t PC SERAMOINS OCT 01F CHURCH. Dyto uho f l .k ,$r;8}v|Atrlts~ .'TJohn fati ?? W G intlematind of ?? ' T1 w ic in tls0 doT Soenin for thitc ils l~tmxl ion, , . u hldI,1 BI- nIOI ' t'S t TIE lOTfI ' i i~it I 10E atoe r lcoo livcct h lT ?? ijustly vocinil questions ...