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Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. %WHITZ STAU, LINE ROYAL and United States Mail Steamers. Liverpool to New York. Erery w eek on Tuesday or Thursday; from Quecustown the following day. Forwarding PnaseuPen s to all end rwgelyar ptasaes, and completeness of provaion for Pna. Fnngers' snfety and- comfort. Apply to Jance SCOTT end Co. ueenstows ; or to Iasin, I ,ard Co,, ?? 10 Water-gtreet, iverpool, and 54, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i-flir C AMUSEMENTS~. LYC*M0 THEATRE. OP VEINICE. Every Evening at eight O'clock 't hee ncciice.-Sbrlaeh, Sac. Irviusel Portia, Mliss 'monlieRoeTcITE MERCHA'NT OF VENICE every i'yloek. until I triter notice. ShylcekMr RVN Portia. Sies. ELLEN TERRY. 150 lilt 5, ohere seats can ?? booked six weeks in ~.wt'.AOTYr THAR.STRAND. o IiSI sas t.,yei..5111 ccc HLIecosecAe. V'' t tilt'1, tilt, a1 ...


... E ROYAL.--- 1/ ~~~BLUE BEARD, the success of the Season, at 745. Vokes Family and PowVerful Com- pany. Blue Beard's Pet Elephant. Rtoars of laughter. Grand Trans- formatioi Scene l)y WilliaTelbin. MagnificentBalletSeenehy Hcnry Emden Three Grand Ballets. Principal Daaaseuse, IldlIlc. Paladino, and 100 Corypbhees. Double Hayiequinade. Clowns, Fred. Evans and IV. Simpson. Preceded, at hevei, by ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6049 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... GiaEnd X F 0 It D. T Grand ChristmasCompany. (the Star of the Earth and Air), Engaged at an enormous salary. The most Wonderful Performance evter seen in England. Lieut. Cole (Crowned King of Ventriloquists by PUMAe), Mdllie. Esther B~erhard (Chansonette Fransalise-Young, Fascinating, and Pretty), Jolly Nash (the King of Laughter Makere), Miss Blanche Vernon (the Chsrrming Mezzo-Soprano), ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2282 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PROFESSIONALS. I E R I U A.-G4UION LINE OF UNITED A STATES SMAIL STEANIEELS, Sailing from LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, c .'ry Saturday. Cabin, from Ten to Eighteen Guineas, according to acomnmodation. Intermediate, 8 8s.; Steerage, 6 Cs. For Freight or Passage, apply to GumN and Co., 7, Garrick-street, Covent-garden, W.C.; 25, Watcr-street, and 11, Rumford-street, Liver- pool. ABERDEEN.-HER ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5060 | Page: Page 22 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... WjtANTED, Entire COMPANY, Dramatic and Burlesque, Nos. 1 and. 2 Company, Cheltenham and Gloucester. Tour to follow. ELLErso, Theatre, Gloucester. WATANTED, to open January 9th, Smnall l MELODRAMATIC COMPANY (Leading Lady excepted). Long Season. Tour to follow. Also Stage-Manager Required. J.. B. Creedon write. Lowest terms (which must be low) to JoiNs,- 1ArTruEwsoN, Corn Exchange, Ayr. WANTED, ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4844 | Page: Page 23 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GRAND NATIONAL OPERA COMPANY T ?? lilc(rporatcd under the Companies' Acts, 1862, 1867, and 1877. Sharc Capital, 100,000, ill 1,600 Shares of 100 each. DIRECTORS. Admiral Sir GEORGE BROKE-MIDDLETON, Bart Shrubland Park, Needham Market, Suffolk. .lient.-Colonel BLACK, 0, Hanover-square. WIt. BURCHELL, Jun., Esq., Lalehasn, near Staines. Captain PERCY HEWITT, Windham Club, St. James's. Lieut. ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5495 | Page: Page 17 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... JA I S S W A L L I S V1 v, ill shortly make her Reappearance in London, in a New and Original Play, written expressly for her by W. G. Wills, Esq. Addiess, 38, Tregunter-road, The Boltons, South Kensington. Notice.-Miss Wallis, heing unable to reply to all the commnnications see has receiv3d respecting her country arrangements, begs to thank her correspondents, and trusts they will accept ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2733 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... COVZNT iGArD¢EN TzzEATzE - Under the ManAg!ement of Uessrq. A. and S. GATTI.- GRAN4D CU'tSTMAS PANTOMIME entitled, 512 SIDBAD THE SAILUR. WRITTEN by Frank W. Green. i he greatest success ever ' ?? PnS,;s Press. Evory evening at 7.45. Scener-y by uliale Hicks. N sioearranged,-composed, and con. ftucted by W. 0. LovLy. Iats arrangeud by M. Deine. the wrhole produoed under the direction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS. JOSEPHINE FIDDES ..L5.L ?? Disengaged. Amateur Performancesattended. Dates filled in Town, 6th and 7th. First-class Fit-up and Wardrobe To Let ohl Hire. Permancet address, 57, Walcot-square, IKennington-road, London. IS S A G N E S LEONARD. Address, care of Mr Redmond, Princess's Theatre. I S S E M M E R S O N, M IS S Disengaged. Town, good Tour, or Special Engagements. Address, 19, ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3989 | Page: Page 20 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 


... B A T E M AVw Serio-Comic and Ballad Vocalist, WEST-END PALACE, SEFFIELD, 29th December. London address, 154, Southampton-row. Russell-square. The Vital Spark, J E! N N Y H I L L, P liCE OF WALES THEATRE, BIRMINGHAM, As ALADDIN, in Pantomime, 1879-1880. Agent, Thos. Holmes. I N N I B G O U G H, Serio-Coric. Characteristic (Vocalist), and Burlesque Actress, Great success in AMERICA. Address ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4571 | Page: Page 24 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ERA FOREIGN LETTER-BO. ' A Stamped envelope, plainly addreswsd, flust be enclosed Eeith application fer cach letter. COMIIT-L CATIONs AWAIT Addison, Miss Clara Girard, Mr Julian Arlotti, Trosep r Hilbert, Mr George Arden, Mien thelHughes, Hr Andy Alexmander, Mr George Ho bard, Mies Lydia _3rbke, Miss Joanna Harrisgten, Mr Fred. Boon), Mr Ben Levy, Mr Andrew Celli, M1r F. H. Le Clereq, Mr ...

Published: Sunday 04 January 1880
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 597 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices