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Advertisements & Notices

... TRADESMEN'S ADDRESSES, ARTIFICIAL TBET]I. 1lIrESSRS. E SKELL & CEITTEY, 1QS $SURGEON DENTISTS. 93, BENNNETT'S HILL, BIRMINGHAM. (ESTABLIO3IHED 25 YrARo AT THE SAME ADDRB3.1 ALL CONSULTAItfOYS FREE. Tersis strictly Moderate. CONSTANT DAILY ATTENDANCE, FRObt J TILL 6. 12 M R. A. E G A R, SURGEON' DENTIST.' Desires to inform his nuseerosin Friends anl the l'stblic generally that he may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDREMS.E, T:E CASH SYSTEM. . ADAM J. BROWN, HIGH-OLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, 75 (late 2d), COLATOIIE IRO li' NEXT TO MEsoRs. RTOORIsS & PnrESTLETY'S MUSiIC W7ARHOUSr. The Cash Payment System, adopted at this Establishment in arch. l,74, hLq, asnooc other advantages to purchaser and 30iler the! abolition of had delbta. Tiso Civil Service Sytojait at eniall profits and cash payments, wvth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOR SALE-LAVD AND) BUIDMINGa 130IILDGrun i1es01 10. 1a ?? by villas. Os i pru1:. 1~~3nlo01 Strleet. - Four housei. flentalR X25 C2t9.-Ro'wltuinim, -AntionOO1r and Foitate Agoat ionrics, J3'kE~0OL1Piik 10111 ?? v k 1lnugg ;s upleror situaition. -Par cA( - ?? c320 gl~ivje ?? 00101(0 r Prop Ierty. ent12 fl. 1'rF.'e ~i24. Rorninatri £0)-loilO Auctiwoneer, Mitiosrico, ?? ?? -- ~. Price £3,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLITICAL AND SOCIAL: Notes ?? 225 The Position in South Africa ?? 229 Parliamentary Practice ?? 229 The Zulu Blue Books ?? 230 The Deadlock in the German ?? 232 Our Imperial Vestrymen ?? 233 Legislation on Drink ?? 234 The Unfortunate Nobleman ?? 235 The Schools of England.-V. Rugby .. 235 Augean Stables.-III ?? 237 Carrion Crows ?? 238 THE EXAMINER'S LETTER-BOX:- A Clergyman's Doubts ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS CONSTITUTIONEILL, c enilent to the Broadatone RalwaY station, important to wine and Spirit Deallrs. IALEOF VLUALE LASEHLD NTEREST In age , &ea TheHose w ic s commodious, also contains elght dwelling apartments, with cottage rdjotnlng, of fuir rooms, all bold by lease from the aidland Great Westerns.ftira y Company for a term, over twenty years of which are now unexpisred, ubject to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.AUCTIONS. 5A7 LE NEXT FRIDAY. ' ' PAFRICK-STREET. J'portant to Grocers, Tea, Wine, and Spitt Dealer .$A1E OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN GROCERY, TEA, WINE, AND SPIRIT * CONCERNS, In full working order, ApproprIately fitted up with MaIbogay7-t4pPPd Counters, Nest ef Drawers, Set of Tea CanisterS, Mahogany Tea Bins, Beaarns Scanes and Weights, -it Gas Bars in Windows, Zinc Blinds, &c.; - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONOS TO.MORROW AND-NEXT WEEK. CITY AND COUNTY DIJBLIN, MICHAEL CROOKE'S I;dPORTANT SALES BY AUCTION IOM-OIJIOW (Friday), 28th Inst-LicelisOd Concern, Nos 48 patrick-street sand 26 Lower Abbey. ,teret, and Fee-simple House Property, viz. -Nos. 7 and S Drumcondra-terrace, East; 22 and 3 Upper Abbey-street. MONDAY NEXT, 3rd March, 120 Acres Grazing Lands at ,Molinoan. county M eath. ...

SUDDEN. a OF THE DUKE OF The Duke’ of Newcastle died at the hotel near St Street, at which ‘has

... been stayi for some time past. His Grace had been aili -about tex days, and was, we are i attended by. a his valet took him his coffee at the usual time, short time and found him comparetively: well, but some returning to Trace, him eleven on a parently dead'in Dr Burdow and Bennett Street, were summoned, they immédiately attended, but found life Pelbam was the sixth Duke of was born in 1834, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VEBR TISEMENTS. ~ 415.--Ixt return for Post Office Order, free and safe by post, one of BENNETT!S GENTLE- MEN'S GOLD WATCHES, perfect for time, beauty, and workmanship, with keyless action, air-tight, damp-tight, and dust-tight. - JOHN BENNETT, 65 and 64, CHnArs=,DE LONDON. TIMEKEEPERS.-Three Gold Medals Awarded.-CHAS. FRODSHAM and CO., Clock and Watch Makers by appointment to the Queen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ty FOIL TI IE CLILEi, 1MELIEF, Al) p[LEr- T oni VI~NL.N 00N DUIFAlSl re. H D GARI W E TTON'S Al PATENT MAGNETIC APPLTAffOES, Ilox .08 which have now become Fig famous f the CURB. ad Cap he ~~~~RELIEF OF T 9&r CHS ndTIIOy iN I Il ~l he buiCa OSIPTO B~~Al~i UBG Ell rk SCNS. .the 31's MP. GEORGE BMKR aet will continue his Professional VISIt he AT 13, PARK PLACE, A of CLIFTON (NEAR VICTORIA ROOMS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. H OJSE TO BEN LET, WTH DIMMEDIATE possession, 80, LANDSCAPE TERRACE, containing Thrne Reoeptlon Rooms, Five Bedrooms, Bath, &;o.;piotof grounldfront andrear. Rent, £35. Apply at HIOUSE:. 1466 T0 BE LET, THOSE EXTENSIVE. PE TMISES in ST. ANN'S BUILDINGS, atpre. vent occupied by Messri. Robinson A Agnew'. Wholesale Manchester Warehousemln.6 Apply to W. A. ROBINSON & NEWETT, 67 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jo W. BENSON- WA T C &:ND CLOC K TO TO E -QUEIN ANJ ROY MtLY,' .Azd by Seial Appointm W to HJLH. PRNE OP WALES. :LLL M EXPEROR OF RJSSIA9 A-ND THE I-ARARAJW. OF BUIRDWAN A. OtOR IPRIZE MEDALSe-LONDON9 DUBLIN, & PARIS > - V r ?? Te WATCRES, Of eveM dueztou ..Pfble-for . ?? ot 2, 8. ta 2sV gufaue. . 3.ogm L ?resomtemqKey- . 9 &Uly GuwdV,0o koll, fit4 WorkMeii' Watches Of zitma 2tiergmh. ...