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¦BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH'S. SUTTON —On the 7th inst., Moor Hill, Harewood, Leeds Lady Sutton, ..

... the 6th inst.. at Wensley Rectory, Yorkshire, the wife of Captain J. Edward Hunter. Royal Navy, a son. MARRIAGES. Blunt— Blyth.—On the 12th inst., at Holy Trinity Church, Scarborough, by the Rev. J. A. Faithfnll, M.A., Henry R. Blunt, M.A . CM., Dewsbury, to Annie, widow of tbe late R. R. Blyth, solicitor, York. No cards. Hoi.gate.—On the Bth inst., St. Oswald's Church, Fu'ford, the Ray. ...

LIST OF VISITORS. TERRACE. Mr. >l»rlinL |1« i A' tonf Ho„ M Mrs I rn 22CavenA#hHou8e 8 Nason, Mrs Misses

... ork lirucc, Mr, Mrs «“ , ondoll .Austen, Mr, Mrs, nurse Sneers, Mr .IT Crews. A* Miss •; Sister Mary Ilorbury 11 Uadtield, Mra , Chester „ » Blenkin.Revrß.MrsA^ Mr JP 1-. Vialls. Mrs Misses London IS I'almcr, Mr, Mrs fam Surrey 1» Furloy, Mr W Mrs Bonnieinooth, Higgins, Mr C, Mrs, Dariiton, Mr T. Mrs A: Miss Ashtoniuidcr-liTne I’clers, Mr J, Mrs. nurse A 27 Towncnd. Rev Shepston Rectory. Ashby ...

THE AFGHAN WAR. {Daily Newt' Telegram,) Labors, January 81, Morning. that Mahomed Jan will renew hla att» k The ..

... of Jellalabad 11 * Valley lor Mahomed Jan. K hUtanli have plundered Argandeb, of Malika have visited General Bright in the Aynb Ko»n is advancing towards Forrab, complaints are made of the want of blankets and iclothJnamons the native troopa in Cabo’, HOME KULERB and the QUEEN’S SPEECH. standard that golen Intend mo., amendment the Address Commons on Thund.j next, and that aaiinated debate i. ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Courcy-Baldwtn.—On the 3rd the wife the Principal of the Diocesan ..

... the 30th nit., at Honse, Thirst, the wife of Reginald Hartley, of daughter. —On the Ist inst., at The Rectory, Cherry Barton, in this county, the wife of the Rev. Charles Melville a daughter. Whytehead. the 6th inst., at York, the wife of T. B- Wbytehead, of daughter. MARRIAGES. Barker —Drought.—On the 9th ult., at Binscarth, Manitoba, by the Rev. William Bos 9, Francis Fletcher, youngest son ...


... WEST CLIFF SKINNER STREET. WHITBY, Foster & son, livery stable KEEPERS, 11, SKINNER STREET, Whitby, thanking their friends for their patronage during the past, beg to announce they have added to their Skinner Street Mews the New and Extensive Stables and Coach Houses, situate on the West Cliff, adjoining the Royal Hotel stables, and nearly opposite the West Cliff Club House. The Stables have ...

at from ss. to 6a. per dozen

... LARCH, QUICK, AND OTHER TREES. FRUIT TREES, including Lancashire Gooseberry. &«, WHITBY BANK FOR SAVINGS Established in the Tear 1819. This Bank is open for the transaction of boslnea every Monday evening, from 7 to 8 o’clock, and every Saturday morning (for Country Depositors), from 10 11 o’clock, except on Bank Holidays. Deposits of one shilling and upwards are received, but must not exceed ...

LIST OF VISITORS. terrace. |» -» «^ o,,Se V^’Vw'vVi'i'ur House burn 22C'aveuaishllua6e House Mrs JtHinond House ..

... Mr. Itollon House Cameron, Misses South Kensington f» Osborne, Mrs Colchester r. Jossclyn, Miss Bury btLdumiuls o O&borue, 11 . . Austen, Mr, Mrs. nurse x baby 8 Sugars, Mr j:‘sX« M r 10 Ormsby. Mr Mrs Condon 10 Welby, Uev W 11 S A Mrs Harston, Grantham 10 Mackerell. Mr, Mrs family lialham, London 11 Atherton, Mr J A Woodhouse, Rastnek 11 Atherton. Miss A 11 Wilson, Mr uTI T 11 Wilson. Miss, ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Athorne. —On the Bth mat.. Grove House, Chelmsford, the wife of the Rev. ..

... Atborne, of a son (Alwyn Spencer). Hebden—-On the inst., at Throxenby Hall, Scar- borough, Mrs. W. Hebdeo, of a son. Stobart.—On the inst., at Spejlow Hill, this eonnty, the wits of William Stobart, of a son. Woodhouse.—On the inst.. at Rosslyn Honse. New- land Park, Hnll, the wife of J. T. Woodhouse, solicitor, a daughter. MARRIAGES. Boddy—Flinton.—On the 9th inst.. at the parish chare*, ...

the mysterious deaths near ROSED ALB. Pickibiwo, Friday Evening- T

... the destha of two coaWDa, named raap* etD»-ly George Hick tad George Atkinson, v o fonnd dead bed the Hamer Inn, Hartoft, #-n T« e* ifae 16th of December. Tftle hoose a lonely Inn on the road from Reaedale to Egton and Whitby, the landlord ia the father of Hick and the ancle of . Mystery itiil s irroaods the deathi of the two men, who were aervanta, each abont 21 •f aye, stalwart and strong. ...


... To SADDLE. Single or Double Harness. Also HORSES TAKEN IN AT LIVERY, Ac., Farther pt,rtioniarß apply MATTHEW WILSON. Black Swan Hotel, Baxteroatb, Whitby. VRIEND OF ALL! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. Purity of Blood Essential to Life Health and Strength. The Pills turpssses all other known Medicines for Pkrt* fylni the Blood; being safe and yet effective, they are available lor all as a Domestic and ...


... HOLLOA Y’S OINT MENT IMPORT ANT DISCOVERY. Mur's Suffering! The Discovery of this has proved an InvalaaMs to thoutand, .uirot-r.; *h«n rubbed owr MW the eeet el Better lug tie rare Ruteuiuic iropertlel are oot>- “%d toerer, jv.t T1, It heel. In.wTwoujde ulcere of the, uowuu, or Womb, the BDluel morrow i.ervoue weekneet and depnetlou. eld ell diseases the THROAT, LOROS, and CtMSI. ...