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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAQES, AND DEATHS. B I B T H S. CAUPBELL-Augut , at SC Lower Whitthomjo, near Belfast. the wife of Mr. A. Campbell, o twins-son and daughter. CUNNINGHAM-AugI 7, at 17, Maria Street, Bel- fast, the wife of Robert James Cunningham, of a Ion. LYNI)-Auguat 7, at 8, Brookhill Avenue, Clifton- ville. Belfast, the wife of the Rev. L J. Lynd, of a dx.;,hter. MARRIAGES. P.EDOURR-PONSONBY ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SIiLFTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, El?.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T. S BIP.THS. r3STRONXG-April 24, at the Rectory, Stadbally, the seife of the Rev. Robert Armstrong, A.M., of a son. CMRY3S-April 25, at 77, Sandy Row, Belfast, the wife of Mr. Thomas Cairns, of a daughter. FE'ltDE-March 20, at the Cape of Good Hope, the wife of James Fforde, Esq., J. P., of a son, .w DS;DF,-SIpril22,atBillycastle, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B 3DETATS. _grmber 9, at Tboruliebenk, Glasgow, the wife o: john Boyd, of a son. ELtNOrmbe 10. at Loigh View, Atrim Ba j , w wife of Janm Cowidlie of a sou. %A.CgSziE-Noyembar 9, at Cookatown. the wife of Jhu Mackenzie, B~q, AL&, of a daughter. Mriuay-,lovember 17, at Crawford Square, Lon- donder, thaO wife of the RBe. A. C. Murphy, of a daughter. E~SgLT-NOvember 2, at 45, Castlereagh Rosa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WI-ITHS, M4ABRRAG-ESAN4P DEATHS. BIRTE S. CRUMLLEY-JUe 8, at Ardara, County Donegal, the wife of John Crumley, Esq., of a daughter. HgN DRRSON--April 3, the wife of John Henderson, Bank of South Australia, Port Adelaide, of a ,anughter. HUTTON-June 6, at Larchfield House, Farnham, Lady Katherine Hutton, of a son. I'lLovLU -June 9. at Myroe House, Killyluan, the wife Robert T. Ml'nroy, Egq-, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C- BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BI RT I H S. AIE-EN-Jannary 25, at Dundela Cottage, Knock, Belfast, Mrs. James W. Aiken, of a daughter. ',i~lfCRTSJnusary 24, at 3, Goffrey Street, Crumlia Road, Belfast, the wife of John 'lMurtrie, of a daugbter. DIELVLLE-3anuar 23, at the Long Hlls, Lnooln- shire, the Hon. Mrs. A. S. Leslie Melvile, of a son, SIMPON--JWuary 22, at St. James's Place, Fermoy, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF CAPTAIN H. DRUWMMONP- MORAY AND LADY GEORG INA SEYMOUR. At St. Peter's Church, Eaton Square, London, on Tuesday, was celebrated the marriage of Captain Henry E. Stirling Home Drnmnmon(d-Moray (Scots Fusilier Guards), younger, of Blair Drummond and Ardoch, son of Mr. Charles and Lady Anne Holme Drummond-Moray, with Lady Georgina Emily Lucy Seymour, third daughter of the Marquis and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MA.RRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. ALESANDER-September IS, at Brookhill Avenue, CE~iftvnille, Belfast, the wife of Thomas Alexander, of adaughntr. BAIL s-ePtember 18, at Cramlini Road, Belfast, the wife of Coastable Richard Bails, R.LC., of a son. BATE1AN-September 13, Lady Bateman, of a Eon. BEATT71E-September 15, at Ballymena, the wife of David Beattis, of a son. DA VIDSON-September 19, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, ARLRIAGES, AND DEATHS B I R TH S. DAVIDSON-SePtember 19, at Clandeboyt, the wife of James Davidson, Dundela, Strandtown, Belfast, of a son. GAa'NIER Septemher 16, at Rookesbury Park, Fare- hamn, hants, the Hon. Mrs. Carpenter Garner, of a S0IL MARSHAM-September 17, at Barton Seagrave Re- tory, the Hon. Mrs. John Marsham, of a daughter. STOPFORD-September 16, at 42, Upper Brook Street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH S. DAVIES pnil 15, at 72, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, London, the wife of Richard Davies, Esq., nj P., of a son. DAWSON -Api1 3, at 7, Templemore Avenue, .gountpottinger. Belfast, the wife of James Daawson, of a son. STEPHEN ;-April 17, at 7, Landscape Terrace, BeI- fast, the wife of Alex. Stephen, of a son. WICKHAM -APril 14, at Tichborne Park, London, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... siPTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BATE-June 22. at 5 Lower Windsor Terrace, Belfast the wife of James Hesford Bate, of a daughter. DUGAN-At 11, Ghent Street, Belfast, the wife of Ur. Francis Dugan, of a son. EyAMILTON-Juae 24, at Pottinger Cottages, Mount- pottioger, Belfast, the wife of T. B. Hamilton, of a daught/ir. SCOlT-June 22, at the Manse, Glenarm, the wife of the Rev. 3. Scott, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BLAIR-JanfnsY 11 at Fortview Terrace, Antrim Road, Belfast, the wife of Thomas Blair, of a son. CEIARTRES-JannarY S. at Lianaskea, the wife of John Chb-tre5, M.B., ALB., T.C.D., of a daughter. DrN1 DAS-Janalry 9, at 1, Halkin Street West, Lon- don, S.W., the Hon. Mrs. John Dundas, of a son. FERGUS-January 10, at MToy, County Tyrone, the wife of Samuel ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH IS. BELLEWE JanuSIY 23, at Elm Park, Liverpool, the a-ifs of Thomas Acheson Bellew, of a son. ERYKELEY -January 18, at Lyppard Grange, War- ceste,. the wife of Major Henry Berkeley, late 3rd Dragoon Guards, of a eon. COSLANr JanuurY 22, Mrs. John Conland, Courtrai, of a daughter. RICELARDSON-Ja. 22, at Poplar Vale, Monagban, the wife of Edward Richardson, ...