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... = Club to The banquet given by the members of the Reform of Dufferin, on the oooaion of his return from art Grae ia ths club om Saturday evening last. ville presided ; and amongst the 160 Westminster, the Masquia of ther Marquis of - Ceriingiond).. Me Ayrton; Mr Mp- W. EL Foster; . & James, Lord O'Hagsa, Loot: Bat ahr We Me Take Lord The Masquis of Huron: for for the Rererve Earl in giving the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIOREU ARF, ARF DYSG. r-ESTYNAVJ ORWEIED CYLCIWYL T LETSDDOL GAERWEN, PASG, 1879. CERDIDOILIAETHI. 1. I'r Cor heb fod dan 25ain o nifer a gano oreu 1y Ffrwd, gan Owain Alaw (CerddOr So-fea, cyf. IjT., Rhif. 40). Gwobr, Tair Punt, a Thlws Arialu i'r Alweirlydd. 2. Ir Cor heb fod dan 25ain o nifer a gano oreu yr Autlhenl ' M0oiwCli ir Aiglwydd, gan Dr Parry (eyfyuqediig i Ynys Alon). Gwobr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I MN ORIAM CARDS at EatOn's.-Only suitahla ?? kept in stock. :00) varieties, English anrd Freoch pat:ercs to select from. The largest & to etlect from is at Eaton's. Urgent L-dt,2-o n:edat shortestuotice. LEton' Photo-.)dor- c d-., a spechality. LarAe Card, mounted and e i in correct szyle at moderate price,:-M. and S. 1ATON, sz.tlnoers, 49 Dame-street, Dublin. ME.Tb ad Celtic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE OUNSTALL HALL PARK COMPANY, LIMITED, Incorporated under The Companies Acts i862, i867, and i877. CAPITAL 55,000, in 5500 Shares of L10 each, 1000 of which, fully paid up, are now offered as a FIRST ISSUE. WOLLVERHAMPTON RACECOURSE. DDIRECTORS (pro tern.) JOHN PERCIVAL, 12, Clarence Terrace, Regent's Park, London F. G. HOBSON, Raleigh Club, London, S.W. JOSIAH JOHNSON, 25, Harrington ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAIL~Y 3TOVE AND~ WAhB liST. A3t 3 ; SO IS 12 -Mm Iw 1W ,9 yeDo.,X ,-m 33i Ila14& A-Ut U t 5ps.a5~.o ..ii * Do Sp.i 1I'~~~..1W.215 139 Slc b a.o ~ ?? 312 L b Do. B1 1 ~17 3w z Abdt ~.o8B t ff 1Z 5w^> * Do.3tN wee..12 3 1 - eda. 4- ^9 9 - Lmn ATN~m~~A=. L&19 D. 6 Do. .1 . . ?? !? *l S8 - 4I~1 Ogc>,~u ?? t.R10 , ?? 1 105 Pwt ?? 11B 118 - 4 s U4X OaSk Zk 5 P V im, ams*J WIN us aDO. R 86 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 0jc1~ p~ 5 DAY. IaroN t a' *h vF;M1-2 ?? hi- nt ?? eFU B!1 0 W- ; 1-SrrLl V tS .y. ~ NilpE! IA EflwAH&~. ~ git' ii~ff1 B~len~ad LLI. L ?? I'T 14AY 3F. a 7 -I'h Hll 3r. ie G u.n OLi 4 10.~~L 1! 4474 V of ndrenv 'A Tb 1MAo u-cc ..9'lfront Ya- \11LEUS 131{x\D E,1Ji 1 ?? 7 0 Ma'r ?? ?? ?? 'S ;n~ o &all (t~e I - P'j[iLNG 110P,9E9. 2-7- '3 tsmtii 'he k-n -agtntn7 ' 7 '11?II YINASTI'D MORNING ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLITICAL AND SOCIAL: Notes ?? 225 The Position in South Africa ?? 229 Parliamentary Practice ?? 229 The Zulu Blue Books ?? 230 The Deadlock in the German ?? 232 Our Imperial Vestrymen ?? 233 Legislation on Drink ?? 234 The Unfortunate Nobleman ?? 235 The Schools of England.-V. Rugby .. 235 Augean Stables.-III ?? 237 Carrion Crows ?? 238 THE EXAMINER'S LETTER-BOX:- A Clergyman's Doubts ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS CONSTITUTIONEILL, c enilent to the Broadatone RalwaY station, important to wine and Spirit Deallrs. IALEOF VLUALE LASEHLD NTEREST In age , &ea TheHose w ic s commodious, also contains elght dwelling apartments, with cottage rdjotnlng, of fuir rooms, all bold by lease from the aidland Great Westerns.ftira y Company for a term, over twenty years of which are now unexpisred, ubject to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.AUCTIONS. 5A7 LE NEXT FRIDAY. ' ' PAFRICK-STREET. J'portant to Grocers, Tea, Wine, and Spitt Dealer .$A1E OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN GROCERY, TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT * CONCERNS, In full working order, ApproprIately fitted up with MaIbogay7-t4pPPd Counters, Nest ef Drawers, Set of Tea CanisterS, Mahogany Tea Bins, Beaarns Scanes and Weights, -it Gas Bars in Windows, Zinc Blinds, &c.; - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONOS TO.MORROW AND-NEXT WEEK. CITY AND COUNTY DIJBLIN, MICHAEL CROOKE'S I;dPORTANT SALES BY AUCTION IOM-OIJIOW (Friday), 28th Inst-LicelisOd Concern, Nos 48 patrick-street sand 26 Lower Abbey. ,teret, and Fee-simple House Property, viz. -Nos. 7 and S Drumcondra-terrace, East; 22 and 3 Upper Abbey-street. MONDAY NEXT, 3rd March, 120 Acres Grazing Lands at ,Molinoan. county M eath. ...

SUDDEN. a OF THE DUKE OF The Duke’ of Newcastle died at the hotel near St Street, at which ‘has

... been stayi for some time past. His Grace had been aili -about tex days, and was, we are i attended by. a his valet took him his coffee at the usual time, short time and found him comparetively: well, but some returning to Trace, him eleven on a parently dead'in Dr Burdow and Bennett Street, were summoned, they immédiately attended, but found life Pelbam was the sixth Duke of was born in 1834, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VEBR TISEMENTS. ~ 415.--Ixt return for Post Office Order, free and safe by post, one of BENNETT!S GENTLE- MEN'S GOLD WATCHES, perfect for time, beauty, and workmanship, with keyless action, air-tight, damp-tight, and dust-tight. - JOHN BENNETT, 65 and 64, CHnArs=,DE LONDON. TIMEKEEPERS.-Three Gold Medals Awarded.-CHAS. FRODSHAM and CO., Clock and Watch Makers by appointment to the Queen, ...