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Advertisements & Notices

... - A IN _F T - wG For 2%m - -: - At. UN 1E.'~n ?? emietc : , ,a in \flz ,. .4 J; .. . . Mg -OO mrBmu=d~ oft ?? ibsd with song,TheSkes' TO0MQDW (FridseM od aft h is To Toole o ?? -- w ,PAUL PRV, s. - Or, Wh. Killed & Travestle 04 ?? Fa - -dor 'And THIb TEP- - Sa I d T 1iNCL3E - hUG Prlce as usual, 6d tos Box Ofie acleo' Monihy'iiextfor 95h Nfgt 0*), GA^ IJET YT' RA-gSt T J z G hdMONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC- (7 TAI. ,TY THAT RE. gagement (for Ulimitednumber of nights) of The World.RenownedF CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY. Frs tVENING (Wed esdaya April 2p , at 8, THI- BOEMITA9 GIRL, Thaddeus, Mr Barton MbGycki Count Arnheim, Mr be~es Cott Florestine Mr Wilfred FEmond; Devils., of rSaIle; GiPqy'Quieen, Miss Josephine Vorke; Badn. onrs Burgess; Arline, Miss Clama Perry. b Conductor ?? ?? Mr E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B* JSLVESS CARDS 7, 5TO.KY Lent, £5 upwards. to respectable bouseholders on i ,L!f'thei. Own security 'a low interest; -ey repayments to I ?? it i'orroawee; iforuastion free. Apply 3 Hawkias street. il 7VONEY liberally advaned on the deposit of diamond, Alvi1pla-e, Wsehe-, jewellser. and every description af vaiu- abie proper y, bynJar, es o uennigha. Paew broker, 10 and i L0 , jibardt .:roet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. j o WbOI and El Grocem, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Sindlf Others. PR t YNOTIOC OF SALE. }3UBSWBER baa been favoured withnstruc- , .; FOR SALE, On niy to be d within afew days, and of which due announceraent will be given. entire Irterest in the valuable and well- Wtaged full licensed wine md spirit store and public- hbuoe, with the entire premises Weonging thereto. sltude No 15 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL Funeral ?? at Wallet's, Deszille street N ?? tton'so~llysuitale ptterns leap Irstl. he lrget ssistint~tto slec frnt is at E.tss Urgesurdea prnted tsiisttet notce. I.s's Photo-Moe- S Isis1 E~ton.Stor~esere.&e. 3 I ton attest Dublin IV BLAUIPULSeletionof lt Ma~rsess Cds : the most- riese star sitttse lto o sriet tam; lattcrio Ocv~t treeI as po~ritat o Los an Sns. rai ea .sd St~aisearo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TifiS DAY (Saturday), Ibth inst. SALl, OF Full-cotnuass Cottage Pianoforte. Au exceedlirtly lieht-ruwaaing Fly Outside Car, birch colour; an excellent. sacr of brass-mounted Narness,. Pl`ato-2alass Wardrobts, Sitlegward,. andl Cabinet', Generad it imobold Furniture, fl-t-u Linen, Cutter3 ?? Gt~!(lass. Jlpwanls ?? &LiC1 ptry Carpets, I Ph1 itI ?? ?? N'.I ?? A 'Ml- LV 0-s 'II 's1'¼ ~ ~ 1th ust ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. tJSEMENT D rMs-huMrION 0 E-XTva-Ni TEEN ITASS AU-ST DUBLIN -AGC PHANTA&MAAGORA 55TD DISSOLVINtS 'IfW LASTERNS, of f? E. SOLOMONS' improved certruction, with powerful Lenses. ?? .a well. ?? and lake Disc, isuroasied for brilliancy, used 1 with facillty. Supenior Skid%, consiaing of Frolics, t 4otizcallties% Moying Figtre o, ScerlcY ini Ireland and all of the world, ?? Tal-s, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICE GA IE TY. T H E A T R E G ?? D'OYLY ARTS E' OPERA .OOOXPANY. TMS lVR~qfNG (Wednesdy), sept19 (at8), TrheOperetta MATIHMONY!' After which, Gilbert and Sullivan's AieUHlc Opm, PATIENCE. As played (after more than 570 Perforniances) wlti enormous. success at the Savoy Theatre, London. FUll Chorus and Atigmented Band. Conductor-. ?? ?? ?? P W Haltol. DAY 1 8TU#.DAY NEXT, PER OIRANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ` ~AUCTIONS,8 M AUCTION.P. AND VALUATOR to-bs testate that be coutinues to make liberal cash Ad aacs on Freehold sad Leasebold Interests in Lads X and HcstS, interests in Grocery, Wine, and Spirit w Ethablisrllants, and on all kinds of Merchandise or Chattel .lrpertl that may be trnaaferred or consigned to hint for bosse fide sale, either by Public Auction or pnirte Treaty. -2 .bAot TO-.MORROW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THIS DAY Mlonday). To Cab and C5ar Proprietors, Coachmakers, and Others. SHEYR1FI'S SALE. Robowinetz a jro BE SOLD BY v. -. T AUCTION, Maher. At Lalsuette's Horse Repository, PRINCE'S STRUEET, 3 Where they now stand at livery, On THIS, DAY (Monday), the i3l-t lay of Deeember, *y. order of her Mlajesty's W\rit of F4. Fa,, in this cause to Me directed. A 'The defendant's goods and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __PIUR¶JQNOTICES. GA IE Y T M E A TR PR I ?? Xugexaeut ir D'Ov flyr A LRd OPE4A COwPANY, MtrSTPg MTONWDAY, March 264t, :intrtinmes Dablin of o ? Gi!brt anad Sralhyaaa N. vrFairyppera, $ or. TREt PtiPP. AND THE PETI, 2N wa bein ?? with Ynbounded saues atlzi Save;^ Theatre, Lonadon. (cunuplee C,'hIus .^.d A7gmeted Pand Nesw srestry, CsC9stsmes and AppoiortMoy. DatneyS ffrn eed a iV-r.JlAuba.T Pr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS.- TBuikldraS, House Ownerns, and others-TO BE 0Z1.11) B1Y AEXMION, on TUIS DAY (Fr~dayy,, 2if~h), at 10 PIStiEPV' LANE. off George's hill, a Aag ,iegity of PciRltdnt IIaterIAs, cbns~iwting of delsqfroinM `2to is Neet; s-coral hisn,it-et of joists,. flooring boards, n~%er- .r an.M eesea. sioefltlingd; about 1510 ?? of, 1bt6,,ting. nitifjd of bricsi.;s, down Pipes, gatter5, ?O& ...