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Denbighshire, Wales

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... CHEAP PRE AID A •/> VSRTISEMENT3. j A t! vert i« m i* n t of tne lV>nov,-m:r kinds, FA.II) FOR | WHB5 ORDERED, are IN sorted in the Guardian OIl the fallowing scale :— Twenty words :—One insertion, Is three ir.^rtiosw, 2s 6d six insertions, 4s fid. Thirty words:—One insertion, Is f5d; three insertions, 4s; six insertions, 6s 6d. Forty words:—One 2s three insertions, 58 6d six insertion?!, 8s ...


... Epps's CocoA.-GRATFFUL AND COMFORTING.—By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet ...


... ffiraiesmttt's ^.bbrtssts. SCALE OF ^HAEGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, Trades, Amusements, mid Charities. Seven lines and under Per additional line Miscellaneous—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, Five lines, and under 2s. c ...


... f ^rsbxsniKi's ^'otiussss. SCALE OF Q H A R G E S FOB ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Eoolis, Trades, Amusements, fail Charities. 8evpn lires and unrk-r 2s. 6d. Ter additional line Os. *d. Miscellaneous—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, £ c. Five linps. and under 2s. 6d. Per additional line Os. 6d. Prospectuses of New Companies, Parliamentary Notices, and Election Advertisements. .incs, ...


... 'cragsmen's Slfcbnssts. THE OLD TEA WAREHOUSE, FAMILY GROCERY, FOREIGN & COLONIAL STORES, 14, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. C. K. BENSON & CO., PROPRIETORS, HPHESE STORES are established to supply the public with TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, FOREIGN AND COLONIAL GOODS, GENERAL GROCERIES, &c., &c. At Merchant Prices. C. K. BENSON & CO. Are prepared to Supply all Goods on the same Terms and at the same Prices ...


... Inics 2lJ:r Lloyd. TO SERVE COWS THIS SEASON. AT THE PLASSEY, NEAR WREXHAM. rpHAT MAGNIFICENT ROAN SHORTHORN I BULL—Windrush, 3rd H.B. 39,327, the pro- yerty of Mr. Lloyd, Auctioneer, bred by H. Allsopp, Esq., M.P., Hind'ip Court, Worcester, 3 years old, got by Windrush, 32,873; dam (Thorndale 2nd) by Butter- fly. 33.255.' g' d. (Thorndale Maid) by 3rd Duke of Thorndale, 17,749. g.g.d. ...


... DENBIGHSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. [BY TELEGRAPH.] These Sessions were commenced in Denbigh, to- aay (Thursday). The trial of prisoners was taken hrst. The following magistrates assembled: Mr. Hughes, chairman (Warden ot Ruthin), Col. Hum- berston, Mr. Philip Chambres, Capt. M. Shaw, Col. Cooke. Mr. Edward Angel (Denbigh) was foreman of the gr ind jury. The Chairman in charging the grand jury con- ...


... &?stosm £ a's Jptosses. gCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under 2s. 6d. Per additional line. Os. 4d. Miscellaneous—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, otc. Five lines, and under 2s. 6d. Per Os. 6d. Prospectuses of New Companies, Parliamentary Xotices, and Election Advertisements. .ine*. and under 5s. Od. Per ...


... CEFN AND RHOSYMEDRE. OPENING OF THE DmTID COCOA HOUSE.—On Wednesday evening last the first cocoa house established under the auspices of the Ruabon Public House Company (Limited), was formally opened in the presence of a large company of the shareholders and weliwiahers of the company, including Mr., Mrs., and Miss Yorke, Erddig. Mr. and Mes. Owen Slaney Wynne, and Miss Davies, Mr George ...


... CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. j Advertisement5* of the following kinds, PAID FOP. ] WHEY ordered, are inserted in the Guardian on the following scale :— Twentv words :—One insertion, Is three insertion: 6d; six insrlio;-)s, 4s Od. t Thirtv three insertions, 48; six insertions, fa 6d. Forty words:—One insertion, 2s three insertions, is 6d; six insertions, 88 6d. The above prices refer to ...


... Sales Iw Mr. Lloyd. ^jpO LET, bv private treaty, about 40 acres of X iirafc-class Grazing Land, up to February 2nd, in lots from two to ten acre fields. Also about 10 tons of ir6t-cam; Upland May in lots.—Apply to Air. LLOYD, Auctioneer, i^a.^y, Wrexham. 573 SPECIAL AUCTION. 11 E X H A M S M ITH F I E L D. R.. LLOYD will hold Ms usual Sale of Fat JjiL Cattle aiiu Sheep, also Stored ditto, ...


... 1Ernhtsmen' s J. ROBERTS & CO., MERCERS, BIEKEN HEAD. MANTLES, MILLINERY, COSTUMES. MOURN [NO- OUTFITS. In II,(1rlifon to the latest novelties in FRENCH MODELS, they have CKOICR GOODS made on the Premises by experienced assistants, under their personal supervision. Orders to any extent executed with promptness, combined with moderate chargcfJ. Patterns of Silks and Dress Fabrics sent free on ...