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Advertisements & Notices

... gmwerriaI £Sas. TO-KoSREow. Xt~hS~d~y) thle ?8i~ hastaut. at Oe o'ehsk, at ?? .buest 2W Evga AnI~, ouiromtbe sete X Ia IfgM' kju rEt, md ?? 84-pl to 2J d n _ 0. WNDN{ENDAY. f wodv~ftaexasxt. th 11th towt. at wahe ea'lak, a Ike Brokerw ORM, Ga .. , 50 Blanrels ne wkiner-prssed Axerioan. WY1't~NSIh D OIL., 300 zarels a Amezleam MCI)l3 J. B. R&YNIt & 00.. &iroker FRI1JAY. NO'IUS OW TL'(&R SALEt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jeg $and land* *~IvSs~ ?? ti~ariSJ 395D~'~ IW431~,sa'a th.,r±±gbtiat ?? -Ci4-.J Mjrs.', 54A, 6ird-t r ?? Car'eiv wrIt. fteat-i zet52. f&W PR`,PE¼%.-g oevz m'aragee. J--j f.I ad roo,.age uat roFA55 t'siia li-y .sa'iow, j It, I iAOQ~ C~,ia-j. tim-en.K DN-qTF3 ?? nbi 161iFVEEV±lLi) Ct-TTAGtir INtE-sTfLet'Et.-- Apil ?? '-Ito FLoeW bay wdi-. go c - rr .Nt --rr-oleIdWtSS for Dj 0ih.- , 1t - , -d-~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... commerdal $fs1 TiS DAY. khiB fsy (mbteiay). the i4t. luiGta:'t, at Twolve o'ilnock, as the Brokern' * ffic. a 11, lhtebas'gelbtilutinge, N., BALM K.SRNELS, iUL0 BoY4, noW laulding. f. ?? P SlsLR & 01. Jlrosero. 7iLd Day (Mondea), 24th iotmnt, at this Politic SBleroums, Rexeyirnge-bIlIdih gq, at Twelve odlnck. tM)Y3S. abo t 80 Hale; Arorisun and 20 Bile- Shratf 21f24 SMITH. sHDWABDS.& a ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RESTON AND DUOHY OF LANCASTER P BUILDING SOCIETY SHARES, £10, may be paid up at once or during three years or at pleasure by smaller or larger pay- nsits as convenient. No FiNEE, and 5 per 1Ot compound interest allowed with profits. ADVANCES made to Borrowers without delay. LOANS on DEPOSIT at 5 per cent. interest payable ball-yearly, received when required, which may be ascer- on application. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -pA EVEXENG CoNXCERTS, 0o13) Tse Ie!I piLSON-wll. 9I Mo1~' gfvs the 2-2nd and 24th ist, ?? ENTERT.tLN~r;Ms MjT$S sviE(4 O11DWfN. efa User Io '¾certs, ha IA ~ cet~~' i wbotxrc and Glasgow MRE C t '¢,o!Irttrllsb itod Glasgow an gd Hnf-DCt~¶~tl>a; -I Wh Bil- J 8 Kde' the Piano. b h HalE 5: :Side Galiewla, Sd.; t,%~ cniock. ^] _gc ot eS!a' 2~;,t5 iCt) '29fl. Secruir;. nY A AMPMT rEATJLE ] ?? i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !-m~ Wer= a THIS DAY. re O'4100r at lther Ofm i lee, ?? Roery, T r;~ct i1700 Cental Odtana (J Idrfrin in AbE&Ti ware- 13e11 OHABDE8 JOSII:PBH £UC., Brokers. ae TO-MORROW. r Tor'Orrw TWednesday), 12th instwat, at Tawlve 'clock, at et Ei Kla~e Oeowje, no diebaringin Albert Dock. nM )91e12 JOSEPH OOW~~~DENI, Broker. S Toxn~row~Wedo~da), 1th Istan, ?? Twelyc to o'clock.m WY RABOLAMS { 2176 Pocket ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H. T. NCOLL, RQ=T4T an Ambetiv FQll. B' LONDON I ei * LlfPOOL MAo OHWU, AND eig BIEPNQ, AN. ofig Lnxaroz AnDESS-50, BOL.STREET. of t mIOOowS NNW HXIBIXTOR ings WINTER OVERCOATS deai s ?? makee of S a chelot. at pices from has Two Guieas. L&nS' VsTems, C TUMEs, sa JAoCHIS of by W1OZRLES COD LIVER OIL agai- 1S|received alt te PARIS EXHIBITION, 1878, ar' A p 43 CoimDetitors from aU Contries, *ga ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. fla TU1Be D. Mestay, the 4th uintaint, at Twolve o'o1oo1, at. 4 tba Broker' Ot&foe, G 11, Bx ue-bufldjtg, 1;. Fl IAIRD. NG Tieres ftne New Amerltan. BM J3. I. RAYNIR N CO, ]Brokers. S TMl 0(N ACmoUv? lo WuOV TFr Y, aV 0cnu. oe o w 4Ub. iduss antT &t I ulwtses DPt One , ex Cmn23 Ehlareoou No. 3, 01d Mopery. Liver- -* e2 VhS. EX jhnlose or Its, aa ,d by sea water. ^naOn ?? D ook. Sfef ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eirl a Generl 555V&INT. ro o d iske o n k h o will d o a Ilittle f a~wok -~ rl t 69, S7feiohi V e r t ~ n e ~ s t a i s t o l t l fer y h l ?? & l s r R V A V.Ag e Tro m 0 t 5 4 Green VAS~T Apely ~at 38, c- 9' ~ERVA.N otantO favesey, orI 4e 3e~k- si'A~ pply Crave Heiter v S-6feld- st ma -a'nbuic Houie. ttre r ?? fluke'iO 6E2 ?S gir sto ' 'EVNTfm Ax re'iu~ -Ap'f iS familyt 26-l t cdn~'rnVANT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DUNST RU ?? e WOLVRSAMM PF r F. Gtold. C IL Woodl&nd, Child'-lbilj, Witcly F*P.G. E cbsnjateigh Cub a Charlejs buwb. Lorbdo~ Chaies Ho. Alml, tnnX sJosep1 Calm 314. IKezljonspton ?? ls h m ?? power slo add I a L u Eoncl~~os-14rt _j B a l tetkn ?? ae.o X sto which i- wI1 etaczc70t !s r, e In tte d ito at zti to t~e L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j. NiCOLL. Ieggetist. and- OohilLondon; EL Padis, manlrmstoghamv. . letanoeter .a0, NICOLL'S Now EH8T~~WB~ VROT inOI nakes of e e Ladie' ULSTER OSUEan A ?? h latest Parisian shapes. ?? r ?? t.i- 8REAtN OVED w e to New P1ren~ses, No,. 2, ST AY' AE (opposit the Vtorpd la Hotel, ?? e gaend). A. 'IES of SpCOlW Manufacture a the Low oes. ._OBWID EB(RBL PIPES, 9-1A UTI OEN SEEGITEED. T. H WITIKECOD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. WARP~AsIDnADVE~ltTISderHENIJ inoth ex fcigtree ?? I nese- In leuthreferngto Situatwion, Hlasones, antins Wanted, Proerty Lito be SleruyLiet, Aparments, and ll he The harg forTHRE OONCUTVE AILY 1245gB- AdvRtt-aemnt ofg thi celas itaiti ae bostoked wi~l be charged. k.Vwl asob ciiharg ed scaleprce toaer4bl~ h fc-elA, to atendi' to The foilwi exlanthios Ii, ., DfrneLsta at ...