Advertisements & Notices

... By ?? 7Hle.h' OAh1l YI-a hr. res - ?? then ~ Hat-Ke, ?? 1ES_ S LTUCAS & CO. Neg nas-tar i for ts'oa clam~ of Hozg-c--Lb ?? ~ hr st Sacodey NL, tobe Meent to the yare d CseadfomLsrolCart- B 27 E -Zte d An- 5 oC Twelve o'clock, a o!usefal Caic HORSES, for 4k --einid el~e, some' ir~r Me-ssr Thomwo.% eC . eerie.-; ottae., from E.aiwa com3any, r-scl cowmners an~d farmers, Ac ~ hoeet Me p ?? faa: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~zdMSIS8TRATTON IN? O[&SO]ERY. 0 H t R OS E & C O. J Are SttUINQ OFFtheir IMMENSE STOCK OF OOALTORT L VOOtCILAIN. EARflIaxwkax. GLASS, &w.. A' ?? of O per cent. tor QCh. SOETYEUN LEPPOI 7], 7XIySR dT.M!tOEE1STE J1. NICOLL, 1½rnrr-msrET nm: *COSOTRIL. lONDON. 0 PaRS,. uVvzsronx., ?&AOH3r~sT AND BIRMiNU±LAM} . LZVEVYOU(;L AJDSBXSS--5. BOLD4STsiCXT. SlUITINGS tar Snrmer xnd TravelfLngWemra in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 33 3J NICOLL, R6mm - 5 kN-D OORSST1LL. LONDON. PANIC LIVENBOOL, MANO.STER, AND LIVEE (-LOC ADDRIECS-50, BOLD-STREET SRo.+ A I(Y, ?? cad TF ANV4ELING SUITS of apect. . ' ChMiaed nk i di- aq5 Aogola loths. The-e u~a-e- : -~ i;; . The fa-on.ea colt ate Pleat;r ?? art treatlovW fdixltue-S, ann lb2s ?? tllst- rtc's a e , ?? . 2 mwf C C AMUSEMENT, &c. N3y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lEE HULL AND LINCOLNSHIRE 'TIMES AND EAST RIDING GAZETTE l1s now sent every SATURDAY (post free to any 'tddress) at the following rates:- , HRALa YEAR (prepaid) ?? ?? Ss. 3d. D1ireot from the head-offices 22, lfhtwfriargatne, Hull; ,or of Messrs. TOMaINceON and CeOwbDi, Barton-on- lnamber. The TIMES is also supp]ied by the following Agents -. LINCOLNSHIRXB. ' Aincotts-Mr. J. Chapman. Appleby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. fhcA1 t OE;(TNrYrTaoit ntheDAILV IBROURY MIBPdJD ADVERTISEMFNTS test ?? thbe l3uee In length) referrg to SitU3tiOt, anuses. and reroii W~aok4 Fcoperty tO he Scold ox Let, Apartment, and all the kise~heneOAS enie cf ^te Coontal. Is SXPRIaO fU The ?? to.L E OICONI2OrUTIV DALY INSH- tION-' is ON'E SHILLING. Adver' nentzo0 this Cla 3hst h okedwil ehchsged the u : scele ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? O , REGE.ZII-SThEET kND O.'j t c-t'fIXl' C, !A2V3l4TTs , AN S'rJV up' flr. _OATS o' ?, thowervr-c 11 Tvrd,,la A pTIC, 1u, V Me GUIue~. i Aleacee, ra-nst alld tot B ?? Prinve oz alu iN e',atru-.L' v Wins; gobart Macaire. r i.-uunl i t.,f. ire i*asCMr, 'St. .1 as lst ..-agas Minstrels. Qlvten ?? ?? OS'3 a Company. Xew ?? Ki-iclaeU entertarinmnt. Scsi 'a. ?? -A lustrstlozos, Lime-street. j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PURE !CLARETS J?on?ed aired W. ?d A. GThB1??'Y, fronti?.eMedOC (ffrw,?ce). P.'r Pe? BetUe. De?e?. Castle A CLARET 1/-. 12/-. Castle B CLARET 1/3 15]-. Castle C CLARET 116 18/- Castle D CLARET ?? ?? Bottles chexgtd IS. pe? do?.. WhiCh in sflowed when returned. The above Bevere.aO Wuiea are conddent?Y offered as the bc?t po?sib1e obtainable value, and are GUARANTEED P?J?E. At?I) GSNUXNE. W. & A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NangC TO AIWEETISFIRS Uinrarrsu ADS UMYaRNM that whilst the greatet care S bhbn to Insert advestisenienta on the dates ordered. as Well BB to W=8m their being correctly printed, we cn- ¶ Mob be responsible for inaccu~racies in either or these to- apecte, nor for any consequences arilng therefrom. PnsoasN Ssiiis AnvnRrsamn-zre posmauscript may ft-cnlezeeight words to a line, and twelve lines to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . m~any be 5a4 on &PppiW&oDli.-- i LIS3T OF PRICES OF TH ALON COUT BREWR CO.'SAL JL b a ?? - ..flfi6 prgL SB ?? .- ?? s 1 e DIAMOND PALE^ ?? is. 2d. and }s. 4d. per gallon It Is gnrly acnwledged tha the Ales upplied bv thi Brewerjr of 1 sunror qvty G PORGESs PIL sa GRAVEL PILLS-t bes medicine yet disoered, for Pile ?? Complts. TheProprletorhasreceivednpwa rd^ o: two t~housand Teatiinoaasi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR NURSE PHILLIPS'S FA.MILI APER?NT P?LS. These ?x?tAPERIENT ?? ? ,esU-Er..OWL veh t?nviiag been in general nee for Sb years. They are 55 Cli' ?ieoinaiy recoaainended for Fe?nshea and?eraone of a - doii?ate oonstit?xtion; tbey correct all D ?JRDRBS of S the STObE?CH am1 DOWELS, au1 promote a heaitli? aetion of the Liver: thoy ?? NAUSE&, SLCR. 1?E?S, ?EART?BURN, and AC1I)ITY. and othar die ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *rEPITL UES'(ULUMANO S'APSON ?? MARSTON, and: Co.'s .1AT No~'T EEADX.-PHW INORKI~ U AUT1Or. Ox. 7 TilE FEwMr PA.R&DISiL. -ffV`FFFiqWO1uLD. By Fn.Gc9 GEORGI, HSATII, a.The woerk 'is Pustntotl by 1lA Celourod Plateo oiAvingtinO., ptohet1iqstieo £6 in all) (it avory opuorlo,, Of ritish Fein, opt III 1eD arle And by wvocnll full-p susO 0c1;uinirif of Bom Ite povoj, nd % j~utorapm ar.O Woit, tiea. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rilr ISS A N N I E BALDL JN TN .1/11 at Liberty. London only. Address, Mr Blackniore; or, 7, l'arendsn-ivillas. Cliftonville, Margate. M9/r I S S 1I HELEN M1: A S S E Y Disenigaged lo' Short Tour or Special. Address, S, North-crescent, Bedlord-siuXarC, W.C. I S S JOSEPHINE F I D D E S, VTL VlCOllTA TtIEAT'RE, LONDON, AuLust l3thj, None Nights, as IMOGENE and JANE SlIOREt. At Liberty August ...

Published: Sunday 12 August 1877
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4629 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices