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Advertisements & Notices

... Callow ~Alsoe I0 Glalloway Cows, calved and to calve. Both thleo etocks ofsheep are well worth attentiot, being sound and very hardy, and theirtwalk being of a high and heatherv nature, they2 can beremoved to anyquarter. The ew-es whterever shown liars always ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or Taken in Exchange for ioeds. rTiHE GREAT SUCCESS of HARDY'S A PENNY HOUSEHOLD DYES has led to the introduction of worthless imitations. To provent dis. appoitntment asks your tradesman for Hardy's, and doi not be ?? to take any other. They are Bon~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7th.-Apply, 0., Echo Osfice, Stock.- ton. - 17 S 137CR SALE, a Staoa of good HAY, also a Staok of B 3_ ROP1E HAY.-Apply to THOMAS CLARK, in Bisbopton. B3 M OR SALE, a Qaantity of SEED POTATOES.- T lb Apply, ROBT. CUWBUIIN, Upsall Bal;sE, near RI Oaibrough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. M. COOPiER, 2, Carlton-terrace, Streunvmoor; W. GRAY, i, North-road, Durham; W. TI. ILEAY Su3sex-street, Midd;esbrough; THOMAS HULL, Newgate-strset, Bishop Auckland; or to: a Iinuan Liuie A~tia. 174, E-PS-t)OPENHAGEN.-Thenew - Fst- sailing Screw. steamer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be appliedlor irg, bfrhd. JAMES TAYLOR, W1hArfiniger. ni, Mitddleslmrong-h-On-Tess, 1879, -EBUSINESS ADDRESSES. ar. jjR. THOMAS BURT, M.P., .pt. ~~~writes:- Pt I and nay family have used Dr. WHtTE'S id- COMPOSITION ESSENCE for more than a nine years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -C051InorsledMarch, 1863. 410 ~ENDER~WA~D for aBRS ?? lyo Croft Gala on Easier Tuesday. as WATED far REFRESHMENT Isb etto THOMAS ALLAN, Railway Dil ~to rbfre the 14tx. 24 4 UNDOVE AND CO. ~ Prpard t TEDER or cnceteFlooring, 15ti5 PlE taton latorm, A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... May 10 'Moat Law, Farm Stock . . ?? May 11 torbridge-on-Tyne, March 15th, 1883. 4D92 Morley Hill, Dinnington-Re Hardy Brothers. M R THOMAS BLANDFORD has received in- 1 e stmuctions from J. M. Winter, Esq., the Trustee, to SELLi BY AUCTION, at Morley Hill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cu __o_ -86 lHIGH-ROW. Fh te; EHE GREAT SUCOESS of HARDY'S __ PENNY HOUSEHOLD DYES has led to the ?? introduction of worthless imitatlons. To prevent did- appoiutment as4 ysouir tradesman for H~ardy's, and do ffd not be peruauded to tako ad' gtber. They ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thirasl aud CLAItMUP, Stoclton. rHE GREAT SUCCESS of HARDY'S T PE1NNY ]IOUSEHOLD DYES bas led to the introduction of worthless imitations. To prevent dis- appoinitment asic yorr tradesman for Hardy's, cud *lc n~ot te persauded to tate any othaer. Thesy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kitchen Garden, and all Uonvenieneee.- The Fv.rot Pt Gat-don is well stuolsed with ohioiceifrurt trees aud race 261 ?? to JOHN HARDY, 68, Chureb-strieot, 00' West Htartlepool. . 22114 Ia. O jOLET, for -May term, a converrient HOUSE, 11 T situte~td 4, Wode ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Haughton Mains- Faram Stock ?? ,lay Ist h Cai-brirge, )March SUb, 1889 Fallowtiel, near Herham. Y MR THOMAS BLANDFORD, acting under 1YMi ?? from Mc Thomas Errington, the representa- tive of Ma-S-s Benson, after a tenancy of fifty-nine years, will SELL BY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11IbM]C&AL MAN- Ultli, AND AGRIOULTURAL IMPLEMELNTS. Ob~l''lJS,:-S lNOUT.i1ATE DANLINUTON. r-'It-liEDARLIliGTON PAINTSTORES. IL THOMAS JAMES, Eiginews' Faetor, Colliery Storeq Ft,,t 1r, PaInts, Oils Varmsb, Brushes, andt Conealel llMerchant. Al altmirs of Lea ...