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Advertisements & Notices

... [isras Itept ?? at Saton's; OnlY suitable Pat |erikept Il stack. 93 vacctice, 1n nl F and rench at ,tetrsltO sels~t if omt. TheO ti jgest asaortmeO$ tO so. ocr frees ioatl~ntun'e. Urgent 055l, ?? eol bbritest _ trtic e laton',l * htO iblortuitfy Carorls, a 6 rclaiity. pie~s ns foaonapplicrksion. M and S l~ten, Stn- - ieeer. &ra 49iDame-rtreet. lDublin. -. 6RTUAUY Cards; beautiful aesortmreut; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Memoriam Cards at ELtonWs; Only suitable Fat Sll Wrr's kept in stock. 09 v: ioeties, tugliah and lreech ?? termse to select from. The ?? assortimleit to so- m Ifrom ,siitEatot's. U rgent ordlers printed at rhortest it,. Eaton',, Photo-bloe'trary COards, a speciality. terns poet free on application.; hrI and S Eaton, Sta- ers. &c, 49 alamo strect. Duiblin. ?? J OU1I'UAII.Y Cards boiautilul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. | I - S G A IE T YT H E A T It E . G fast Three Nights of Din. CHARLES WYNDH1AM'S BlBTSY CONMPANY. THIS EVENING (Thursday), Mayl3th, A F. C. Burnand's Successful Now Comedy, v B ET S Y, Preceded (at 8) by MARY'S SECRET. SATURDAY NNEXT. May 151, Zr GRAND DAY PFRFORMANCE n (At 2.30) of BEtS'Y. h MONDAY, lay 17th, thO Popular Comedian, t Mr ClfARLES WYNDHIAM, In the successlul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I B T Y T H E A T R E. G LnstNi .I;;t but One of xR AlXtli'l) ?? hecl:t'.oS cf0 l1tNY. THIS EVENINO (lrielav), June 11th (:t t S). .24th performance. of (I ; 1, iihs MejoteCm Coeiledy, Ut10i31IJH AND TOOTHlPII'C. To concluel wvith tilc Musiecal fixttitvaganza, * CUl'Ei. (fA1l'INiN. D which the celebrated Waltone Famnly will introduce tlivi. eccentric spejiatieos. MONDAY NF.XT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOIANTMENTS WARTAD. T0 rocers and Spirit Merechants; a young Man, 'TJabt diseligagod. Wants a dituation * no objetion V to spirit counter: reference to lost employer for 3& Ad years. Address 4976, Freeman Office. 1 years' oxporlonco and at proseim ongnged, nvallts a elln ro-engagemnent as so0n 0 s a respoctablo vncmcy -- occurs; cal give direct references to present and for. V Wor employers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. G A I B T Y T IT lE T R E. The Pournalr Como~liall, MR. CHARLES WTYND*M, And his specially selected, Cledvy C,,unipally. TIEIS IOVFNINO (Satuiday), blay 2'7_d, ?? .NJ of the moat amsing (oniledy by Bronson Howard, Autlior of ' lliightolu, &c., T R U T 'i Mr Alfred Sterry (liia lriginal character) Mr Charles Wyndhame. Preceded (at B) by I' W Broughton's Comoliecttn. WITHERED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. fl.IE T Y T H E A T R E. Last Three Nights of M1R ATFRD HExMING'S COMIPANY. THIS EVENING (Thursday), June 10th (at 8), 328rd ?? of (i R Simas Modern Comedy, CRUTCH AND TOOTHPICK. To conclude with the Musical ExtraveganaZ, CRUEL CARhlEN. 1Avvhichthe clbrated l W alton fpjlywill introduce their eccentric specialties. MONDAY NEXT, June 14th, T W ROBERTSON'S CASTE COMPANY. IN CASTE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUCTIONS NEXT FRIDAY. CORK.STREET. Important to Capitalists and Otherl. SALE Of the valtinble Interest In Nos 130 and 131 CORK-STREET, ?? of Dublin, Upon which a large sans sA. recently been expenled fn repairs, and they are in first-class order (No 130 hag a large shop, and in a good situation for any business), and produce a well.paid pronfit rent of £61 par annum. PA itTICULARS. No 131 Cork ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC_1OTICES. AI T Y. T H E A T R E. M Last FiSve Nights of Io ,,,r T VROBRTSONi'S Issuc OASTE COMPANY. ' e . EVE;NiNG (Tueisday), Junn 2adt (At 8) the Comdy, CASTE, E. T0.MORROW ed a1 'Temhsen 'l The Rcpinof -the meiar Na en T ?? Postponed tilt Saturday Next, thes( the 26th June. OUR jR]iDAY NEXT (by special desiro)-1 SCHOODL.' pany xoa1DAY, June 28th, MIss EMILY SOLDENE, .- AiODY nn~d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - RS;A.S. ALLEN'S WOULD'S 1lAIR RESTORER. jjA RS. S. A. ALLEN'S WVORLID's j_`IAIR RESTO)RER -j Is thbe, WAt hecleai it is mid feilx ci slice minte. riitk, anti pr-'.-terid %itt ib . it,'u> arc ot 5kill ieCrseUS over Iii i-rs tit ?? j':,tir tii.)' en- i'tjn yI fr tlis ifi l Ith ; -a le' t ?? 1)-i ?? hI a ,t: bicziiisO it i iit die 1tl hair, let ht it. i.. (rey lalils sosit diisalptir b'ca:t 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOIKTMBNTB VACANT. - A hONO Crk, salalrfyt £o1 week, wanted; state A. bow pr0509let1-lyjW~oyOd5L de imc;LL mentlamnetelW tOT iii IU)PerI&I aU Peo~nwith unexoartion 0 rtbereonhl m es c .a abccoontilfl ap iicatl~n to% be made to thle Proprietor. d AddceoSj7i7. ArmaaiOfflco. ..XuaietlF~s;wanted as r bovso ii rn j D rosommeiided by last eroployer, A&pply to P,3 q ld'(Isbr..8 'Iaibo. street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [NMIuoriao ! mu lrds at Eaton's ; Only suitable Pat Eerud s ept, in stock, tl0 vitrietfus, In tglloh aud French Ipatteris to seluct fronl. 'Ibo largest ansoituleot to so- eet from is at Eaton's. Urgent orderl s plrinted at shorto3t notice. Eaton., Phsto.Morruary Cards, it specIality. M and s Eaton, t floueri,A&c,4!) I,, Dulblinl. i 01QIt ItdY Cards; tho greatest variety in Dublin ...