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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO 33E LET OR SOLD. ?1HLORrNE, Botanic Road.-TO LIi?T, 1st ?J May next, No. 3, CHLORINE, one of those pleasantly situated Double Houses.-Apply at No. 4. 022 OUSES and SHOPS in Greshain Street II (New Street from North Street to Smith- held); rent, £30 and upwards.-J. Robb & Co., Castle Place. 487 rro LET, large Ground Floor STORE; rent, ? £25.-Apply, Biscuit Factory, Donegall Etreet. 707 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .NOTICB TO ADYERTISERS A ?? order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Ficti. *ioue Names ?? sentto the Deas'!- 1ett7#er ~le, Dublin. Advertiserasbould, consequently, give their full and proper names wheni they desire to receive com- munications at a, Post Office. Letters can be addressed to Initials, at the Nsws- LT~m Office,as heretofore. LOST. T OST, a GLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVEllRTISEBRS A ]ECE!NT order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Ficti- Ytious Names will be sent to tie Dead- letter Office, Dublin. Advortisersshould, consequently, give their Mull and proper ,Names when they desire to receive com. munications at a Post Office. Letters can be addressed to Initials, at the Nzws. LETTEE Officeas heretofore. LOST. OST, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CUNARD LINE. ' FREIGHTS VElIY MODERATE. R OYAL MAIL STEAlE1 S FROM LIVERPOOL, for NEAV YORK every SATUIIDAY, and BOSTON v, every WEDNESDAY, as undernoted. *11 ,ills of Ladiro signcd in, Belfastat 2'Fuosgh Xates for New York antd Bosto. . V Tbe following or other Boval Mail Steamers are in. a teiaded to Sail fyom. LIVE;RPOOL, via Qucenstown:- 51 Atlas,, for Boston ,. W'ednesday, Mar. °0J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW GOODS, ,epECr.IL SHOW 01 'HIE 3.XOST STYLISH .t)Siitings, Vestings, &0c., (Ll1 quite slei. No $1 7ob lots or okld atterns. All jresh ftoio the ,aakers. FRANCIS CURLEY, Clot),ier, 4w~., ,3 and? G.,, Higuh Street. 7022 PASRIONS FOR JUNTE AT THE LADIES' EMPORIUM, fl JACKETS, VISITES, MANTILLAS, AND DOLMANIS. N THESE GOODS LADIES WILL find a Choice Assortment, comprising all the HIGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST. between Bedeque House and Carlisle D uCircus, on 3rd August, a FOX TERRIER D3ITCH (Pup), answering to the name of Nelly; one side of head, both ears, and tail marked light brown; remainder white, and tail not cut.- Finder on returning same to Bedeque House will Jbe rewarded. 13103 LODGINGS. A GEN'TLlEMAN can have well - furnished AAPARTMfENTS; suburban villa, Lisburn Itoad; large garden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Apply at the Paris and London Eouse. York 6treet. 13i2n,6 MTANTZD, Youna Persons who can xsfash well } ff early riser- one Vf]lO wishcs instruction il; ?? prefcrred, Protestant.-ADPlY AIrs. Glass, I;ings Street. 13147 5NTED, a nurnber of LOOlE PULL3BYS } w iu prirs, in good condition, 9 and 10 inchcs liameter, 2t to 2 irlch face, lg inch borc.-> pply to Bos No. 88, Post Of DCC, Bclfast, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tradc, intwhioll he-esuld b^Rlce, orassistin taking tl e ?? oversightt-AKddress, oare of Wm. hIartin, G:lDO., Dublin. 1SS2 aEIQ)R'1'1IANXI;).-WitNTED, immcH!iateiv, a e ?? Young hIar, vvho oan vwrite Shorthalid from dioXtion, ab rlot less ehen l09 nordsa ?? correctly., and write IJon,,1r;s1¢d:nextly snd expeds8;iously, oue aeous-> tomed to ?? business-pre£ensed. hptlnts mtlsb-spply in own 11a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- - . TO BE LET OR SOLD.. 50. 19, LOMBARD STIREETTO BE LET 1 with immediate possib n; ?? ahop or office. -Apply at 29i-Hfi Street. 853 -5 DOSC STREES ;tf bed 15J rooms, coalbouse, and washhousoe;'rent ?? at 31,yiotoriaeStreet/' 8422 'UURNISHED HOUS3 TO LETon'Antrim XL Road, containing three sitting and six bed rooms, for six or twelve ?? given at New's-Letter. 6267 T No7.- I38, -ALBERT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET 0L SOLD. BE LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POS- SESSION, the HOUSE and SHOP, 360, NEWTOWNARDS ROAD; both house and PBhop are in thorough repair, having been re- hcently painted and papered. All Taxes paid for hthe year 1882. PRent moderate, Apply to Mr. DAVISON, NewsLettet Offloe. 6343 hO BE LET, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I GIVEN, the oommodious HOUSE. situate at corner of CHICHESTElt STREET and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. ?? prLFAST STEAMEDIP COIOPANY LIMITED, ALLY ?? T1o L1VEULOOL. - VOLTAIC LAWNiCWIU BlLECTR1C1 TELE. ~ uLL~A~'1' t or after tbe following hlours- OC7U13tI~'.at l~3,itIt; *4,tt 14; 0I Ii, and i,at 7; a 14, at Ill; 16, at 9l; 17, road ?? 5;II, will01 ~ 3 at 7; 2-1 and 23, at 01; *i~t. t 1l O, at1; d, at 11. £~~j~d IJVFAPOOL Clareuce Dock). ocrOBA.-1--. .0; st 3Ilk 4, a~t 4; 5, at 5j; 0, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ULSTER ARCADE. LLAcr FRENCH MERINOES O .11.1 UTUJIN Stock of BLACK J 1WENCII MAfERILVOES, and yeneral Mlourning Textures have just arived, aiul, ha ving been contracted for during the Sumner dIonths, wthen wool icas at it., lowest, are being sold consiiderably ?noder present value, iswludinzq UE Ti1INOESCA Clii1 E1.LS,.YUNYS CLOTH STRAS BUiG CLOTH, EST4.1IAIAE, ECAIRBORO' and DEB '0N7SHIRE ...