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Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS BAY MARBgET, STONEYBATTER: ANn PARRGATE-STREET. MICHAEL CROOKE'S SALES BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 1ETXT FAIDAY, 16th Jan, 1880, Commencing at. Ona o'clock, ?? Public'Salerooms 10 LOWER ORMOND QITAY, Lot 1-£50 ProfIt-rent out of Licensed House and Sales- maiter's Concerns, 1, 2, and 3 HAY MARKET, WEST ARRAN-STREET. MesssG D FOITRTELL and SoN, Solicitors, No 46 1ot 2-Eicensed House, 28 PARKCATE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS HIGli PRESSURE G AS. The pres.;ure of Gas in IDublin and it. suburbs enables Fall(11~ cons e~ t I have as snueb light and also as munch boeat for ~ cooliing purposes as they require. rnod so far :6 cr,,t public atrailitage wises ;but much waste of gas 'and consequent hich Gas Bills are occs,- sioned by the mallner in which g As is burned. So-called reglaturs have sometimes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOWELS BALAM1 of A!!SEED COUGHS, IMFUENZA~rk COLDS ,g THE oldest and mod effictua1 COUG H 31 Gunboat Netley, Wick, Scotlan& DEAR Sgm-Having bad a most distre-, and severe cough,, which caused me Zsa; sleepless nights and restless days, I waa: commendedby bis Lordshp the Earl of Ca nens to try your most invaluable Balsam Aniseed, and I can assure yon-with the f dose i found immediate relief, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AUCTION : SALES THIS DAY (Friday). LICENSED HOUSES, CITY OF- DUBLIN. UPPER O MOND-QUAY AND LOWER LEESON-STREET. MICHNEL CROOKE'S SALES BlY PUBLIC AUCTION, *In tho Salronms, 10 LOWER OIIMOND-QIUAY, THISi DAY (PFidlay), 51th April, At One o'clock, Comprise- Retail Licensed GroceryT'ea Wino, and Spirit tetab- lishmont, No 1S Uppor Ornlond-qtny (in a matter in Chanceory), :io years' leas, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Stieicorian Car.;i - Eiton's,; only suitahle Pat te~is ,L iu:lu; .UJ v-.t iWti, lI uI isb andt Irenceb p .to *- i( ' (rin. 'Th3 I::: ce T lhi:-tflft to so. c.t (re-n i at bat ?? ( i-ceiit or-ie'q Il'iii ctlrasorte~t istit. laton' P'ito loriliaiy ?? a speciality. Vatreru;. t.t 1:02 on .qhic.tion.. N and S Eaton, Swt- ?? i..laJ- r,.t. Dilbiiru, flgif!.:iiA C Ci : he ?? ito-, ll'21051t3 uewest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMENTS VACANT, TAtlTII D general Farmer's Man vith a knowledge W l shoep;wages 12s n week, milk, coke, and lode, Apply at Wootown, NAtWArnhAsm. U51U 4 general Harfly Ntan whc understands . ,bhouserepairs from eellar to roof. IeplyF. ait gop!f letters of rocommeandatione, to 4M70, Freeman 14TRW a enerafiServont, middleaged; Apply at Xlstou street. haarecter must be good and security ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TN Mlemnornm Cards ait Eaton's 0nIy sitble Pa I to rs kept tI stock. 2W0 varlati es, ]Euglilhauid French Patterns to sulet from. 'the la rgest assortinelit to Be. cot from IsatCatoi's. Urgont orders prlitedatsliortest .rotkce. Iraton's Photoa ortstary Calls; a lllec'lailty. Iattortin Imst tree oi appiletltons. hf Man S THaton, 8ai- lSine.. se, 41nm. mne-lijret. lDubiln. ALEttl ntAllY Liurds; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICTY andc Rorke, Baggot-street, ?? U in a most respectable manner and on reasonable I ter=s, having 'all the Materials and Appointments at their concerns. 1504 I N Memonain Cards at Eaton's; Only suitable pat- temns kept i2 stock. t0( varieties, English and French Iatterns to select from. The largest assortment to se- rect from is at aton's. Urgent orders printedatashortest notice. Eaton', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. MR. CROOKE, Auctioneer and Valuator, begs . to state that he continues to make liberal cash advances on Freehold and Leasehold Interests in Lands and Housos, Interosts in Grocery, Wine, nnd Spirit Estahiishments, and on all Rinds of Herchandlico or Chattel Property that may be transforred or con- signed to hbn for bone fido Salo, either by Public Auc- tion or Private Treaty. Ilie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SISLLLWEi1s. ITtH BEST P am PRRIT C11, MADE One Ralia flA?4U1I,COW~ T~hoboI o AN 35LoWl covered In hair cloth. Good strong cou~b t Do I b t mtb. 0, o utscmp eto for~l '£1 tsd. , Aiu f Goods Wrkedpplan,,6i'le for.Cash. PARLOUR FUtiTUR . , Vi~rY superior,ie ild 0Uirb ny it I rellnviija, nlid miahogany * very ?? t~'llt en~ltucibd 8~n o~veresl with best b'jir' cloth-' * rt~hha~obund Parlour Tablos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TN 31slemoriam Cards at Eaton's; Only sultallo Pat terus kept in stock. 200 varieties, Eniglishand French Pitteres to select from. The largest assortment to so- `ct from IsatE'atur,. UrCentorders puinted atshorteot Tbli. lEaton. Plioto.Mortuary Cards, a speclality. )'al post free on applic ation. 1i and S Eaton, 'Sra- kii;,rc, g9 D me-s; reeot. Ddublinl. f It ARlY ?? ; the greatest variety In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC 'NOT1CES, A I 1 T Y' THE E. G 111 i MWIfLIAM DUCV'S OJ51 BOYS O(,MPANY, THIS CVENING (Wedneoday), Sept ?? (at 8), 1,S76th timo (hy Ar Dui'si Cqmpany) of H J Byron', Original Conlody, : OUR BOYS. In proparation (1irst time in Dablin of) the Newov Comedy, by U A Jones, 1sq, 11 ,OPE.~ Es'T And J BYro1'sSoUC lui Farcical (COmody, rdcc~-111140, s 6, 2, I, and bid. Box Office a Crar, 4 l ...