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Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. CROOKE, Auctioneer and Valuator, brega to stato tatnt hle ontlonnis to maleo llioera cash rrrvi;OicoA on ?? nid Leasohold litorosts in 1,11ldsA ari4d tlOu4e0, Intoroetu in Crocory, *Vine, mid Hpin it I1tat ?? ts, anid on all kiidas of Morciandiso or Chattol Piroperty that nmay ble transferred or con- Higriea to lim for bonria 111 SIo eithor by P ublic Aui- tion or Privato Treaty. Ho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. GAIETY YTLYTHEATRE, G MR.1 D'OVtY CARTE'S CHILDREN'S PINAFORE COMPANY (From tbe Opera Comique, London), THI S kV ENINt (Thursthday) Octobor Wtlb (at 8), TIhe laughable Farce, M1Y WIFE'S OUT. As ler wvinch (at 8.485) Oilberb and SuIllvan'g Enovinonsly Siuceessful Nautical Opera, H M S PINAPORE. All the Characters sustalned by CHILDREN. SATURDAY NEXT, DAY PERlFOfRtIANCE, At 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiSCELLANEOUS pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. pOWEtLALBAMB of ANISVED. EXTRAORDINARY1CURE of a CQUGH.- 'The followinx letter ?? besn addressed to Mr Powoll, from Win Boar-is. Eq- Nightingale Had, Xdwonior, Dw r Sir-I have recon ly siiffered much fneea a rnost yolont cough, proceeding from a tickling i4 ltY a. ch3t, which no roluely, o,ur of many resorted to, coult lay yhead wes constantly aching ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUTCTIONS. SALE THIS DAY. BURKE'S GREAT RO0MS. 'Io the Nobility, Gentry, Lovers of the line Art, Hotel Proprietors, Anid the Public Gonerally. IMPORTANT SALE Of an unrisually Attractive Collection of High Class MODEIRN OIL PAINTINGS Bly well-known Artists, all Elegantly Frarmed. lrHN BURI{E Wast ?? ;nlitruotions ?? ?? of the Vienuni Art A ssocintlon TO SELL BY AUCTION, At his Great Rooms, 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N Memorliam Cards at Eatons; Only sultableoPat. I teres kept in stock. 0u0 varieties, English and French 1lttoras to select from. 'The largost assortment tp se- ltctfromris atEaton's. Urgent orctersprinted at sho test notico. Eaton's Photo-Mortuary Cards a'spechility.. P'aitterns post free on application. 1s and S Eapon, Sta- tionors, _&c, 49 Dineo street, Dublin. t O11TUARY Cards; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t N Mornriam Cards At EnttOd' Only iultible Pat. ternis keps in stock. 2uO varleties, Engilihsnd French patterns to select from. The largest atwortidont to Oe' lect from Is at lEatons. Urgent orders printed at shortest totice. atontes Phote-hMortnary Cards a speciality. Patterns post free on applicatIon. anmi S Enton, Sta- tloner.i, &e, 40 Dsteno sreet, Dnblin. S 5OKTUFARlY CardMi; A he ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANO1U A T- . yp earb Ost~blbbod), Wk to iara tt the teoesssltyof ulkrtw a st inpio.te Pb to the uslbrit7 and wllknown ?? oi iw8 9acles sad various OpUcal lastrumont,7 made by self-styled opticans or omptla* opticalscioenco to asume liii nae, VI ilia to crotherwise, tnd Tvend tomnoon, tnfegor to,) c1 his 1 smanufectune Such ingeniou~i abrk SS Il crlculatod to misload, It is requisito to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APP OIK'MBETS VAUANT. 'PAssistant; wanted a god bollaset, Yorug F G B ~ o udertans is usiesswel at SpiritF Cone;must bewell recommended. Address 2020, Pall ?? KO ER tsssnt; wanted ?? ~.1 at tsr doig business imarespsctable ?? the IF country pply by lettor. giving ul11 particulars. Ad. otli dress 247, Freeman Office. V_,ROCERl'S Assistant; wanted an humble, Indistrious oung Man baying is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMRNT?rA CANT. $2, Wevklyb nnd Upwaml. mnay be ?? nnd honeostly ?? by Persons of either sex, without hindrance tv present occupation. For partticulars, &o, encloso to 8(,drOssed~ enveol5to Evans, Watts, and Conm. PWY~r9\1, torohants, Brmingharn.pS1170 BUSliNESS CARD. -A & Lomass, Hattor, 2 Capol street; fmmens r9,11 ',0a ~of ?? lapa and Hate, Childreo's Fancy e E41tt1-Wssb the now Stormi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLiANEQUS. M RIS.A.S. ALLEN'S WORLDMS HAIR RESTORER. /lItS. S. A. ALLEY'S WOIILD'S :1-AIR RE STORE R ls tho oest, bocause It lb mado front coitlce mete- riots, and proictrod with the utmost enro &ud skill; limomi ovor 0 yoms ?? tvoetrito preparation, on- toyiig by fur tho lairgist satle, it must bo tho beat; ec:'ute it djes iiot *yo the lit;r, but strongthens it. Oray iots b cll not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBpLIC NOTICES. GAI, ETY T H E 4 T IB E. , M188 E1,12EN'I'FltlTRY, Troin tiao Lycoamr 'ilaeatro, Tonslo)], accomplnicalhy Mr CHALĀ£,1ES 10~.'lAx, And thc~r ipeclal 13 ried cOIOpVIIY. TIIIS EVIONINT(4 (iVedeimmliay), October 13th (At 1), will Ito prwevnrell :ilhiatppearO i 7114LUOlHANT 0f1' VENICE. Portia . ?? rdic9 Elon Terry (Au playod l y he0 r 2':55 ?? timee at the LYifn eineatrO, Len? on). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - PUBLIC NOTICES. s A I E T Y T 11 1EA TR E ll.a~ ai.ixNlit, of MISS MAIMEX TEItiY, From tho Lycemi iTliotro, London, accompanied by. Mr CllAIELES ~i(IL.Y 0 And their *pecially selected comnpaust THIS EVENINt (Monlday), uctobor ?? at B, M NEW MIEN AND OLD AlIM.4,A I.'llan Vavasoor ?? ?? .. 5iijs Elm 'rerry. ti S~aueI Bi0onVI .. . .. . . . c Chlra ICelly. to layeo(l by thenm d0.0 timei at the ...