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Advertisements & Notices

... Zlexntterel:ip, licing Lulaerat, 1i 'aty ottlii lil rther j iczldltiCC5 Oil ilp ?? tA t il Iloecritry Sl zrn(:iris, l Sssee5 THOMAS LWDN3 atit ?? U ?? dASTLE AN]) AN:; CILOI 1RESTAU- llAN'l'T, 1, C'ilCII-!tO V STOCTON. Di:- aeis d tly, J1 on, aind Vegeteb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiautoxaCanditdatteafor Menabershipl, being Liberalno :~nirny obtain further particulars on ?? to the Honorary Secretaries, ?? THOMAS DEDJN and b - T. WATSON. Fa _WOIC.-ESTHARTLEPOL. TheNOTHRNECRO is delivereddal dizect Irvi the Ollice, No.1. Victoria etreeit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at Fountain Bank, Lasasade, V.., the wife of Colonel AlacIver (late SerYian Army), of a eon. t MAIRRIAGE S. F ?? 27, at St. Thomas's Cburch, York, by the Rev. T. B. B. Forris, vicar, Gcnrgeo ludson, only surviving eon of the late Govrge Lludsonid.P, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kind of insocts-in - id, td, lid, Is Packets, free for 6 or 12 stamps. Sold - everyvhere.-W. HARDY, Manufacturing Chemist, Stockton-on-Tees. r. . 1R, THOMAS BURT, M.P., writes:- I and my family have usea Dr. WHITE'S i COMPOSITION ESSENCE for more than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lousd of tcsezta-in S ild, C3d GdLIls 'Packets, froo for P or l'l Otatns. Sord .everyhere.-W. HARDY, Manufacturing Chemist. - Stlckton-ot-Teoes. tL It .THOMAS BURT, M.P., writec:-. I and lmy fanilly have une3d Dr. 7,WftE'S iu COMPO'SITION ESSENCE f wo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all kind of insects-in l3d, 6d, t, Is Packets, lre o for 6 or 12 stamps. Sold levcrvwhero.-W. HARDY, lanufaoturing Chemist, Stockton ou-Toes. ] R. THOMAS BURT, M.P., writes:- I and nay family have used Dr. WHITE'S CvMPORITY( lrusqaeeuN0 I a Vwb has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUMPS, STEAM STICERING ME GEARS, AIR OMF.IPRESSOLS, ?? PATENT dies M-ECRANICAL sT(roIISs, ArAetfor Wjest llartlepool, ?? JOUN HARDY, 6, rsio-te, SPFECIFIC ARTICLES FOR SALE. LINOLEUMI~ LI1NOfEIJII at Reduced Prices.- LRossell-street CarpetWarehoese,,Darlington ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2, Carlton-terrace, Spenuvysoor; WJ%. 011 ILy* ivd 5, North-read, Durbhem; W. T. IEaY, SneSeX-street: 1e1fMdd eslirougli; THOMAS fHULL, 16, and 17. Darbam. iced eloaro, Bishlop Auckland; or to anyv nlimni Line Aneau DMI F'IuL NU. ~LINE TO-CA\A415i wasSTD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jane, wile of Ir Henry N. Hellett. 12 ?? 9, at 25, lloat-stiet, Stockton-on- Tee', George Peacock (late in the earploy of Thomas Wren and Sons, corn merchants), aged 70. Will be interred at Holy 'Trinity Churob, on Tuesday, Jan. 18th, at three pm. Friends ...

Advertisements & Notices

... build] should see the1 quatlity and obtain p~ricos. TEES BRICK AND TILE WORKS, SOUTH BANE. rHE DARLIXNGTON PAiNT STORE S. THOMAS JAMES, Engini es' Factor, Colliery Stores Factor, Paints, oils, V;,ralsh, Brushes, and Goneral Merohant. All L:n~d of Leaher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U )O OltOCE RS.-Youug tan cooke Situation as ΒΆ- V~tbbSM .N, IWABAlIOU . hl5AN, or COlUNTER. J bIAIN.-Apply, Y.Z., D. Oeo. Hardy, PIlnter, &o., W lgarskc-by-tbo-Sea. 147 - ?? OCEF S.-WANTED, Situation as COVN- 21; good rtforcnces.-F. W. WRVIGUT1, care ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qutity an;d d obiain rrictis. L o TEEhS BRICK AND TITIEi WORiS, S. SOUTH BANK. rE n -1E DAI{(JiNG TON PAINTv STr ES. u3. . THOMAS JAMES, EnIgineosi' Factor, Colliery - Sitoros Fact ir, PlaIts, ifs, Viri:sla, Brfl.ces, arl t Gi (enoral Worcrh;nt. Ail i ...