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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... ROSCO'NZON FAIR. I Te (From our (lorresponwent.) hdwt Th ai old on Monday was lairgesupledW horned. cattle. Irincipally of second~isim quality, but sheep wordvoty Weeltd hin numbers. there wasa g~ol attendanceof buyersand abrisk demand. Prices,% hw- ever, ware much under those of recent fairs and simlors bhowed greaktorluctance it submitting to any reducltic s0 that business was very slack, ...


... If A )bIIoN AivD VARLETIrs. . - THE COUR~T. Coburg, April 10, The Que en, accompanied by Princess Be*e1tre, ar- ye lired at Cobnrg a tew minutes before eight o'clock laet evening. Her Majesty left Baden-Bade at I0 o'olock co yesterday morning, nnd travelled by speclal traiu. Their Royal iglghneases the Grand Duke and Duehelss of ge Baden and Prince and Prlneass Iolenboheo wero at the St ...


... a4bint 4i .. i*iB I THE~ PRINC* *OF WALES. His Royal 14h s the Prince of Waeq WMU arnie at Malta O'D Thurs ay next, and ?? ogain on the following Worning. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, . . . - :. \ . l .a, )2ondna Tho Duke of a dnbrgb wgo arrirca here : by the d n- mail trom Paris t in Jotrey to A ad, t 1.%e -thtootternoon. ' ' 4w . THE 3BpHE$S QF 5TZWRIA. ! ETh ers f Austrfi left Diver at 1.30 ...


... fASCIION AND VABIETIES. THE COURT. Duke of Edinburghb's Palace, Coburg, April II. Their Royal Highnesse8 thoe .uko ?? Saxe.Coburg, the Crown Priecess of Germany(Prince$i R.yal of Great Britain and Ireland), and Count Mens ?? dined with the Queen. To-day is the annivereary of the birthdmy of E.R.R Princess Beatrice. The Queen and Princess have taken drives to the Rosenan and Kaileonburg, and ...


... I SASIO.N AND FARIZTIBS. 1. The Duke Mf Edinburgh left Clarence 6ru, stgdr A ?? anid nouse, t. nam es', ?? Whence lue Prncess Christin a I returns to-dey. The* Vuchess of Butherlanid, with Lord Ronald and Lady Alexandra LevesouGOVOT, areei the reces at E hinD dnatig the ?? the uuke ar Duprobtn with ?? Marquis of Staffold, Lord Tarbat, and Laly Florence Laessoont00Wer. The Marquis and ...


... ROTAL HOTICTELMRLMSOCIETrS . ?? . I SP GSHOW. -The Royal HEortiultural* eiety will hold its in. pural thow for the eaon of 1878 at the Exhibi- tion PaU on., Thuuday nextS, 2i inst. This show ialways looked forward to by the general public with epoial 1ntkrest, ?? as it doea 7che ~eniiemf ~eiii~ b! tht maty plietut out dooc ot* ut whicb the, veidonte of the metropolis so ?? an44also tot the ...

[ill] [ill] SOCIETY

... .1 Teas - -1 FU'. SIOAL SOOIETY. There was a time-asome twenty years ago- when Dublin was strong in its choral societies. It vihs a treat to which all looked eagerly forward when the Antient Conoert Society (as chief atmouget them) snnounced a concert to be given under its auaspices. 'It is true there was not about thesco ciety. tbat breadth d liberality that would hove gone far to populnrise ...


... GREAT MUJSTER FA- r! I . .U. din MzLThUSSTRR FAR.w !i: i * . ; (Bipi ossr Coetepbhodett.) t: . > ?? T tirs ;y The hnitfpisly hateset tit, hld to-day, a, hta. tegidt tiektsipply of efimtil and the attalpd4ics ol I1ehY one of the ?? resolusbared ftr fc'.e A vd,4't of cauces contributod to this rejult. In the Or'ol'placq Fbes vtathoer Waj ntit Itclehitot, ratos het$|pg In p5 in 9erly ho lskt55 i ...


... t TEH3 FLOWR SHOW.. The Spring Show of the Royal Horticultural Society was held yesterday in the Exhibition Pa. iaco. The attendance wee very large, and quite an' enthusiasm seemed to reign concernlng thu6 Celebration of the first home gathering of the ex. piring season. The Palace is the most convenient place in the city for festivities which are indepen. dent of what are calledcreature ...


... 1 , 7 ! A b ' A lP) II THE COnRT. Bsd'enpBdOn, Sunday. rnv~ ~k. ~asp. eforsed thi's moihiin at $li~litk - ?? before the Queen, PrNncess'ea etiffO, ?? tbe~lseiiseholl , i ev. Aiiald Whit., Englibli= ghpli a adn officiated. 'The Queen 111 s taelk quiet drives in the Ineighbour-hood. A visit wa pidt tbe tomb of her Majesty's imutnntel sister, Princess Hoheiolhe, on the nrtt morning after the Quee ...


... IFASHION AND VARIETIBS. THE COURT. Duke of Edinburgh Palace, Cobirg, April 19. Yesterday afternoon hlis Imperial Majesty til l'iaps- ror of Gerftany, with his Imperial and lti yall ilighuesf the Crown Prince, visited her MaSjesty. The Queen re. relved his Imperial MAjesty at the entranee ?? The Emperor, the Crown Prince and Princess rJ 0, rmalny, the Duke and Duchess of Saxe Coburg, Prner ...


... OIAABZI( AND VARZZNS& : T92 CBJRT. P ~ ?? , Sbaturay Te OtQ a Duke and Gadd Duchaes Bd W am P R a tto. Qnu Vltebla at halft-PO a O'clock athu aftemoon Lad ?? toliwcaon. -h ' tuned to Carrh ^at 8.1. . Tue Duke of Rutland's party at Belvoie Casle, whlich membled op Tesda bas lfcludedth Maquis ?? ?? Bocto5 and l M Hervey,*MWda Mfarchiones of Allcabary, the e Countess of Bradford and Lady Mbel ...