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North West, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... RESTON AND DUOHY OF LANCASTER P BUILDING SOCIETY SHARES, £10, may be paid up at once or during three years or at pleasure by smaller or larger pay- nsits as convenient. No FiNEE, and 5 per 1Ot compound interest allowed with profits. ADVANCES made to Borrowers without delay. LOANS on DEPOSIT at 5 per cent. interest payable ball-yearly, received when required, which may be ascer- on application. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W'OOLLEN CLOTH WAREHOUSE, OVEB TE OUAIU.)IAN NEWSPAPER OFFICE, 127, FisURGOATE, PRESTON. GEO. TEALE & Co., PROPRIETOR9. ENTRANCE UP THE PASSAGE TEE BULL AND ROYAL HOTEL, CHURCH-STREET, PRESTON. First-class HOTEL, with all the comforts of a home. Spsaious Coffee and Commercial Rooms, Private Sitting Rooms, Billiards, large Showroom. STABLING, POSTING, Open and Closed Carriages of all kinds kept ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILSON AND JESPERS,' ,S1310NABLE TAILO S. &c MANUFACTUR1NO Aew row Showing Specialities fo r Autumn and Winter GENTS, YOUTHS, AND BOYS CLOTHING. OVERCO.1' S, ,I5l the leading Styleo and Materials, from 4s. 6d. to 50s The Largest Selection I VAlne Unequalled I T1R PRRESTON.TAILOIRINGAND OUTFITTING !A I i Lad 6 ASD 6, CHEAPSIDE, API PRESTON. I YouG ATRIOTIC DISCUSSION CLASS, TURFuaH 91 BAnn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -. i BE8T SHILLINO PACKET OF I NOTE pPER, I IN PRESTON, AT aTE CHRBNICLE OFFICE, 125, FMEUDQATN, PSTSZ&N. NEW AND POPULAR PIECES. IMMENSE VARIETY. THIREEPENCI EACH. May be obtained at H E W I T S O N' C H R O N I c L E O F F I C E FISEERGATE, Opposite the end of Cannon-street, Preston. The varione parts art full music size, well printed, and correct. SOLE AGENT IN PRHSTON FOR BATH'S MUSICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~NILSON AND iEES' As AS~ilORAS &Cl ~ kMANUFACTURING Are flOW Showing SnIecialitie for Autumn and Winter OF.NTS, YOUTHS, AND BOYS CLOTHING. OVERCOATS, In 1i the leedidn Styles and Materials, from 4Ia. Gd, to 0s~ lhe Largest Seelection I Value Unequalld I T1 S 11RsTON TAILORIING AND OUTFITTING L RE ESTAB3LISHMIENT, 5 AN 6 5 CHEAPSIDE, IA PRiSTON. OA Y jkt- DLAND T EA PARTY AND BALL, S 1\/ MDIV. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW READY. STONYHURST COLLEGE A SECOND EDITION OF ITHE HIISTORY OF STONYaURST COLLEGE (By A. HEWITSON). Besides giving a full account of the History, Architecture, Curiosities, and Treasures of the College, this Edition inclades much extra mat- ter referring to Past and Present Students, a de. scription of the Extensions and Alterations at the Establishment, and other interesting informa- tion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TODD'S QUININE WVINE. Thisnelegantiand renowed preparation of Genuine Quinine stands unsurpassed for Purity, Strength, and Flavour. ODD'S QUININE WVINE vis universally approved by the Iedical Profesaion ne a valuable and wholesome Bitter, an efficicut Tonic, and an unequalled Stomachic. T O D D'S Q U I N I N EW I N E. Kilham, Driffield, Yorkshire, Feb. 24th, 1869. Having prescribed Todd's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRnTISH AID FOREIGN (I3OTANIC & ECLECTIC DISPimsAur Removed from 83, to 157, LANCASTER-ROAD, PRESTON. J. i. WOODWARD, ?? Aut7tor of the Waroi kig Man's Botanicat Dictionary asef Recipe Book), May be consulted personally or through the post on all dose6cs, his success for many years in Curing Diseases of he Chest and Lungs, Fits, Dropsy, Scroeumi, &cute, and Chronia Rheumatism, Inflammation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STC`KrS ON MMORy I q zy EXT EX(AORDI NAXRY by Correb ?? P~tieihit pet f ee o Mr. William .Iof Memlorv, Valv polytechniiflt 309, CV.ltCisis no Tno silays . 3 an 3 .a B- er vi uH 'SOIT N MEM;NORY ! I tio. Sit I Staffir ord Hy Northeote, 1 iCFB, A ?? O,1u-ivwrites:- er of i tihi-a O; very p assis-pt ; and I sbDlI Q ni recocr S t sty of my frieuds n have the ji'ja ceitstn ,5 ins- ri-s under I ) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nos. 5 AND 6, CHREAPSIDE, PRESTON. W AILSON AND JESPE RS,' 0 VtIIACIIANT TAILORS, WOOLLEN DRAPERS, HATTERS, AND OUTFITTERS. La, Arl MF IDS I CLUB.-LECTURE This EVEN- AP: H 3, atG E Eiht o'cl-ek, by Mr. THOS. HAND, of B elbr o :t ' Afgbanistin. Yol - TIO10CDISCUSSION T S O Pivl lirW Rreetreet.-SUN-AY (IoNxoeoanOo), So ociproitYE 1 rade. Trade. 6.15 pm. FITARIN C1HAPEL, Percy-street.-To- itorr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -I~~ i VERAL Sums of MONEY TO BE LENT on Mart', i) gage. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM dBKs, Solicitor, 42, 1lne.street, Preston. T OANB.-The Directors of the Preslon Gaa Company aJ are piepared to ree'ive LOAN\S on Mortgage.-For ?? r8 apply to FiB:;rpy GRctEE, Secret ary. J7A NTED, a sum of £1,000, on security VI of buildings in PrestornApply to MIr. J. W. lhr,. Solicitor, 36, Cauton-street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OMORE CO SMBTIC S JAMES'S LIFE PILLSi Remove Freckles and Pimples, and are unenualled for Beautifying and Refreshing the Skin. They are pleasant to take, clear the body from all impurities, improve the Digestive Powers, Cure Liver complaints, Bile, Lowless of Spirits, Headache, Gout, Lumbago, &c. A PURE VEGETABLE PILL. sold in Boxes, price is, lid., by all Chemists and whole- sale houses : ...