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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... HAPPY DAYS There is something of regret and gloom in the first appearance of grey hairs our prospects are often blighted by their premature appearance. MRS. S. A. WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER happily atfords a safe and sure means for restoring them again to the freshness and beauty of youth. It is the old established standard and reliable article known and spoken most highly of in every civilized ...


... HAPPY DAYS There is something of regret and doom in the first appearance of grey lrnrs our prospects are often bhghtert by their premature appearance. MRS. S A ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RKSTOREB happily atlords a safe 'and sure means for restoring them again to the freshness and beauty of youth. It is the old established standard and reliable article known and spoken most highly of in every ...


... THIS LATEST MARVEL.—MR. B. A. GEORGE. Dear Sir, -Be good euough to forward me another gross ot your Cough Balsam,' the sale of whiah is rapidly increasing iu this district; indeed, I have never known any 'Cough Medi cine' that has so quickly obtained so great a sale, and given such universal satisfaction.—lam,dear sir, yours faithfully, PHILIP RALPH, High Town, Hereford, August x7, 1S7 Dear ...


... L>CNVI' l/E & O. art- tho larynxt holders) of wlnskv in the worm. Id Irish Whisky 18 re- cimirripned by the profession in preference to French brandy ^ufM'i ed in casks and cases for home nse or exportation oimtations on api>lioation to 1VTN IXF, ROYAL IRISH DISTTL- IERI S. BELFAST. 511 ...


... DUKVLLLX & COL. Belfast, are the largest holden of whisky in the woria. Their old Irish Whisky is eommened by the medical profession in preference to French brandy. Supplied in casks and cases for home tie or exportation- Quotations on application to IfMHBH. DUNVILLB Go,, Roufc Ism torar TEMPLE OF FASHION, MERTHYR. January, 1879. Madam, I beg respectfully to inform you of my usual WINTER ...


... THE LATEST MARTKL—Ma. B. A. GKOKOB.—Dear Sir- —Be good enough to forward me anotlier gross ot your uougii Balsam,' the sale 01 whiuh is rapidiy increasing in tAu. district; indeed, I nave never known any Cough Medi- cine' inai has so quickly obtained so greata sale, and given such universal satisfaction.—lam,dear sir, yours faithluily, A'HILXP itALPM, High i'own, liereloru, August z7, ls7 ...


... DUNVILLK & CO- Pelfast, are the largest holders of whisky in the woriu. Their old Irish Whisky is re- commened by the medical profession in preference to French brandy. Supplied in casks and cases for home use or exportation Quotations on application to MESSRS. DUNYILLE & Co.. ROYAL IRISH DISTTL- LERItS, BELFAST. ...


... ROSBACH W A'rER.-Belt Table Water known. III regard to organic purity and whol-sume properties Kosuacti is SUPKRIOK to any other mineral water I have examined (Professor Wanklyn's Report.) Cheaper than artificial waters. In tie-down cases, retail, ;)5. per doz. small: ti1 (id. per doz. large boitles. In tie-down cases, 50 large, 23s. Gd. 1110 small bottles, 34s. The Rosbach Company, Limited, ...


... TEMPLE OF FASHION, MERTHYR. January, 1879. Madam, I beg respectfully to inform you of my usual WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. The WINTER GOODS, such as Jackets, Ulsters, ï, Millinery Bonnets aud Hats, Trimmed and Un- trimmed, Flowers and Feathers, Dress Materials, and the Fancy Goods will -be marked at such Prices that will ensure a complete clearance, During this S ale all regular goods will be ...


... SIR HENRY H.A.VELOCK.-Havelock was at this time in his forty-eigth year, and although as conscientious and intelligent an officer as ever drew sword, he had not attained to high rank or high command, for the simple reason that he had no fimily interest or political influence at his back. He came of a fighting family, three of his brothers had embraced the profession of arms, and his sons were ...


... GOORKHA SOLDIERS. A more remarkable type of soldier than a Gooifeha perhaps does not exist. In the first place the Goorkhas are all hill-men, and therefore invaluable in any frontier warfare in India. Their absurdly small statue is compensated for by their great Hurrnp ictivity, and courage. Their principal idea of happi- Cless is bloodshed but, at the same time, they exhibit this temperament ...