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Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. HUNGARIAN WINES.. MESSRS. EISLER, BARNARD, AND CO., 90 GREAT TOWER-STREET, LONDoN, Have appointed MESSRS. P. M. FAY AND CO, 119, 120, 12±, AND 122 THOMAS-STREET,. ! DUBLIN, THEIR CHIEF AGENTS FOR IRELAND FO4R THE SALE OF GENUINE HUNGARIA14 WINES, which have been Bottled by the Growers with the greatest care, and shipped by them direct. They are thus in a, positioll to offer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E: IEMO RIAM CARDS AT EATON'S-Only suitable Patterns ever kept in stock. 200 varieties, Enhish ann French patterns, to select from. The largeaG ?? in the city is at Eaton's. Urgent ord'rs printeat shortest notice. Eaton's Photo-,lor. tuary Car, a speciality. Large Cards mounted and framedn trect style at moderate pnice>.. M1. tand ii acitNSateoners, 49 Dame-street, Dublin. i ?? an S. LOST AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S N FMORIAM CARDS AT EATON'S - Only ?? everkepti stock. 200varieties English and French patteWrn, -to on ct front. thet largestissortmbnt in the city is at eatonse. UrHent order printed at'o jortet notice. Eaton's Photo uor. tuary Cards, a speciarlity. Large Cards mounted and framedi in correctstyle at moderate prce'.. MJ, and S. EATON, Stationers, 49 Damens d reeo, Dubl in. UINERALS SUPPLIED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i I, f ?? x Avru l rA 8 -AuTitrO 'tnd;mAt 3 6;iho -W eptcethp ;IhVI Irtoh' iU, pahf' to nll orderajw~hgch ao,wnadejgupu~zsrgfi i~ero ims oft tihs premlses.-.Joht, Nio]Oiin&&nd Co,~ 1O We~tlli ro. land ureet.: - ' b 7- :a - II. .MV RydWj'df. I1 Yild9 httgeetl rb* tisrried'ff6&A Pdr s. Mr.. and Mrs, Cameroni W bo annouilee their return from London nd3d P&I- nndc inrte an in. Fp.o on- othelrg* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN MEMORIAM CARDS AT EATON'S -Only Isuitable Patterns ever kept In stock. 200 varieties, English and French patterns, to select from. The largest assortment in the city is at Eaton's. Urgent orders printed at shortest notice. Eaton's Photo-Mor. tuary Card, a speciality. Large Cards mounted and framed in correct style at moderato price-.. M. and S. EATON, Stationers, 49 Dame-street, Dublin. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. OLDHAM AND SONS, 11 AqD 12 WESTMORELAND.STREET, - DUBLIN, FElve now received AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS In every Department, At and UNDER LONDQN PRICES, And respectfully solicit an Tuspection. We direut ?? al attention tea ourtyplua Cloths at Is. 4id. end ls. 63d. per yard. tent ~ ~ cte l*- !lr ?? - - KXIRBrS 108. FRUIT HAMPER. The Purchnsera of they abovq wil haver a chane of 8' prlzes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *HOUSES AND LANDS. FENSRD HOUSE-TO BE LETa Fur '-at Fiairview, 25 minutes' ivalk fr~o 0 p 0 sad liva r, p'rom trun - torues £ per nfonstl if taken at once.- Ad- T. .lress G42, Oftice of this 1'aper. o2b,69I 0 ENo. 16 St. Vincentsitreclh, rt- rcontrais Parlour, Draseiragroorn, 21 Bodrroofiss Ser- vant's-roomn, kitchen, Ia Vac. Rj0 rn tierilars apply to next door hot eoie.143 NORTH SIDE-TO LET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORMMtilY P'IRINTS and CARDS Printed in the ueltec. rualner and with theoutmostdespatch. All t LeaVest French micigcns received. G. P. 11AI'rtl:N nilter, It 0i iiider, and Stationer, 1 CQwel-street (op. 0 ice (irattaii briflge). Steacn Printing andt Bookhind. tig Works at Mhujimammlaarn. 1489 FUNEI:IIALS SUPPLIED - William Fanagan, 54 Auileior street, aud Dycer's Rlepesitory, Stepheu'b- gren, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. OLDHAM AND SONS, 11 AND 12 WESTMORELAND-STREET I DUBLIN, Ha e now received AIUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS III every Department, At and UNDER LONDON PRICES, And respectfully solicit an inspection. We direct special attention to our Cyprus Cloths, at is. 4id. and ls. 6id. per yard. -LLow t. AS M;ALLow T'S JO FRUIT MANP ER frohaaers ofthe above wllh be , chanoe of 8 Ipnts and bouquets, *blch WiM be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. OLDHAM AND SONS, ! g0D 12 WESTMORELAND.STREET, DUBLIN, Have now received AUTtJTUN AND WINTER GOODS la every Department, At and UNDER LOND.ON PRIJES, AIn1 ?? solicit an Inspection. ~1r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. OLDHAM AND SONS, 11 AhD 12 WESTMORELAND-STREET i DUBLIN, Have now received AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS In every Department, At and UNDER LONDON PRICES, And respectfully Eolicit an inspection. We direct `Pec'Al attention ts 01ur Cyprus Cloths, at is. 4Tl. aind is. 60d. per yard. JERSEY AND IRISH PEA B, HOTI-HOUSE AND FOREIGN GRAES, PINE APPLES, MELONS,. AMERICAN AND IRISH APPLES5 FILBERTS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS JALES TO-MOntROw (Friday), 25th October. LICENSED HOUSES IN THE 33 HENRY-STREET, CITY OF )tJIlIN. 6 BURGH-QUAY. Patent DrumSalt Manu- 2 S2 Blacklrits and factosy and Stores. Long's-pllce' Grand Canal _ _- Harbour. RESIDENCRt, WRITE 0l 0 CH UC3, County Dublin. ' P:'OGI:AMME OF 1tF I C H1 A B 1, 'C 10 O K E'S tJ II1 (ullTAl'A T SALES 1B AUC'lION On TO-MOIOIROW ('Vid!iy), 'th October, ...