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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADYERTISERSS Zhe0AO~fo11t~r~ a, thn InDMLYM3UC1URY 1PREPAID ADV~l1 jSInNT01E Joni emceeding three !rtioeli~ngth) re erring to Situ~lt1ns. How~, and Perions n Waited Pro~~oyw be Sold or'Lot. Atertierats. aud 3al1 the Is Wanta oftho Coinnunityle BIXPS3N0B. SC e tictarqe for TRRER I(Ni~tEOlrnV2 DAIM INBER. she nrnai acain puce. 'Binownt annouxeoeneta ts zr dnSf ,:e by Private Tr-sty. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 0jc1~ p~ 5 DAY. IaroN t a' *h vF;M1-2 ?? hi- nt ?? eFU B!1 0 W- ; 1-SrrLl V tS .y. ~ NilpE! IA EflwAH&~. ~ git' ii~ff1 B~len~ad LLI. L ?? I'T 14AY 3F. a 7 -I'h Hll 3r. ie G u.n OLi 4 10.~~L 1! 4474 V of ndrenv 'A Tb 1MAo u-cc ..9'lfront Ya- \11LEUS 131{x\D E,1Ji 1 ?? 7 0 Ma'r ?? ?? ?? 'S ;n~ o &all (t~e I - P'j[iLNG 110P,9E9. 2-7- '3 tsmtii 'he k-n -agtntn7 ' 7 '11?II YINASTI'D MORNING ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOWIANYS I-OTION ?? =a:nd: r Dst1eg~xpnr'tY :and deMfr.4 ol cernpioan fE6 52, Ot,! toorno.S os- ,4tl'h~ a.clitn. BOItOO93 au.l el3> Uci Ct tb ?? ~iO w~ eod~ 1n DrfTr 'c3 tD t ?? t ne -li t. pro-lc&:on. E c'ab'tiscj 12i years. ' tzr Csemwirte at; f. 2d gast-& . t&d. Peir iW t te. ;^bi l NOTICE.-su iT' A-SD M SD'eromitlh3a -2)i'Ptt. '-e3 to ¾' ''etr Pi po. licvt wd ltrcted pe,+rn 7oC, er Nv 'p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W'th the of~ &5d uIlshirG Co 0huness of col!Iboon. the F53 ~Z 'hII Ike take, ap'ideul Worme for all eawonas o1 11~-) leo. On t;he ?? Dereswg from Q 'ustown ?? York o S'rern, 0-0-s--4 meridian Of 50 &c CO tat., or nothiol to tile on %to bor-n-warl passam Opowdng the meridlan Of 50 at tt 'at. or nothing to the north ol 41. T13 BRIISE I?ND WORTH A9.tRIlUAN 11-1'L RYAL AILSTEAMERS. ABYSINA blu ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. NICOLL, URiET ' ?? 4i. VORPHILL. L JXIOS: PAX18, LIVBERMOL, MANCEIVsTES, I ad B MiNRAAM IL 3 1'pooL AJDDofXsP BE'LD-S OREET. .UiOLIM NEW ?? PASTOTr, of Eioslv-bwilled 0 tt r~and Tneeo. raudered by their specal prom , erMr. Sprtagaat pralmsenieta r Sum e, and ActSDzn Wear. LADIES' UISTERS In New .ha wi the ornusader Cap Hood fregisteredl). Also OOSrljl& sa JA~teTS~a. seter ths.Lasteat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? jj. nOcOa, EEST-STRWBT AR) B . CONEILL, LONISiN, rA=. UNfPOOL. MACSTER, AND MMNa IaTJzPOO AmDDBSS-50, BOLD.STREET NICOLL'S SPECIALITRS, Thfte-Oninet SUIT1NGS and 14s, TROUSWL=NGS. ha Now an d fexolsahe Makes for the Deny Spring, are now 0n ExhibitIon, lADIES' ULSTERS, in New Shapes, with the Orulvder ftr Hood (registered). Also COSTUMES and JACKET, after the Latest Parisian Models, i flf I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT-ICE TO ADVERTISERS. AD HMG fo MNSRIOB th DUiL O~/URY wMREl'AI) ADETBMNS(nteceigthree 4 ?? referring to Situations. Honoez, and Pertiona Wanted.Property bc1c Sold or Let. Apartments, and all the ti t~aetn: ,Wants of the ommuoltyi IXEC. Ut '1k I, 01r1i KHtER 0ONiSRNflIVE DAILY INSER.'- thse visua stae Price. Realness amnooonaeonelets e lseed Cadet Sta1~ley Frviate TretF,` 'P be Let,` ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eonmnteial L.~ 3 DAY. bsM - :dal, tM * Irstt, s, atfelqe cc, 3)4~ngsL1NSIJMV T`zhcke, talem Bcmbny. Itat aosried ye N Ym 2iew zIt~ in.9 , BAe& 26fw2 D.,J 'Th±)UaR tF'ztdaO), aeaar tb, at A ifmNA. s BL, Ian otber inasks. Iowa JOSEPH COWDElJ, Biolter, eae ta Sorth Daock, ljverwo.. 8 - tbe Ith sftant. 6 &mweblng at FEeven Mtt a e Xabogs hale bbtEle, 2- Goout of MeMEr. ?? tL4.5* n nrd - It ?? .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I SHAFTESBURI TE PERANC l r | , ad pleaay ?? as the aua botlomof onplemant, nea gemotrsl and Lleoe Mie o PrhSvAteStt Bmt for Femilios, gid good Stockrooms for Commercial Ken. A hu-a ?? m rodeoecags Bed and fsr Su0 tt | OXXIENNA CASTLE HOTEL, J S-T.9 Iva ?? miad in ?? drowda cc 3 i oeer ooi Sibar. Tbe mean tmerate of SO. r1I in Winter ia only forrea lek thano Beome. P are rare, and mow not inw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIC'7i TO A)VETTUSER.S. tO-EAESIZ Pasr'fiitieoDAILY M~irvA'i - fvntwIAV? ADNVrkCII46MX;:TS (snot bzc-ndins- T1 Y ce Opnimn~~81XPNV . 1O 'bIAON HMLLN i 0 TI E flA 1h1Y IN S: n- h r.-yst-atU t aarbozd tcSbecare4 lbs ?? i-ti'? Pr& fl00 e inoit.t mae pr' at . To be Let, -Waittd r0. re :t-i .eko-te2Itf bth N-r r jatrote c t~sOC?'flZ &d~ Ot~ktemtfl'2 masthexartdue th EetereikCC 1VP a* te Oi00 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5T DVI' D A Y 0 CAM1BIiI CU-NCKRTS A.)DEIA EDWARDS, ~l MtfALLIAN ?? iiifren H'1GILL IUl give hila te ter -rt) who iv 3 I LE-, LLNXX&FO \N.) It' - I~T1--EA ?? XnrLeIG6 rrlsr Drama. inu'rhree 1I tt iloin Mr. _;6 mi-s ?? rl LI,_Uer bit -- fluco e.r im ?? ?? F~Atas 'MYY A. N C BE -,TCo'nc'.ivi A N S, 0 2N C-I c ketch, W. XX V.gior- o c I Al red Humooin~g n. 'IIri.u vTerrel- 6 i--r. ?? also ...