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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TlHE DEATH, OF THE POPE. TEIE POPYBS LAST 'WORD[S.t ![BY TrLEGRAr.] K RomE, TuRsDcrY, 7 P.m.-Pope Pitus IX. iS 1 dead. His H1olinss was in extremifs at three p.m.. ', and an announcenent was made of his dissolution, c but he only expired at fifty-seven minutes after d ! four this afternoon. The Conclave wilt assemble t I immediately. q t LoNDONx, WEDxnES-AY.-The Pope's last words, t according ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY OR 1877WL AXoNG the circles of Royalty there have died since the close of 1576 the following exalted personages:! The ex Queens IDowager Marria and Amelia of SaXony; the Princess Marle, wife of Prince Charles Frederick of Prassia; the Queea of the Nether- lands; the Grand Doke Louis of Hlesse, and also Prince Charles of Hessee father of Prince Louis of Hesse; th infant Grand Duke ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MdAERAG$AIW DATHIS. gT-~-Jaroaw 6, at 16, Regent Street Belast AGleste m of Da niel:Agnew, ja, of a daughter. CLgEli3-T9t 45p, Eenare Street, Ballast, the wvife of 0Vm. John C2emelts, of a Son. CrRCToN-JauarY 4, KingsetOw`r the wife of C&L J. Crofton, R.E., of a daughter. DUgSLEtoN-December 25, at Soutbee, the wife of CoUnlc Ca. lumbleton, of a eon, ,3;rjT-Januy 3, at Port Eliot, the HIon. SM ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RTHS, MARRIAGES, AIND DEATHS. ABERTHS.. Bi3eRET-Febary 17, the wife of J. T. Barrett, of a SOIL VpG-Us OS-Februar? 17, at Noewfurge, the wife of : rawnon A. Ferguson, of a daughter, u;ofSoBE-February 17, at Armagh, the wife of Aleanuder M'Combe, eq., ML.A., solicitor, of a daughter. 3PH1-YNovember 5, 1877, at Belgaum, India, the ife of Captain Cecil Zlafphy, R.A., of a son. BAyNSFORRDFebraarg ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... xIiAS, !MA AGE.3 AND DEAMTE-4, 'ADGEFlecen~e5'16, at Gibral tar, the wife otE nant-cionete Petry Baiabridge, .Royed Atil- E a darghter. [IT--December SO, at Nevrzy Street, Dan- bridge, the, wife of Ur. G. Bombriok, of a son-still- born. )UOOR3FDecember 30, at Ballydivitty, the Wife of Jar~eg Stewart Moore, Esq., of a daughter. Y5UNGEK-December 29, at 4, Benwell Terrace, loedsut, the wife of Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... By3IAGES, AND DEATHS.! B IR1tTHE:S.- il, at Snuvl 'e, Belfast, the wife of B,LT, eOgc a OCE. gc 'j - p ,mt the wfe of Mr. David Bell, of iO bsvr 15. at Ocoostown, the wife of of a daughter. eĀ¶OANFe arW 14, atiaini Street, (Caeve, the wife , 'r :5-v a>st 33. -Great JaMes Street. Derry, CA2Th'-3cirew A. Veatt. Esq., i a daughter. MAE I A G E S. URl PHy-At Rostrevr Presbyterian P3DM'*:,e TJ. C. V ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BELtL-March 11, at 68, North Boundary Street, Bel. fast, the wife of Mr. Jamee Bell, of a daughter. ] BBETLAND-5I~arch 10. at Brookvale Avenue, Belfast, the wife of J. 0. Bretland, of a daughter. BMhNE-Harch 10, at 26, Westland Row, Dublin, the sife of Ouseley Byrne, barrister-at-law, of a son. DOBSO.N-farch 10, at 2, Cambrai Place, Belfast, the wvife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M.AERAGES AND DABTESH 9 a' 15, ldrone Terrace, Blec.lcrck, ?? Dublin, the wife of Edward Neptune Slood, a eoa. S , t tbe Academical Instita- of i. 5.Uhinock, DI.A., ti-S. Mc 5, atr Geasehlls Castle, King's GSYlatheo;e of Reginald Di~gby, Egq., of a ?? anem t, a t Rutland Lodge, Cruilin, 10 LLL b ar .maueyo thev of John B, Holland (prematurely), of a .he gb whch only survived its birth a few ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I R T H S. BUTLER-bUarch 31, at 3, Tregunter Road, London, the wife of I',Ijor William F. Butler, of a daughter. E)GAR-pril 1, at Banford Cottage, Gilford, the the wife of John Edgar, of a son. rISgERApril 2, at Cherryville, Woodstock Road, Belfast, the wife of Thoma Fisher, of a son. GoSgAR-.April 3, at 1, Carlisle Circus, Belfast, the wife of James J. Goskar, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF DR. J. Al. CUNNTNGHAM, CiOF HAILSHAM, SUSSEX., IT is our painful duty to announce the somewhat sudden and unexpected death, which occurred on the 24th instant, of Dr. Jas. Mackay Cunningham, of Hailaham. Thedeceasedgentlemanwasbornat Carrickfergus, in Ireland, on the 14th March, Sl03, and, entering the navy at an early age, served as a midshipman during the later years of the war with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTrHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, BIRTHS. BAIN.BRIDGE-APril 5. at Kimberley House, Great Yarmouth, the wife of Commander Rugh Bain- bridge, Royal Navy; of a daughter. CAlDI pBELL-April 6, at 20, Ship Street, Belfast, the wife of Thomas Campbell, of a daughter. CAD-ROSS-April 6, at No. 9, Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, London, the Lady Cardross, of a son and heir. FER(,ttTS,0- April 8, at Woodville ...