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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. J. ST. L. BEAUFORT. 4 The funeral of the lata -Mr. John St. Lawrance Beaufort, the Postmaster of Manchester, took Place on Tuesday, at Prestwich, and'vas attended by a large number of Post Office officials and others. The funeral party left the residecce of the deceased, The tl Roost, Prestwich, at half-past tw9 o'clock, in the H midst of a heavy shower of rain and hail. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. JUSTICE WILLIAMS. THE INQUEST. )Vr. Michael Browns, the Nottingham borough coroner, held an inquest on Saturday at the Judges' Lodgings, Nottingham, on the body of Sir Charles James Watkin Williams, one of Her Majesty's Judges, who died suddenly in that town on Thursday night. The High Sheriff of Nottingham (Mr. F. C. Smith) was present during the inquiry, and Mr. Acton, solicitor ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATEi MR. JOHN HtYWOOD. Mr. John Heywood, 'head of the wldelykfownf publishing and bookselling establishment which bears his name, died on Thursday night at his residence, The Grange, Derbyshire Lane, Stretford. Mr. Heywood had beem ill for a fortnight past, and was attended by Sir William Roberts and Dr. Renshaws. A week ago he seenmed to be nicely recovering, but the improvement was not ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13frtts, _farriages, anb Dtatfbs. I 0 BIRTHS. BoYn. - Ol the 30th nlt., at Parsonage Road, Withington, the wife of John Boyd, of a son. CoesosN_-On the lst. inst., at Egerton Terrace, Chorlton- lrpo ht-Medlock, tho wife of Williaum Cookson, of a son. HrTWooD-Marfch 27th, at Norman Villa, Chorlton-cu.-u Hardy, the wife of Charles Hleywood, of a son. LAWSoN. - On the 25th nit., at Wellington ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF MISS EDITH MASON. At the Albion Congregational Chapel, Ashtonanuder. Lyne, on Thursday, Miss Edith Mason, vouniger daughter of Mr. Hugh Mason, M.P., was mirried to Mr. James Summers, eldest son of the late Mr. Johe Summers, Sunnyside, Ashton, and brothert oM r. William Summers, M.P. for Stalybridge. The event excited great interest in the district Long before the time fixed for the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - 'IRTHS. . Mzat.-O th 21t Int.,at arkEnd2, Birch Lane, Long9 ~j let. Whipp. of a daughter.._ ternewton, by the Rev. F. C. KMier, M~,assisted bjr thd:I anev. Joseph Bewley, B.A., William SelsArnold, of Don. 2 caster, to Frances Pollard (Fannie) yuger daughter of ' Edwin Scerth Hodgeon, of New Lees BALDOWIN-ThLLING.-O~11 the 19 h inst., at St. John's Chtfrtli, Cheetham, lianchester, by the Rev ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lot, . rd:igr, anu Rb iath, - Births, btafriages, and Deaths -ie charged tt the following ratea t-.. : Two LIsr9, or 18 WOBDS, is. 6d. And 6d. lot every additional nine *ords, AucrairaTs 'PilD sFOR iTT T11S1 COLUUX1 WILtL fl 115 PtSATED 112?:T215' MkITIASCTC EISAa5sER AnD Tits'.: W523OT EXTgL OHARGE.r BIRTHS. AiTEs:C-On 3rd Jan., at No. 73 .Avenida Montes de Ora, Buenos Ayrye, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ito BiA a~rdae laianbz 39ant 31etl. i Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged at the follobeivi rates:- Two LINES, or 18 Wonns, le. 6d. And 6d. for every additional nine words. ANN oCsEMENTS PAID FORt I1 THIS COLUMaN WILL BE TIM PE EDe IN T TE: MANCHEsTERt EXAMINERI AND TiuES'.' | *I505r E;CTR# OIIAOG.. BIRTIS- GttriSTY-On the 13th inst.. at 16, Alexandra Grove', Long- 0i11tthu wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... VBirxth , Narrim at ewam omrpd at the folowing Two Lrum, r 18 Wolis, Is. ed. ind 6d. for every: additional nine ordS. r AUOOSCmlST PA£) 103 ii ETPB coWSiL W= 115 EE - PEATED. IN 'TSIM ?? n A1SD T . 1 ?? RXTRPA CHARtON. C : : ~BIBTE[S. HoziDltO-JaO. 30, at 114, Whalley ?lad, :Accringt0, r the wife of Caspar Holding, of a son. N6cHOxsol.-On the 30th J an., the wife of Arthur Nichol. - SOn, o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE KIG OF rORTUGAL. The King of Portugal died On Strdiay Teorning bat C rausaes where he had been lying ?? Crown Prince, Duke of Braganza, succeeds him wi'th the otitle ofighr Carlos be of ?? and the AgarVts. The deceased monarch was the second. but eldest surviving son of Donna Maria II, Queen qf Portugal, and Domn Fernando, Prince of Saxe-Ooburg. He was born October 31, 13,visited ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IBIRTHS.J ?? the9thlnst;, at New Bridgei-stredt, Strange. w'ays;th wif of Henry Boddington, jdnn, of's da dghtee. Ca.Otte9t h iust., at 183, High-street, Oxford Road, )EAix.-Ont the 9bh inst., at. Heat,6i Moor, the wi-fe of Thos. Dean, of a daughter.' ~I .~ LLaTD.a-July l2th, at Alma~ Park, Levenshulmes, the) W~6 o Jacob Lloyd, of a son. SAimson-On th t ntat Willow Hill, CiaumpsaUl, ~the 'JJ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .tivt½, ;~tarnine0, anb flcatbz, BIRTHS. ARMITAOOL.-On the 6th inst., at Groombridge House, Altrincham, the wife of S. PRigby Armirage, of a daughter. BEPBan-On the 5th inst., atfl Imwood Villan, Eaeton Moor, the wife of James W. Berra, of a daughter. HErwoon.-Oa the 1st inst., at Hayfield, Victoria Park, Man- chester, the wife of Robert Heywood, of a son. SALosox.-On the lst inst., at 4, ...