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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... :0. J. EYAKS, THE HAT HOUSE, MERTHYR. (Three Doors above the entrance to the Great Western Stal kou.J IS now Selling Men's Overcoats at 10s. 6d. iu all sizes. MLK'S OVERCOATS, in all qualities, very cheap. MEN'S SUITS, in all sizes, at 12s. 6d. BOY'S NEW OViiRCOATS, at very luw prices. The Goods Sold by D. J. EVANS are celebrated for their cheapness, durability, and style. D. J. EVANS, THE ...


... A FEW or IHE Xn.oirisi.tis or SEASON.—i'ootk-Ache, Tie, aud -Neuralgia lua1 be quickly cured oy Xooxa-acHE This £ ..ixir has cured hOU8anUb annually for over torty years; alia is oy far thd safest prc. aia- tioa ever offered to tue puuiic; it not only ernes a uecayed tooth uf giving pain, out Slui-S rUKlUKK DtCAJ. JL thvlkO WIJO suuer lioin iMUGtsxio. & iStuvofo U&A.K.«its» wouid give it a ...


... ABVIOB TO MoTHJcas !—Are you broken ill yoor rest by a ti thnu guttering with tne pain u cutting teelil k uo at once to a cbeiuist aud get oottle 01 -AS- \Y IN slew's booxauio dxaui*. it wid relieve LUe poor batterer luuuedi- ftteiy it Is pertectiy harmless and pleasant to taste, it pro- duces natural, qUa sleep, by relieving child irutn pain, aud the nttle cnerub awakes as blight a- a L ...


... FLORILINEI—Pos THE TBETH AND BRBATH.—A lew drop ot the liquid Flontine sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush pro duces a uieasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth irom all paianiteB or impuriuss, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stow* decay, gives t» the teeth a peculiar pearly white- ness, ana a dehgnttul fagrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising irom decajeu ...


... OUR SATURDAY-EVENING COLUMN. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest. CHOICE THOUGHTS BY GREAT THINKERS. SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY THE REV. R. A. BERTRAM. HABITS. 1. THEIR POWER In our conduct, we are, for the most part, determined at once. and by an impulse, which is the effect and energy of pre-established habits.— Paley, 1743-1805. Habit is the deepest law of human nature. It is our supreme ...


... Herr Stumm, formerly of the Prussian Embassy at Rome, and now First Secretary of the Embassy a I et™ur?- kas gone over to the Roman Catholic religion on his marriage to a rieh Ameri- can lady. Lieutenant Bartle C. A. Frere, 2nd Battalion Bifle Brigade, ion of Sir Bartle Frere, has befen appointed an extra aide-de-camp to Lord Cheliasford. It is stated that the Dean and Chapter of Bristol1 have ...


... FLORILINK!—FOB THE TBETH AND BREATH.—A. tew drop of the liquid Floriline serlnkled on a wet tooth-brush pro duces a pleasant lather. which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar. stops decay, gives te the teeth a peculiar pearly white- ness, and a delightful fagrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed ...


... WARNINB KKCKITT'S PARIS BLDK.—TK. riority of this Laundry Blue over all others ,1^ SUi>e' appreciation of its merits by the Public havTu' the usual results, viz a flood oSSnf *ttended by latter mainlj consists in the ingenuity exert** f1 0 1116 imitating the square shape but making th. simply in anceoi the wrappers memble uSSt If g*neral aPP«r The Manufacturer I beg therefore to genuine ...


... MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS AND SON'S NOTICES MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, VALUERS, HOUSE, ESTATE, LAND & INSURANCE AGENTS, NEW AUCTION MART, COURT STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, BEG to inform the Public that all matters en- trusted to their care will be punctually, promptly, and carefully attended to. ( Life, Firo, Plate, Glass, and Accidental Insurances, effected with the best ...


... ROSBACH WATER.-Best Table Water known. I prefer it to the other Mineral Waters before the public. (Professor Wanklyn's Report.) Sold everywhere. Retail 6s. per dozen Pints 8s. per dozen Quarts. Original packages, containing 60 Quart Glass Bottles, 29s.. or 100 Pint ditto, 40s.—The Rosbach Company, limited, 35, IJnsbury-circna, London, E.C. The medical profession order Cadbury's Cocoa Essence ...


... VALUABLE DISCOVER* fo THE HAIR,—I Tour hair is turuing jrray or white, or failing off, use Ta, MtxcAN ItUR RENKWSR, for it pontitety ret,tort in very caiea Crey or White Jiatr to its original colour without caving the disagreeable smell Lucst Itestorers. It makes the haix charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth ol the bair f n bain spots, where the gland are not decayed. Ask ...


... MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS AND SON'S NOTICES MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, VALUERS, HOUSE, ESTATE, LAND & INSURANCE AGENTS, NEW AUCTION MART, COURT STREET, MERTHYR TTDFIL, BEG to inform the Public that all matters en- trusted to their care will be punctually, promptly, and carefully attended to. Life, Fire, Plate, Glass, and Accidental Insurances, effected with the best ...