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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ( RT'Y AND RORKtE, UNDERTAKERS, BAGGOT G SrREET, iupply Funerals In a most respectable TaUner, and on very reasonable terms, having all the ?? andiasterts ontheirconcerns, 22 ~Jf ORTUART CARDS-100 Varletie.. French and jY. English pstterns. The moet uitable lpatterns only kept. NA ON'I newr Photocrapb Mortuary Cards in great variety. Urgent orders printed at the shortest uotice. 1. and S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHITTXNGTON 'AND IS ClAT' QUADRILLES, Containing all the best Airs oi THIE PANTOlIMIE, By R. M. LEVEY. Beautifully Ilustrated. Post Free, 2S. THE DUBLIN CASTLE GALOP. By T. J. JAMKSON. Played at the Galety Theatre. Price Is. 6d, Post Free. PIGOTT AND CO., DUBLIN. PREIPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. g Advertiswsntst to be guaranteed insertion should bd roceievd before ?? in the evening. SCALE OF PRICES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ARSON'S PAINT *Etablished,80 years.) o all deecrlptions of Outdoor Work. On IRON, WOOD, STONE, BRIOZ, or COUIP6 Any person cnm u IL , ?? t. yita requlite Oil, divered ?? fee. ZTo Agents - PIanfa-sud Prices on applicatlon to WALTER Oiiio.-_ A~D LA BrLLE SAUVAGE YARD, LONDON, 21 BACHELOR'S-WALK DUBLIN. g90 1 PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. W AdV eet;tO to be guarantecd inoertion chould be receiwd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMILY MOURNING, S. OLUHAM AND SONS, t1 AND 12 WESTMORELAND-STREET, DUBLI, solidt ottentlon to their stock of Goods, Of moat superlor desoriptlon, la sbovo Buaob. OBI 7 BILJ M ,NTI2B. CRAPES. ,, .SHAWLS. - ASHMARRS. It,, 'OoVzsRIDSONf ?? ,, P4RAMAITAS. ,, OADINEn& Tin1TH WiTE TRADE. JOHN O'CONNOR begs to draw the attentiou of con ers'of Wine to the unequalled ?? oS fere'. by him regarding the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANMOJ0 . Daslos-well, Fgqe ..Ii DoticBlbbet, REq .1 100 Chasles Daweon, Esq1, High Sheriff of Lime- rick .. .. ?? Walte'r Hlussey Ox-ifflth, Esq ?? . 10 0 NY A 'MahoflY, F-s I. * .. 10 0 (0 J A~exanSI'r, REq I*10 0 p 1i p~onohoo, Esq I. . .. 10 0 'Arn Connelly ?? .. . I10 0 ?? G5iY ?? 9 10 0 lie1s Doherty I 010 0 M r, A Hope Grahm .. i.. 010 0 liss Dowil ?? . 0 10 a. M6rs Casey, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IrR TH l.,rj -. rJ . i CHRISTt&z , A.;t knd coabine figlfio 4g suce to eeS ,aO p4lww ?? sC41 ?? 1[:YAM.S . fV.LLW 20 fi4neei O 26s In Xloq lieavati ~ 32~ 1{AM's G1P-9JLLI: Q140FOAs 268 1 11' gt I1ut 323 *ND, D4*cx~ !4!Ir * ; FancyS TP ia ,rs' 7 ]ffYAM'S 1~f4H O~CA 209 TU b6elotVoed0 2~i)5 26 - 1:; ?? YalAM'S G>NVLZ, *l~l0 ?? 26-19 In ,ao . . ! - 2O rinlul~ i.~u 2 * Ois . 323 lYAllS tARVILLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f FRlTY AN11) R1OIhE, UNDERTAIkmS, DAGGOT G S SIRET, r'pply Funerals in a most respectable manner, and on very remasoble terms, having Ill the appointments andmaterinls on their concerns. N r MTPUANY CAIToS-The NiiandBeaiSIt S.L signs of MM7. Dopter Lettile. Bonainy, Hinlez, Bnonsso, &c.,in creat T ariety. Plain, Bordered Catnened nd EmbossRd Cards of all sires, 3n every style. utrdena ,iders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FVUNERALS S1JPPLIED-William Faasgan, 54 X Aungier-street, and Dycers Repository, St Ste. pben's-green, supplies Funerals in the best manner, and on the moot moderate terms. L 1U274 MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, and M KURAL TABLETS in the greatest variety, and ihe largest stock in Ireland, at Fitzpatrick and Molloy's, lusnevin e 9933 M ORTUARY PRINTS and CARDS Printed in the neatest manner and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS aOWEN, ?? it ato a tieuio~n to hei .pt*t ,b -FRENON MLL! DYt - FLOWERS, of which G m0eI t ao1eitidn Inpection. °WBDDIaG TROUSSEAV o£r18e BABY LINEN, A LAYrTT14 for £1I Of ie~lnt kiltelma and warktxlsnlhip. Every income suited. List on application. Mis. CARROLL OUTFIlTTER, 16191 l~~1 NASSAU$RK WARl WINTER HOSIERY AND GLOVES. . & W. BEALE h Npeitt~hl 0 atten titon to *heir ts %bove,whiO has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.jCiONS. Admirers Of th ,7 SALE OFI G OIL pAJINTIGS I DAY (VdhY).at TWO 'claOc. [. l. L O *HI§LL ' AND EO LAw L O,1WIAj'D 00., 't tho ImmA(rdY R 8oo 76 .an about 200 lnrdifU Venice, by Ouerdo; * Sefa Piee ,, by Dhfe4U, CoMuette% by Eol conr~sefTrueLovs, by Lorean Blind Beggar. by Dikerfl;byG h; queen of leart$, by 111 Leith MU, AlsO a number oa beautiful Oil Chroio& sale at Two ololook, gi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. RYAL CIRCUS A4.UCTION ROOKS; A Cottase PianoJbrte, 61.ectaves, Ay& l8onD, In Waltut Case; A handsome Ormol5 6JightGabalier (Modern style), Manutlplece Glasses and Oraniente, 24 (Lady's) Bags, 17 rnsof vhrious shizs and qualla - b' Portmanteaous, 25 new Galyewlzed Buckets, A Flre-pUll PoTter Machine, by Nlerry, equal to new, with tubing, &c., complete; A quantity of Drapery Goods, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [UNENALS SUPPLIEDIWillhm Fanagan, 54 FAungier-street, and Dycer's Repository, St Ste- phens-groen, supplies Funerlns in2the best manner, and ,n the most moderate terms. L 16274 M ONIUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, and L M URAL TABLETS in the greatest variety, aitd Mhe largest stock in Ireland, at Fitzpatrick and Moloy'02 slasuyn. 993 OORTUARY PIUNTS and CARDS Printed in the -1. nieatest manner and ...