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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? ltysMAIL tik~t:. DELFA AND ENGLAND From BEmLFASi, to MILAlitw rie! Plier) EV-I~iY EWE'lN tl_ (SG e-sy ?? at 7-45. Pomy BVI51OMW Gihel PierI at 6-25 pmm., oil a.rrive)l of Athe 'Jhrunghi T1raias ius al Darts o1 Eagland, or it, Soon thorol(3tor asl tilde permlits. A NEW T11)Xrltu-;s smr~'rcn' 01' T11AINR in conco- tioll with thejse steamer,; is now rlizniming Its Oituttr:- Timres TmeFaes 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Prrijo SOTICES. A A ET T H E A T R E. G THE CASTE COMPAINTY, 'Under the Management of Messrs T. XW. R'0bertson and R. Bruce. THIS EVENING (Friday), J.une 3rd (at 8), For this niglt only, first time on any Stage of n CROSS PURPOSES, . New end Original Coenedietta, by A rnold F'Graeas. 4 l. ?? ?? ?? ?? Misss Corna Stuart After which (Last Night hut One of) LP Sinecessful Farcical Comedy, 4 TilE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET ORP SOLD. 1'EVE1IAL ]'UILTING SIrTES TO LET 1 onl NE TO\XIlDS 1:O)D uand lBYS),N STREET. 1)61 Apply to Mr. D VTSON, x er.Ljerttr7 OffiLC. B 1tROOK ClRESCENT, Unicorsity Street.- ' Superior llouSe!; tlrec receptionl, ise be-(l rooms hot and cold ?? inewly decorated; lent, £40.-A. aloore, 2, Brook Cresceut. 10011 REE till Aup su:st, S,-f fEACONPFSLDTEIS- F l'ACE, University Struet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N7OTICE TO AJ)V'VLTEYS A rtct' nt i ho ?? 7)1470 uka!') 'A tioaf Ntmiers Tlddnw rd bo-ui ,v.u P t :,uo pie,'biilin. Actdr ve I ,l t 10 'S'qt'ltf', ta heir IttII 11n7 I'l-opeC Y. ?? I 00 te o .77 ' 'o nyci',.? C,'77'I rnT,ni.7i'. at a etioc fl can to na.irsaiaA to Inili' ?? h ~c -Nmna' siD ttt liovotoi':rii. A s:,iis.Jora,' 'it ixidv mi 0>11'rx,0, itui cy f qimeo Sl N 't t~trlt,7.:L7' at 70 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1O1R;NING 01. 01F1CE SlIT' OFBLACK R01 13I. 7J? O],SPJtD C- TIA-G iqeCS 71e bSd, CO Ciii' SOIvar ited, ?? tlu ider i* best style, 6is 3d. FIEANCIS CURLEY, ,3 AND GS, HIGH STREET 73 THE BAZAAR. W'0o0o), B3R1OS., VgREG TO ANNOTJNCE THAT THEY AuE now offering their FRENCH AND ENGLISH PATTERNS, COSTUMI; , DOIDIA'NS. jACKIlTS!, BOXNET ?? EATS, &c., At a Very Great Re.Mluction ini Price, 'In order ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS A nzcr\T order of the Post Office states ?? orFicti. tious NamCs trilZ be senlt to the Dead- letter Office, Dubliu. Advectisersshould, conrequently, give their full and proper names wheon thev ?? to reccivc coin- mnnicatiens at a Post Office. Letters can be addrcssed to InitiLls, at the Nrws- LExrTz'r Office, as heretofore. LODGINGS. P FARTMENTS. -One or two Gentleene J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mob NI. G0' OR'171'FCE SUIT O P~r LI. (t1. *It E 1) JoV SED C0A.T'ING' cci: ed c,:: ml. o'ad: 7c 'cc1ed, made to WrCh in best si lc, 6, s 6d. FIZANUIS CURLEY, Tl AND (C3, HIGH STRElET_ .73 MANTLE DEIPARTlME NT. SU-IME.RO1 SEASON. r Y PECENT PU[JxCHIkNSrS IN \'iL this lco;partircexct corubijle all thu leadin Shlapcs aud NewV claturials. Specialitlis in I iqitcs, DulRacs, and -I Hlubdadls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUJCTIONFS. LSALE TO-MORROW (Friday), DAWSON STREO T and DAWSON LANE, City of Dublin. Hichly important to Wine and Spirit Dealers, * Proprietors of Restaurants, Cafes, and Others. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD INTEREST 1Dnsw e'istablilhed ad isrdhtl respectable RESTAURANT, With very extensive and lucrative connection attached. The front Premises, knnown as NN 13 DAWSON STREET, Are f itte c up in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -. - , . ' * -r ?? i ?? * : . ?? A cj aa.o:u.s fafgan~.St: - : c ! iu bI Me :a.. *i i t e -, ;. ?? - -: .e.. ?? z t - ret. tI'_ i e- *z..rC2 i4 +: - - : . . , c' >z23ez 1:s, ; aa.o' :L :. ?? .. : ?? 3t - ' :. ?? ?? -. - :. 'uv~4 L ?? t ?? cb_. : . t- ve ?? t l .:j ?? ?? t id ; ra ce- * ?? Mietz fl.?aiec - - ?? *i -tart. i ;IT;- - . ~ - -2o = e1 1 ~ir; , re' f ~ ?? S 2:S:R : . ?? *. ?? r. * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X-iAACES, REGATTAS, &a ,,RS33Tb'INiiAStSMAU34 STR XT.DUBLIN. (EW BINOCUAAR, OPItA RACE, and FIELD ?? of an adaptation of Mr E. SOLO- Ler securing a complete absence ef learfS 5ftiof. irri'sUon, and fatigue to sight so cir the ehaasdriltiC of ComMOn glASses. It the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S$L4 To.3omow (Prfday STONZYBATTER. ,. Etblaed and Extensive Rebfl Licensed Concerns. Mow i t to Grocexa, Teo, Wine, and spirit Dealer$,. Id Vauable lasehld Interest to Family Grocey, WiRe5 and Suint 1tablilaieat, in full r ~; pis~eet doing a large a124 huctawo bust- , ith mot desirable town and country connec- I -be b&4* and front shbop weatted up Wi the 9edalflh nes ofdrawers nd tean, f y wr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I; NMemorlaam Cards at Eaton ; Qnly saitable Pat teris kepc ini stoe . tl ?? m, Engiisi and FrenCh Matters to select trou. lbe ?? assortmeut to se- lcu f rom~ ii iat Eaton's. ?? o. orae 5rs or;nt-esd at shortest notice. naton's Phosto.' 0r:ry C IS, a speciality. Path erns post tree on anpihcatu::. 3I ani S Eaton, Sta- tia-i, &c, 4t) Dame siree,. Dublin'm 'NJ 0111 AsAY ?? ; the grsatedt va ...