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Advertisements & Notices

... Stcasa Cacre i_ * tablO Pat 'fterscsQ f StonapptU kaSxI& OD, zrrac, sr flamne treet flibuL rALItI; *FuneralRequisof every descriptfon 1 ppied. 1 and 0 Iseazale street, PaiPl) Advertisements of Specific Artides, Anf- 1 ?? aC, tar sale or vanted; Lodgings vacant or =O; ADt .intmentS vacan or wanted; 2'uitions, Lost, 1 ii. :, unatmonial, and other occasiocal annoance- s ,I 4..c likce, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jPOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. T pOW LL'S BALSAM of ANISEED.BT pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. FORGUo S pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. ?? ?? rkWELL;S BALSAM of ANISEED.~ ASTHMA. TIZ .- THOMAS A. SHERIDAN, of Elpbin, Ire. AlL land, ?? and nights; was a stranger to rest and sleep, racked and almosi killed with a hard cough I tried all kinds of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRINTER GWAIMENTS. AP1EliS, OVERCOATS, JACKETS, Lf t J'1,1 W RFROWF COAT42S q.le6,ed at ?an- neiitall?/ IoS Prices, in arder t) have all Sold when )priny i ale beunt. FRANCIS CURLEY, 73 AND 63, HIGH STREET. 73 MR. HiO O E, ARTIST, tS NOW ON HIS ANNUAL VISIT to BELFAST, and engsaged in finish- ing a large number of recently-painted Local Portraits, which will be ON VIEW at his ROOMS, 41, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLDo EN VISTA, Antrim Road; first-class Dwell-; splendid situation.-W. M'Cor- Inick, 21, Chichester Street. 2647 rno LEST, YARD and STO1RE at 19, Great V George's Street, with Office in front; inm- mcdiate ?? at No. 21. 2763 rlWpO LEIT, 45,X ATLAN'1IC AVENUE, in ex- ceollent order, containing three sitting and foor bed rooms, batb, &c.; rent moderate. 2711 ISRT-CLASS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. r 0 LET, 3Z,A AlE RER STREET WEST'. TlSoven apartments; £3 free of taxes.- Apply to Jameos Jenkios, 5 Donegall St. 3700 rO LET 4, ASHLLLY AVENUE; seven *9 apartments; £,S free of ?? to lnmes Jenkiis, r.5, Donegall Strect. 3701 rl- LET, 16, LAWR NCE TERRACE; two recclption-rooii-sifourbedrooms, close range, bathroom, &c.; free to 1st M3ay-Jamus Jenkins, G;5, Donogall Strcet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR, SOLD. EIN VISTA, Antrim Road; first-class Dwell- LBing-house; splendid situation.-W. M'Cor- wZiick, 21, Chichest~er Street. 2647 1JRT-L A SS HOUS_ E. , Uterville Avenue Mevery convenience for a respeetatble family rent reduced; good gardens front apd rear.-Mr. WVharton, Bridge Street. 2531 REWNO OD, Belmont I'ark. - TO BE GLET or SOLD, easy payments, a Wilm- medicos Dwelling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I JIll h' tl/c pleast7ne of intimating that I 7hazc seeiurd a veri good range l Dq iagonael Coat- iings, ahich 1 cani ./ker at the veri viederae price oJ Z0/- per Suit, miade to orde(r in sanmc style as, ligher priced ,Sits ; odges bound; colour guaran- leed. Clerical Frock Su its, of same viaterial, 75/- FRANCIS CURLEY, CLOTHIER AND OUTFITTER, 73 AND 63, HIGH STREET. 73 TO THE PUBLIC. I F YOU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ SHIPPING. THE cUN .3.5D LINL 303: E (3.YORK33Tor :L33AY.3333033TU? Cyoecv WXD3333.3)3 .3, I1 tderio ed T. f '1% -Nw York fold bofton. TIeto lawi3 (I II J~ )Ia Ua,[ Stunu3333c3: are Ill.3 Uaded03 to ail froul3 3.13. ERPWI'0 . via 0301003 3W33, 113333,re.3 for 13o, 3033 '.3333333 310y Ap'ril 13 (Gal1ia. fot NOW oik buturdaytv, April 333 ?? ?? 5V3dueosty.A.4Pt Q ( A3.gohia for No Yo, -rk . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 3DURNISIHED HOUSE TO LET; beautifully situated; two reception, six bed rooms, bath (hot ?? cold); two gardens.-Addreis, Autrim Road, 6247, _Netcs-Leaer. riO BE, LET, the superior DWELLING- JI. HOUSE, No. I19, Fountainville Terrace; beautiful situation; ront ?? to 'Gco. MtAuliffe, Calender Street. 5B39 Tro BE LET, the comfortable DWEVLLING- l HOUSE, No. 2q, Flcetwood Street; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. LBE ET, a Suite of OFFICES, excecd- T ingly well fitted up; situation desirable.- Apply4Box. 105, Post Office. 176l4 TO. 12, UNIVE RSITY SQUARE ; in excel- 1 lent ?? to John Groenhill, 85, Eigh Street. 17835 1AANSDOWNE TERRACE, Botanic Avenue. _1A -Splondid new 1OUS13, nicely painted nnd papered; threo reception, six bed rooms, hot aud cdbatbhs, lavatory, &o.-Apply at No. 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C LE'ICAL SC'IT TO ORD)JI3/, 01' PINE 1 1,0sted Coati 1, 5.s net. Sla dent's Gown tadl Cap, f21S ntet. ul-rnin n Sait of W orsted Coating, with bound edges, ,V. FRANCIS CURLEY, 73 AND G3, HIGH STREET. 73 4 Y INFORMATION l'ESPECTING THE i MNelereabouts of JAMES O'BRIEN, Plas- terer, of Bruff, Count) Limerick, will be grate- fully received by his sister, MARY O'BRIEN, of .Uilmallock. 411l TlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? ltysMAIL tik~t:. DELFA AND ENGLAND From BEmLFASi, to MILAlitw rie! Plier) EV-I~iY EWE'lN tl_ (SG e-sy ?? at 7-45. Pomy BVI51OMW Gihel PierI at 6-25 pmm., oil a.rrive)l of Athe 'Jhrunghi T1raias ius al Darts o1 Eagland, or it, Soon thorol(3tor asl tilde permlits. A NEW T11)Xrltu-;s smr~'rcn' 01' T11AINR in conco- tioll with thejse steamer,; is now rlizniming Its Oituttr:- Timres TmeFaes 0 ...