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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... ROSBACH WATER.—Best Table Water known. In regard to organic purity and whoUome properties Bos'.ach is FAR gUPERlOK to any other mineral water I have examined (Professor Wanklyn's Report.) Cheapec than artificial wjte-s, In tie-down cases, retail. 5s. per doz. small: 6s nd. per doz. large bottles. In tie-down cases, 5 1 large, 23s. 6d. 1,'0 small bottles 34s- The Rosbich Company, Limited, 35, ...


... I THE AMERICAN PRODUCE MARKET HIGH STREET, MERTHYR & DOWLAIS. J. W. GITNN, PROPRIETOR- SPECIALITIES THIS W:£El- FRESH. BEEF AND MUTTON, IN SPLENDID CONDITION, I HOME FED PORK. 300 Small Halmt Od. per lb. 100 Good Cheesy 3d 200 Fine New 4d, 300 American Cheddar; 6d ,» finest imported. &VJTTEH. New American, 3fine, 8d.; Finest, 10d.; Fresh Welsh, from thf) best Carmarthenshire Dairies, lt^d.; ...


... WAHNXNG KKCKITT'S PARIS BLUB.—The marked supe- riority of this Laundry Blue over ail others, and tie quick appreciation 01 its merits by the Public bave been attended by the usual results, viz a flood 01 imitations the merit o the latter maiuly consists in the ingenUlt) exerted, not simply in imitating the > shape but making the general appeaer anee oi the wrappers resemble mat oi the ...


... MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS AND SON'S NOTICES MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, VALUERS, HOUSE, ESTATE, LAND & INSURANCE AGENTS, NEW AUCTION MART, COURT STREET, MERTHYR TTDFIL, BEG to inform the Public that all matters en- trusted to their care will be punctually, promptly, and carefully attended to. Life, Fire, Plate, Glass, and Accidental Insurances, effected with the best ...


... NEVER TOJ LATE TO MEND.Procrastinatlon with many is the besetting sin. Everything is put off till to- morrow. The torpid liver is unheeded unt 1 jaundice, con- sumption, or abscess of the liver is established. Theje ma- ladies are curable if arrested in time by that tine tonic and alterative medicine, PAGE WOODCOCK'S WINU PILLS. Thousands are taking them for almost every complaint, a id are ...


... THE LATEST MARVEL—Ma. B. A. GnoRGB.—Dear Sir -Be good enough to forward me another gross of your Cough Balsam.' the sale of which is rapidly increasing ia this district; indeed, I have never known any Cough Medi cine' that has so quickly obtained so great a sale, and given such universal satisfaction.—I am,dear sir, yours faithfully, PHILIP RALPH, High Town, Hereford, August 27, 187 Dear Sir ...


... PAGK WOODCOCK'S WIND PILLS have for twenty-five yeal i held the first place in the jworld as an effectual antidote to Indigestion, Wind on the iBtomach, Biliousness, and all complaints arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Boweils, or Liver. Tonic, invigorating, and purifying, they torm the best remedy extant. Uf all uhemiats, Is, and gg. j4, per box., or of FAUii D. WQQJJUVCJi, ...


... VALUABLE DISCOVERY yo THE HAIR.—If your hair i turning rrsv or white, or falling off, use THE MEXCAN HAIR BEKKWIB, for, it will positively rettore in very cage Grey or White Kair to its original colour without eaving the able smell of mcst Restorers. It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on halo spots, where the gland are not decayed. Ask your ...


... WARNING RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE.-The marked supe- riority of this Laundry Blue over all others, and he quick appreciation of its merits by the Public have been attended by the usual results, viz a flood of imitations the merit o the latter mainly consists in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in imitating the square shape but making the general appeaer anceot the wrappers resemble that of the ...


... VALUABLE DISCOVER* FO THE HA lit..—I your hair i turning -rev or white, or falling off, use II THg MEXCAN HtIR RENEW tB, for it Will posttively rebÜwe in very caBe Greyor White Uavr to its original colour without eaving the (lis greenuie smell of mcst Kestorers. It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth 01 the n La spots, where Uten.a.nd not decayed. ...