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Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP PREPAID RATE FOR AD5VERTISFAENTS REGARDING Lost-Founid. I uleasfraetWanted. Partnierships and Agencies, I Arrssiec'sive`SaO&lvasted Situations Vacanit &. Wanlted. -,os ?? Teachers Goverilese-esC. ]:,ive Stock' BorLdiis e. VohlelO std-sselaneous. moecer Wanted Rouses, Shops, s&c Wanted. 7Lnctd v EHoasea ShoPS Ire., To Let. l Hotws aeL sun yorpathlca Tars RATes ne Woyoos(from 8toO Word a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... §AX1JC tp3 P lO ENTINUD. U OBERT M'TEAR & CO., AUCTIO5EERS AND VALUATORS ROYAL ECH ANGE S AL-ROOMSJ FORTNIGHTLY ART SALE. L's my R iOYAL EXCHANGR SALF-ROOS, ToV-DAT c IFItIDAY), 13TH FEBRUARY. E PUBLIC SALE OF PAINTINGS AND IATER-COLOURS. Including The Cormfield,a fiine example of Alex. Frre A A.tSAA 'Lledder Bridge. by Fre. Walker; Tbree Char F acterigtic ?? llenderson. an ex gS lO i 0 V. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J.~ATE rsop, an. Tsso U .e50frSalle. ?? Veansed ~agint. ?? Tuition, ?? icllanca. Htl. - TW NlSor1 W3IS Id e Ih U d TrHRtEE ,7 - i ooi FOUR11 36 ,, i6, 5Cue~c~ FIVE 2so es j, aee-fiaei Ff31 2S6d 6 35 - 0 Advetisezaeute.%are ecdfrmterdnr ei.solsiO Ui paeidbefare wrteelnerpdtbdia~.rla± is oyb sn 0 n tss ~e goarsiteer. ..e. dfron ALeto p-fn.. by i~i 7dg after insertion inqiris a Gweed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YWILELM'S QLE, %T NATURAL SPARIMENG TABLE WATM Eee L4AyCE7, 7th June, 1879.- More delicate than either teltzeo or Alo'ihris. A natural restorer of the essentlal &%lne ?? of the bloodL AGENTS IN GLASGOV- SHEAUR, 8S0T k CO., 123 lSuAritA SvrtE. LtONbEL SITItLUSS 152 Sr VISIac STILIcET. ?? s QVZLLE Co. jtr>, 7 ?? Sq., Lundon, E.C I E EDGA , of Butt Lighthouse, Island of LYI.Leswls, writing to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . AVER'iw'ISEMENT INDEX, !Tue follow'nz is the order ot the Advertisemento m to-day's heriaa:- ?? F'og. THtRD PAGN PUblIc NotIces. Dress. knr'I&sts. liclarsc:cc N. elitters r i,5oovis. ents. &lC W 1;Dk No ticrs I; llbicaZn.*; ticc-ee. JiunS1l-ettiL Iloom I Minerals. &r.. To Sell or Let Iebts. xat tiroana Wanted.}Pen. or Sels. fine Arts Ani Fti iicein3 , Late F'olicies, (Hound Ai ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - It E WEEKLLY 1f E1,A LD t (2rae La:'ri U' (;zaso Pi;ey tapr) i CONTUiNS THI t NEXYS 0 T'IE WEEKt INT A CCXNC [SE AND WVlELLL-SELECTED FORM. 3 l'lS''CiAS- SERItAL STORIES r By WILKITE C.JI.IINS, W:.t LK,. & JAMES Pxrt. PRtOlBLEMLS AND SOLUTION-S IN' C H E SS A 'N 1) 1) 1 A U Gt 1 T S. ADVERT'l'SEM*i T INDE X. Toe folloxwvnz is time ord tr ot the Advertisementa In ro-dae's liermitl:- FII I-TI' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T A2iIAR INDI:EN-GEtILLONSs .. F &IAR INI:EN, forRELI:F and CURE I ?? CONSTIPATiON. flWAMAL INDl)IE'N, for Bfiiousuens, Headache, . L and al~l Scanilachic Coemnpini,-tn r BiS~WA.RE ?? I31iTATION~S: rF Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggiets. ?? (tRILLON, Sole lrolirietor. W: Wholesale-69 QUJEEN STREElT, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. `fIDADECA v. 600,000 DRUNKAR;DS. TDAtDPECA, the Origina7l Pr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rroprtc~far;TmTED -IrHae La LaJr a 7 C ~ ~~1A T ROW. Careul: ..tfir'ea .scil. live Volts. 't.~Ga~ON g~~,lar~y~ stelfor rsoat, wad i, MeE,'ZNTe..t dmtly erro 5 ivnan!) Sz2TL-jn 1MITAThD a zaiz RuraL ?? GRtzz-u ndSZ frO UV. GJoC.,C, rai ,aasiots 2'srrroa .0: tloms, s BI.a. and! on- Sr orxioos zrui FsdG.City~SS 7n J.toC rd oth 0,I ar LcaNai~beDa3 Ac s,! in ?? and. arehur-lzout Gsa 1Ni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VERIt IN iSEMIENT I N ExD The following is the order of tie Advertisemro-e hto -tbLv?s Heraldi:- S ?? ',rau, To l~r Ia Ic. ?? - . I . Sale or Let. r- - ?? ;v~ictzr. t;er,euu tart~ Sa'le. o Sl Proortfrs for Sale. ?? .n * i~ st~~ezzt ! iare Inocasenm;, Bookt i - s,.. D . Furnishings. ke.- A ;. u ISnixnensCards .c. . or tr Sle. ' %Vi~r:1S als i:- riag J ^ I t:>.I c ' d, , ahics, i S . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE M B SERIES os FIVE AI NT IN G-S, ITHz RACE FOR WEALT H ByILIXAM POWELL FPRITH~, ?? NbOWf DAIL.Y 05Z VIIFW, .At the SCOTTISH WATBR-COLOUR SOCIET'S GALIRRY, No. li WEST NILE STREET. GLASGOW, Daily, from 10 umtgil b. Admission ls. Evenius. from 7 unta l0. Admission 6d. C AUTION. -GENUINE UR[LORODYNE. Eey Bottle of his well-known Reaedy for COUGHS COLDS, A STISM r. BRlONO~nIS.B NEUPRALGIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... drertisetrbets of thui Clans-3 ,orrare pblished Foer sceaever Days. in the HEiALDa,4j5letgdt)jjrcuff 31 Zarce, more vrsed, end r oeprohensivr of aD Casers 57 than. the ?? eircs/atfr of all the othcr- GWVes Moernng and EvieNag .tSONr and an caWL VURNBANK GARDENS.-HOUSES of 6 to _ B 8 Tsooms and Kitchen, with Hot and Cold Water, ?? To Let-Apply to Hill. Davidson & Hoggan, 106 Ingram St C URENBAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tyILTON HOU3SE. or y rbe onaer 'whthrtoh.ueaee veyD arinel ti!h ,ye ce re tebs Inke oiw~rhnely isofkdwt od ethe value1 yaslon adrich s lf;:ll n 101e1rS trmme Stin~ to t wih av adg shw XolAy JIns-~13 iee atn'nihE ' f te vs ?? h tS -isorhel ethi-- =esn ? ,o wl proverno*,sol inerstn poai htsnell l ralrc ?? a aeo~ toaa nraeo JakDa & id, upwarnds. HadlIi Brien h55d~moY rsnmd ith Gim pange, Fand ...