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Hampshire Telegraph


... Pertdshire Advertiser, of a vener- the able lady who flourished about the time when Lady Lonisa. vas was born. Horace Walpole speaks of an old lady whom he en visited, a Mrs. Godfrey, who was one of six generations all ,en alive at the same time. She had ...


... metaphysical theories of pro. l atestantism or Deism, and where he deplores the lmental rre'sction' of the 'Renaissance, -an speaks of it as, inspiring r men with such irrational admiration for Antiquity as 6 entirely to ignore the Fvocial auperiorit ...


... criticism-but an ignorant, presumptuous person, past e all pardaon. Nevertiheless, in a, meek and chastised way, and fir speaking, as it were, with hated breath and under correction, Ale Imsfanetrmy plea. And first I must observe,that ifwe the have in ...


... daughter of Lady North is at our school; then the mothers-you know A what some people are-talk of that to their friends, and .. speak of Lady North as if they had known her all their bi lives. I do not know Lady North myself, but I am sure hi she is a wise ...


... supplies an interesting reiwo r adsinter English Drauatio Literature, sketching the ground it Made occupies, and generally speaking in high ternms of the each -author's labouors. In 1University Libraries and Po Witt fessicual Colleges Mr. 0. H. Robarts ...


... H. Murhisoni, YaRa.G.a, Of Austin, Friarps, ?? to -~apparently its'poublishier as well as author. To let Mr. pu Murchison speake for himself is all that can be expected fi m us in noticing a. publication of this description,. The author vp avow tht h ...


... btajes to do now: he has fallen in love, and he were lips. meditates'matrimony. The mattrer-of-fact way in which men ranthe lad speaks of'the object of his affections is very curious. lanin eno Then name of the young lady is Margaret Alborow - the form this ...


... ance alone is another matter. It would be easy to confound effect with cause in such cases, and while the liquor traffic, speaking of it collectively, is unquestionably a curse to the country, we should be slow to believe that the dimi- nution in the number ...


... honour is assigned n to Mr. Matthew Arnold, whose paper is on 'The Church of England.' Wne contribution is not strictly speaking. an original one- or rather- it is the address, amplified vwe 0 believe, which the author delivered to the London clergy' ...


... be a, boon and a blessing indeed. We Ol have also a very interesting account of a6 a hdl ?? lit de, Lady Barker speaking with with bypositive enthusiasm of the honiour shown by exe atthe natives to, the resident Milnister. 1 Thetoh - Kafirs ...


... part, Tell me of what use thon art? With a glass stuck in your eye, p And your cap worn all awry; Though no language you can speak, Neither Latin know nor Greek,- Hear my vow before you go, You shall never be my beau ! Awful Puppy ! Awful Swell! Who would ...


... about selling fish, &C. He was a hawker. He came into the oottage about ten minutes to seven and had some tea. He did not speak to me at all, but simply came in and took his tea. Aboxt half past seven he got up and went into the stable, and had not spoken ...