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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE LORD SHAFTESBURY. Shortly after noon on Thursday, Lord Shaftesbury Passed peacefully away at 13olkestone. In the morn. ing the venerable Earl was able to dictate two letters to his daughtors, ele retained consciousness to the last, and, until within a few moments of death, con- versed affectionately and cheerfully with three meom hers of his ?? Templemore, the Hon. ,dith Ashley, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 33id11f~0artdttigt, su Mato IBIRTHS. AICOOE the the 17h inst., at Gorse Bank, Bury, the wife Of Samuel H. Alcock, of a daughter. GIovse..-On Su nday the 15th inst., at rMoorhnret, Rersaln DManchester, the.wife of Walter T. Glover, of a daughter.. MXEnvILL-On' Sunday the 15th inst., at Rersal Cottage, Prestwich, the wife of James Cosino Melvill, of a son. PATrrseno.-On Saturdaythe 14th inst., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. I ?? the 6th inst., at Ingleside, Old Trafford, the- wife of James France, of at son. . t JnsvE~o.r;Ofl the 9th inst ., at Willowh. the wi fe of John ?? Jameson, Of LI liig, toK RAY -On the 7th Decenite. at 2, ?? Tsrt LALawi.E-Ol thle 9th inst.. At Panowscid, Manchester, thle- wife of William Lameley, Of a eon- ?? h SOMERaVILit 0p 'he 7th inst., at The Grove0, Waughtew, th TJL wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :tSirth, latrriageo, arlt 'a 30mgTMjC BIRTHS. &WoBTH.-On June 27, at The Thorns, Didsbury; thes wife of ' Johu L?. Haworth, of a daughter. JAcmoo.-Oa the 2ist ult., at Ardwick, the wife of lied.. .- Jiickson, of a eon. Firxn-On the 23rd ult., the wife of C. Y. Pike, Davyhulmei, nesrStretford, of a daughter. ' Ss:Aw.-On the 25th ult., at Rose Bank, Half Edge.Lane, r Eccles, the *rite of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3Swt~jm ?? anb 0catb. . ?? BIRTH:S. ( CoLIxen.-Jaruary 7th, the wife of Mr. George Collier £ Savile Crescent, Halifax, of a daughter. the 12th instat,38 BrunsWick-5tarttChorltoo. n.-Medlock, the wife of ?? -adanghtr. 2 H4asr.-COf the 10th b 'n it at & b, The Badkga;doi4ii 1l the wie of M ir. ine t daughter; ?? o J a HO ?? the. 11th inst., at Heethlefld, Bdtorn mouththe wife of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... R ; 3i3irt:1 f1arriageoi, and 33eatbm BIRTH. Ba aOXe. -Ol the 10th inst., at Wardle Road, Sale, the wife of Henry Brooke, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. BRovaX-GkRAISAM.-On the 11th of July, at St. Andrew's, 1oluori, Liudou, Edwin Brough, of Southfield Holuse, near Prl , to Helen, younger daiughter of the late John G.rahaml, of ERoyal Hath, Saudown. Dr. ALaRacox-*McRaiAT.-On the 8th iust., at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bittho, Marriages, and Deaths are charged at thefollowing ' ; ' ~~ratea:s Two Lano, or 18 WoRDs, Is. 8d. Aud 6d. for every additional nine words.: AXXot1sRXZrs ?? 'oRa IX T'rats COLUNIE WILL Ail rRlTiD I ?? lidesxcsexa Ex raass AuD TirES' ITROUT IXTRA CEARG.,E. BIRTHS. AsgnTTO.-On'the 20th'inat., at Crescent Lodg,' 1Egerton Road, Fallowdeld, the wife of George ?? Ashton, of a daughter.., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Uzft, D fties, Dnd Deaths awe Wrged at tbo followvgm rates-- TWO Lts, or 18 WOR, Is.6d. G Ana 6d. for every additional nile words. ANCrUTS PAID FOR 1- THIS COLVVi WILT BE Rsi- PELTED IN THE MAIAN(ESTFU ELILNIP, AND Tsxcs WITrOOT 12MA, CHASM. BIRTHS. Baimzis.-December 30, at Holm Acre, DunhamMasssey, the wife of Charles Behrens, of al daughter. DAvrrs.CoLEy.-On the 24th ult., the Trife of B. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE EAMPBROR. EARLY YEARS. The late Emperor, Friedt ioh Wilhelm Ludwig, was i born on the 22nd of March, 1797. He was the second son of Frederick William, at that time Crown Prince of Prussia, and subsequently King with the title of Frederick William III. His mother was Louisa, Hereditary Duchess of oeeklenburg-Strelitz, and daughter of Dpke Charles, a Field Marshal in the Hanoverian army ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ribr,, 01ariages, znb ngatbr, .BIRTHS. . ?? the }4th inst., at Leek, the wife of Arthur Nicholson, J.P., of a sOn. Ssztzxe.-~GOn the la~tb inst.,. at 3, St. Mary's ROad, Crcn: sall, the wife of Hiermafm Stelling, of a son. WE3ST.-O the20th Inst.,at ldham, thewi ofT. :. West, of a daughter. ?? , ' MARRIAGES. 5 ALDAY-JA',s.-O1 the 21st inst., at the Church of the Redeemer, Edgbaston. by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 4 BI c ?? the 25th inst., at 19, Kersal View, Pendle. ton, the wife of W. E. Beckett, of a son. 4 Coweoi.-25th July, at 'lhe Wood, Antigna, West Indies, P the wife of William Henry Cowie, of a S n. - ?? the 25th August, at Peel Cottage, Oldham, 4 the wife of Samuel Jackson, surgeon, of a son. P ?? the 24th inst., at Peraolyffe, Vidsbury, the 4 wife of John Spencer, of a daughter. 4 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? D- - THE LATE MR. ALDERMAN CRAVEN. g 'We rmget to announce-the death, which took place sastnrdaymorning, at his ?? Range, ' il. Alderman James Craven, an old and highly- eteemel member of the Manchester City Council. Emidan Craven had been in a comparatively weak neo!f health during the greater part of the present !a, hat it was only during the past few weeks that 3r'odition vras regarded ...